Mr. Jiu

Chapter 293 Make You the City Governor of the Immortal City

Lin Yang nodded embarrassingly, and didn't say anything else. If he keeps evading, it will make people feel a little disliked. After all, everything happened in the real world, and modesty should be appropriate. Excessive modesty is hypocrisy.

"Xue'er, after a while, you can accompany Lin Jiu to pick things from the treasure house."

Fairy Miao confessed, then turned around and left here. She still has a lot of things to do, so she just dropped in to see Lin Jiu.

"Oh, by the way, the No. 1 of this sect grand competition can choose one of the single female cultivators in the major sects as his Taoist partner. I wonder if Mr. Lin Jiu has any favorite candidates? "

Fairy Miao asked before leaving.


Lin Yang faltered, he thought of Gu Jiu, he thought of the crested hairpin in his arms, but he didn't know if Gu Jiu was willing, their relationship was still very vague, as if they were wrapped in fine gauze, they couldn't see clearly .

Besides, he is carrying a lot of things on his body now, even if Gu Jiu is willing to be with him, he is not willing, because that is too dangerous, Lin Yang knows that many people want the things on their bodies, their own lives, Hong Huang said The revenge of Zong Miemen has not been avenged, and it is too late to think about these things.

"Hehehe, don't be nervous, I'm just asking casually."

Fairy Miao said, and left.

Only Lin Yang and Murong Xue were left, and Murong Xue's ears were also a little red, and what Fairy Zai Miao said just now seemed to mean something.

"Miss Murong, let's go!"

Lin Yang said.

"Well, Mr. Lin, come with me."

Murong Xue said.

It has to be said that this city lord's mansion is indeed magnificent. Although the appearance is built up of huge rocks, its internal structure is resplendent and magnificent.

Asking about the simplicity of the people in Xiancheng, he did not expect that the city lord's mansion would be so luxurious, which surprised Lin Yang, which did not match the temperament of this Miao fairy.

But Lin Yang didn't think about anything, he just wanted to quickly get the rewards, and then go back to Lan Fengzong. He didn't know if Wu You woke up from his deep sleep, and he had to go back to Qingyun Temple. He misses his elder uncle and second uncle very much, every plant and tree on Qingyun Mountain, the world is too chaotic, he wants to return to Qingyun Mountain to settle down and never come out again.

"By the way, Miss Murong, how are my senior brothers and Elder Zheng? Are they still alive? Have you heard about me?"

Lin Yang suddenly thought of this and asked.

"Mr. Lin, don't worry. Your brothers and elders of the Lanfeng Sect are still alive, and they all know what happened to you in the City Lord's Mansion. They have already gone back yesterday. This time, many people died in the Zongmen Grand Competition. The West is doomed." Unrest, they want to bring the news back to the Lanfeng Sect earlier, so they set off first, and the elder Zheng told me before leaving that it will not be too late to go back after your injuries are healed."

Murong Xue said.

"Is that all you said? Did you not say anything else?"

"What's the matter? Mr. Lin? Is there anything else that hasn't been arranged?"

Murong Xue was puzzled.

"Uh... no, it's just that I'm not used to knowing that the elder and the senior brothers have all gone back first."

Lin Yang concealed that he always felt that everything was a little weird, and it seemed that there was something wrong, but he couldn't tell the specifics. He didn't expect that the elder would leave so simply, without waiting for himself, he could leave a few people with himself Together, but Lin Yang thought about it again, and it really wasn't necessary.

Lin Yang remembered that he hadn't settled down with Wang Mang and Xiao Luoluo as agreed, and he didn't know what happened to the two of them. They were still in the inn, so they probably didn't have enough clothes on them, or they were already living on the street.

No, after picking out things in a while, I have to go to the city to find them.

The brother and sister are helpless, since they have already helped each other, they have to help to the end!

Q: The treasure house of the City Lord's Mansion in Xiancheng is in the underground of the City Lord's Mansion. At the entrance of the basement, the guards request

Lin Yang put on a turban, and they did not allow anyone who was not part of the inner core of Wenxian City to know the exact location of Wenxian City's treasure house.

Because this is a very core place, if it is known by interested people, it may bring disaster to Wenxian City.

Lin Yang thought for a while, and it was true, so he put on the scarf as he said.

"I'll take him down myself, you don't have to follow."

Murong Xue explained to the two soldiers, and then pulled a corner of Lin Yang's sleeve.

Lin Yang felt sad in his heart, it seemed that he was thinking too much about himself.

I thought I won the No.1 in this sect grand competition, my talent is obvious to all, and I should be a guest of honor, but I can't even be told how to enter the underground treasure house. It seems that in this basement, There should be other important secrets hidden, or there are really other very precious treasures in this treasure house, and he really can't let him know the way.

But already knowing the entrance of the basement, if he really has any unreasonable thoughts about the basement, then this can be regarded as a great gain.

After entering the entrance of the basement, Lin Yang followed Murong Xue's lead.

Lin Yang felt that he was going down the steps, he was counting bit by bit, not trying to remember anything, but because his eyes were blindfolded, it was dark, it was too boring.

The humidity here is very heavy, and Lin Yang's Sanqing Dao Jue is very sensitive to changes in the surrounding environment. Although he can't see it, he can feel it.

Could it be that in this basement, it is not possible to be close to the water source, that's right, the fairy city is surrounded by mountains and there are no lakes, the water source should be deep underground, obviously the basement must be very deep, so the humidity is so heavy.

"That...Ms. Murong, I will take my leave after picking up my things. I will go out to catch up today. Maybe I can go back to the sect with my elders and brothers."

Lin Yang wanted to leave, but he always felt that Fairy Miao had some intentions for him.

Lin Yang had an intuition that if the true essence of the emperor's bone had fused into his own bones, then what Fairy Miao did was the essence of the emperor's bone.

However, this guess was denied by Lin Yang, because if Fairy Miao really wanted to, she would have cut off her own hand and left arm to absorb it as early as when she was in a coma, wouldn't it be fine, why did she become so cranky.

"You want to leave? Tonight, the master set up a banquet for you and invited some people from the ancient clan and the big sect. If you leave, you will disgrace the master."

As Murong Xue walked, she generally said indifferently.

"A banquet is laid for me? What banquet?"

Lin Yang was puzzled.

"You won the first place in the Zongmen Grand Competition and defeated the entire clan. My master wants to make you the City Governor of the Immortal City! So we set up a dinner to celebrate your appointment."

Murong Xue explained.

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