Mr. Jiu

Chapter 275 Horror and Fiery

"Four directions into one, guard my soul!"

Quan Zai shouted violently, he felt a great crisis, the four divine beasts turned into four beams and flew back to the center of his eyebrows, faster than Lin Yang's attack, and the square map was in the center of his eyebrows in an instant Re-condensed, the stars shimmered.

The power of the stars built up rules in the square formation, and Dao patterns bloomed and intertwined into a dense net.

"Break it for me!"

Lin Yang shouted loudly, the golden divine pattern surged again, the divine flame ignited, and changed again in an instant, the golden divine pattern organized into nine golden crows, bombarding the square formation.

The profound meaning of the Eighty-Nine Sword Formation was hidden in it, and the divine flame burned all the laws and dao rhymes on the square formation, and the net was broken from root to root, and more than half of the defense was lost immediately.

"not good!"

The cultivators around were terrified, this blow might kill Quan Yixing!

The sound of breaking came from the square formation, the four divine beasts were howling, the formation was shattered, the golden divine pattern was submerged in the center of Quan Xuexing's eyebrows, and some abnormal phenomena around him disappeared in an instant, time seemed to be at this moment The second froze, Lin Yang maintained the posture of drawing the sword, and all masters maintained the posture of parrying.

In the next second, an incomparably dazzling divine light shone again on the center of Quan Zuixing's brows, and an incomparably stalwart figure was projected from it, and the stars in the surrounding space changed, as if following the appearance of this figure, a piece of universe descended!

This is an old man, he glared angrily, his aura was extremely terrifying, all the cultivators watching the battle off the field trembled slightly from the coercion.

Even the array ring set up by Master Shanshui collapsed in an instant, everything was really too abrupt!

"It was you who injured Xinger!"

The old man questioned, word by word, like a heavy hammer hitting Lin Yang's soul, making him feel shaky.

Lin Yang couldn't help but want to bow down, the aura of this old man was too terrifying, stronger than all the strong men he had seen before.

Lin Yang seemed to see the stars falling from the sky, the void was burning, surrounded by endless dust and ash.

"Don't go too far!"

On the high platform, the city lord of Wenxian City snorted coldly.

There was even a tinge of anger in the cold figure, her body was filled with an unrivaled aura, and she resisted the old man's coercion, and everyone felt their bodies lighten and felt relieved.

"Fairy Miao, he almost killed my great-grandson, I want to teach him a lesson!"

This old man phantom said, it seems that it is the restriction and life-saving method left by the supreme powerhouse of the whole clan in Quan Zaixing.

"The Zongmen Grand Competition is fair and just. Life and death are fateful. Your great-grandson refused to admit defeat, so the battle has come to this point!"

Ask Fairy Miao, the lord of Xiancheng, said coldly.

"You want to protect him? Ask Xiancheng to turn against my whole clan? Because of an unknown boy?"

The old man of the whole family questioned.

"I am in charge of Xiancheng, and it is not your turn to point fingers. I ask Xiancheng to have no grievances or enmities with your entire clan, but I have no friendship! Don't go too far, Quanba!"

Fairy Miao warned.

"Good! Good! My great-grandson was seriously injured by his blow, and even the life-saving restraint I left was touched. You didn't stop such a critical situation. You are also at fault at this time! This matter must be given My whole family will give an account!"

Quan Ba ​​put away the arrogance he had just had, and began to speak the truth.

Everyone was watching this scene, and many of them were a little excited. Before, they only heard that the city lord of Wenxian City was a real overlord. Now it seems that it is true. You know, the real overlord of this world There are no more than a dozen people who are strong in the realm, and there may be some in the dark, but even if they are all added, they are very few, and will not exceed 30 people.

Usually the king does not see the king, but today two of them suddenly appeared. Although one of them is just a clone of the soul, it can be regarded as a big scene.

"Fairy Miao is really an overlord realm powerhouse!"

they sighed.

"The talent of all-hands-on is really rare in ten thousand years. Even the most powerful members of the whole clan have left restrictions in his spirit. It seems that he is very valued by him. Maybe he will become the next generation of the patriarch of the whole clan in the future! "

Some cultivators speculated.

"What kind of explanation do you want?"

Fairy Miao asked in a cold voice, this Quanba is just a clone of the soul, the real body is not here, she is not afraid, and the powerhouses of the overlord realm will not easily make a move, because it is too terrifying, even if they are fighting above the nine heavens, Battle fluctuations may also come to the world, destroying tens of thousands of creatures.

"I am attached to my great-grandson, and I will only use his strength to strike at the young man. No matter what the result is, I will leave!"

Quan is domineering and has a very decisive attitude. This place must be recovered, and there is no room for maneuver!This is already his biggest concession!

Fairy Miao pondered for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Quan Ba's phantom came back into the center of Quan Zaixing's eyebrows again, Quan Zaixing's figure frozen in the void moved, the golden light between his eyes faded, and his clear color returned.

The breath on his body is no longer released but restrained.

"Young man, your talent is also very good, but unfortunately you hurt the wrong person, I hope you can resist this trick!"

All the way to open the mouth.

A gigantic crack appeared in the void behind him, a space of stars slowly overflowed from the crack behind him, and hazy smoke filled the stars, and the hot and red stars revealed a terrifying temperature, as if they could shake all the stars. The days are burned.

Terrifying and blazing, dazzling and resplendent.

The Dao rhyme full of destruction came rushing like a wave, like a circle of slow ripples between the arrival of huge waves, laying the groundwork. When the real huge waves come, it will definitely destroy everything and turn this place into despair place!

Seeing this, Master Shanshui once again set up a large array of divine patterns around the two of them. He glanced at Fairy Miao worriedly, and Fairy Miao nodded, indicating that she would save the young man's life at the critical moment.

This is destined to be a terrifying and boundless collision, many stars are burning, comparable in size to the last mountain, this sky full of stars is the sky full of mountains.

The void is distorted, and how many cracks have appeared, spreading to the surroundings, and the surrounding spectators don't know how far they have retreated!This is just two cultivators of the Supreme One Realm making a move!Why do people feel that it can be compared to the battle of the supreme powerhouse.

Lin Yang's heart had already sunk to the bottom of the valley. The supreme powerhouse of the whole clan probably wanted to put himself to death. Lin Yang felt that he couldn't parry this attack at all. I dare to believe that this is a bombardment that the body of a strong person in the Supreme Realm can unleash!

The power is getting more and more terrifying, layer after layer is superimposed, as if to engulf the entire void where Lin Yang is!

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