Mr. Jiu

Chapter 300 Who Gets the Strange Stone

Seeing this situation, all the strong men in the hall also took their seats one after another.

Murong Xue signaled Lin Yang to follow her, and the two walked to a table near the front and sat down.

"Welcome everyone to come to the dinner party, I ask the fairy city to flourish!"

After everyone was seated, Fairy Miao said, her voice was ethereal and sweet, spreading throughout the hall.

"I have invited everyone to today's dinner, mainly because I want to apologize to those cultivators from various sects who died when Wenxian Land came!"

"I protect one side of the people, they came to my city, but I failed to protect them, this is my dereliction of duty!"

Fairy Miao mourned, she sprinkled half of the jade wine in the jade pot on the hall, and drank half of it directly!


The jade pot was savagely thrown to the ground and was broken into pieces.

Everyone in the hall expressed grief and drank the wine in their cups. Some of their ancient clans had indeed died strong men, so everything was showing their true feelings, but some of them just came today and couldn't feel this kind of emotion. It's sad, and I didn't see the scene of the old Bat Emperor's rampage when the Heavenly Land descended.

But for all the sects whose people fell, Wenxian City sent people to bring compensation. This matter involved too many sects, Wenxiancheng suffered huge losses, and even some ancient clans even sent people to make an apology.

But Fairy Miao couldn't blame Fairy Miao for this matter, after all, it was an old monster from Xiangu who was born, a creature of a former emperor, so it's normal that Fairy Miao couldn't suppress it.

After all, Fairy Miao is a powerhouse in the Overlord Realm, and she is high above them. In fact, there is no need to be so polite to them. If you don't mention this matter, no one will mention that you are unhappy. It is already very responsible to be able to do this step.

However, some ancient tribes came here, not for the arrival of the immortal land and the revival of the old monster, but for the incident of thunder calamity related to the strange stone.

The root of the first half-step hegemony powerhouse on the scene has been found out by them. It is Lei Dong of the Thunder Clan. They have sent a large number of masters to lay a net around the main places of the Thunder Clan.

Once it is found out that everything was done by Lei Dong, the several clans will join forces to see the Lei clan destroyed.

Because if everything is really done by him, then he is provoking the clans. The Lei clan has already declined, and there is nothing to be afraid of. The end of provoking the clans is destruction.

"Leidong has been caught by us. Under the torture to extract a confession, he never admitted that he himself attacked many strong men during the thunder robbery. He said that he vaguely saw a figure before the thunder robbery disappeared!"

Said the powerhouses of those clans.

"Can I ask Fairy Miao to perform a soul search on him, to explore the real memory in his mind!"

Someone asked, and really wanted to find out what the situation was like at that time. This was related to the strange stone. The power of the strange stone is unimaginable. If it is obtained, it would not be better to directly refine the living beings without waiting for the creatures to hatch!

Fairy Miao didn't say a word, listening to them, everyone felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere, they suddenly became worried, and gradually became quiet, Fairy Miao seemed to be unable to hear their noise, but she had something to say.

Fairy Miao has spoken!

"I have been in Wenxian City for many years. The strange stone under the ancient tree already existed when I first took charge of Wenxian City. It can be said that it is the old man of Wenxian Land."

"At that time, I went to see it every hundred years. I was very familiar with its breath. Even if I looked at it from a distance through the shelter of ancient trees, I could feel the fluctuations from it. It was alive. , has a soul, has its own consciousness and ideas."

"About its disappearance, I am also very disappointed, but it is a kind of loss of losing a friend."

"But a few days ago, I discovered the aura of that strange stone on a young man, and this strange stone has chosen a person!"

When Lin Yang heard this, his heart trembled. It seems that he did not hide the matter of getting the strange stone from Fairy Miao. The boy she mentioned was definitely himself. Could it be that this secret is going to be made public today!

Lin Yang clenched his fists for a moment, a little flustered, if someone wants him to die here!He will die without a doubt, he has not yet the strength to fight against the half-step overlord realm powerhouse.

"Fairy Miao! Who is that boy? The person behind him is probably the real culprit who killed the elders of our clan!"

An ancient strong man couldn't help asking.

"I can't tell you this! But I can be sure that the young man did not have the strength to sneak up on your clan elders. If Lei Dong's words about Lei Jie were true and they did not take action, then their death should be caused by Mrs. Lei Jie." The reason for its strength is not because someone made a move!"

Fairy Miao didn't reveal Lin Yang's true identity, but changed the topic and told everyone clearly that if Leidong hadn't made a move, then no one would have made a move!

Lin Yang's beating heart almost came out of his throat, and he was slowly relieved when he heard that Fairy Miao didn't tell him.

Fairy Miao didn't say anything, and everyone couldn't help it. She must have her own reasons for doing things in the Overlord Realm. It is impossible for them to ask questions.

Lin Yang was puzzled, what was the purpose of this move?Could it be that he was blackmailing himself intentionally or unintentionally?Let yourself know that there are already secrets in the hands of others?

If the news that the strange stone is in his hands is leaked out, I am afraid that he will be hunted down by many forces to ask for the strange stone.

"Then we can only search for Leidong's soul!"

A strong man said.

Lei Dong was escorted to the hall, with disheveled hair and many scars on his body, it seemed that he had been severely tortured.

"Let me go! Or let me die! This matter really has nothing to do with me, I just went to check!"

Lei Dong roared, the torture he suffered, even the will of the half-step hegemony realm, was somewhat broken, and he didn't want to go through it again!He even wanted to say that the strange stone was in his own hands, and he did everything by himself, so please stop torturing him!

But he couldn't say that, because it might implicate the Thunder Clan.

Beating into a trick can no longer suffer pain, but it will bring pain to his people, he can't do this.

Fairy Miao slapped out her jade palm, and a divine formula hit Lei Dong's eyebrows.

His whole body trembled, his whole body was full of divine light, and there was a sound of howling ghosts and wolves, a villain was arrested between his eyebrows, and the golden palm was holding him, and Fairy Miao directly captured his soul.

His memory was projected into the main hall. During the thunder disaster, all the things he witnessed were evolving in the hall, and everyone saw it. He did not sneak attack. It fell in the majestic thunder, and the situation in it could not be seen clearly.

"I heard that a young man from the Wood Spirit Tribe entered the Gumu's shelter. Later, some people left, and everyone present died."

A monk said.

Who would have thought that so many things would happen after leaving.

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