Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 499 Xuanyuan Terrace

Mr. Huangqiao stayed outside the temple with the four envoys, and the two immortals led everyone into the mountain gate, passed through the main hall, and then went to the temple's Dharma hall, but the room was full of strange fragrances, and a woman stood in front of the Dharma seat, praying to the Buddha statue.Guan Motong stepped forward and said: "Palace Master, Jing Shaoxia, and Hall Master Gu have arrived." The woman turned around, and it was Xian Qing who was standing there dressed up, and everyone was startled.Xian Qingrang usually wears plain shirts and skirts when he walks around the rivers and lakes, but tonight he is dressed in a crimson robe, embroidered with gold and silver.

Gu Qingzhi saw that Jing Lanzhou was so dazed, she chuckled to him in a low voice: "Brother Jing will have a big day in the future, Palace Master Xian must also be dressed like this, today I will let you feast your eyes." Jing Lan Zhou Wenyan blushed, and said, "Leave all these people here, Senior Sister Gu, don't make jokes."

Xian Qingrang bowed his body and bowed to everyone and said: "All the good guests are in vain, the succulent is brilliant and brilliant. The little girl has made a mistake to welcome her, and it is not enough to beg for forgiveness." Everyone returned the gift.Xian Qingrang bowed to Duanmuxin again: "I have never visited my aunt, but today I have to pay a visit. My niece is so happy to meet her dearest relatives." When my elder sister was young, she couldn't help being moved in her heart. She helped her up and sighed: "Although my elder sister died young, if there is a daughter to inherit the mantle, the spring will be very happy. Today, you are the proprietor, so you don't have to be too formal." Qi The mother-in-law was very surprised to see that Mrs. Duanmu was the sister of the former palace master of Wuwei Sect.

Suddenly a boy servant in Tsing Yi came in and said: "Master, Luo Kun is asking to see you outside the temple." Luo Yushu was shocked when he heard this.Xian Qingrang nodded, signaling to summon him.Not long after, Luo Kun strode in from the outside, bowed to Xian Qingrang, and said, "Today's Dharma conference is a grand event, and my subordinates are late on standby, so I ask the palace master to come down." Xian Qingrang said, "Brother Luo has worked hard all the way. Even if you said earlier that you will arrive soon, why did you arrive tonight? But is it difficult to handle?" Luo Kun said: "The road was indeed delayed for a few days because of this, luckily my subordinates did not disgrace, and the things have already been obtained. Xian Qingrang smiled and said: "Excellent, brother Luo will not disappoint me."

After Luo Kun greeted everyone, he glanced at his righteous brother and righteous sister, and suddenly gave way to Xian Qing: "I have one more thing to report. A few months ago, Luo escorted Shuhai through Huguang, and met Little General Luo and Hall Master Gu by chance. Daughter, the three of us have already made obeisances because of the similarity with her. The subordinates were afraid of provoking controversy and felt uneasy. They never dared to mention this matter to the palace lord and the elders, and even begged the palace lord for forgiveness. "Luo Yushu and Gu Qingzhi couldn't help being very surprised when they saw that Luo Kun took the initiative to talk about the matter of worship.

Xian Qingrang smiled and said: "This is Brother Luo's private matter, and there is no canon in our sect that forbids making friends with others, so what is the crime? You can make friends with General Luo and Gu Nvxia, that is also a blessing of our sect." Luo Yushu Hearing that there was no blame in her tone, I couldn't help feeling a little relieved.Luo Kun thanked: "The palace master is magnanimous, and Luo is extremely grateful."

As soon as Luo Kun's words fell, Mr. Huangqiao stepped into the inner road: "The chariot outside the temple is ready, please move slowly with the palace master, two elders and all the distinguished guests." Xian Qingrang said to the guests in the Thunderbolt Hall: "Our religion At Xushi, the congregation will gather for a feast at Xuanyuan Terrace on the west of the island, and prepare some thin wine and coarse food to chat and show your intentions, so don’t feel neglected.” Everyone thanked him, and went out of Chongsheng Temple together with him, and stopped for a step outside the temple gate. The seat of the chariot is in the shape of a lotus flower. After that, the canopy is supported by wooden poles, and a long light gauze curtain falls down.Jing Lanzhou swept his eyes and recognized three of the four chariot men as Zhefu, Juelu, and Shushou. Duanxi was killed by the bright moon swordsman Nie Qiuling that day, but the rest did not know.

Xian Qingrang bowed to the guests and said, "I'm sorry." Immediately he stepped onto the chariot, the two immortals of Tongbai and the wonderful envoy of the Yao tribe led the way first, and Luo Kun and Mr. Huangqiao accompanied the crowd, looking west and walking slowly, saying The swaying bamboo sea and the breeze piercing through the forest make people feel fascinated.They walked through a small lake again, but felt that the terrain was getting higher and higher, so the team went up the slope and climbed a small peak.Not long after arriving at the top of the peak, I saw a high platform on it, the terrain was very wide, the platform was already brightly lit, and there were more than a hundred wooden tables filled, many martial arts people sat around the table, at least there were nearly a thousand .Facing Dongting Lake in the west of the high platform, there is another big rock standing tall, which is still more than ten feet higher than Xuanyuan Terrace. The stone surface is seven or eight feet square, very flat and smooth. There are several wooden tables on the stone platform, one The case is covered with banners and banners, and on the left and right hanging banners are written the four characters "Wanfa vacuum" and "No birth and no action", which must be the position of the palace master.

As soon as the congregation on the Xuanyuan Terrace saw the walking chariot coming, they stood up and saluted one after another: "See the Palace Master." These hundreds of people are all masters of martial arts, and they are all full of internal energy. To the cloud table.Xian Qing asked in the chariot and said slowly: "Everyone has come from a long way, so please sit down." Before the people walked to the stone platform at the west end, Luo Kun counted them to the Thunderbolt Hall and said, "On the stone platform is the palace. The lord, the elders, and the miraculous envoys are the distinguished guests of the palace lord, please take your seats there too."

Xian Qing asked his chariot to go down, accompanied by two immortals and four envoys to guide the guests up to the stone stage, but Luo Kun and Mr. Huangqiao just stayed under the stage.The envoys of You and Xuan were waiting on the stone platform, each saluting the visitors, but the three friends of Suihan were nowhere to be seen.Jing Lanzhou sees Envoy Ranxia smiling like a flower, and there is nothing unusual about it; only Luo Yushu and Gu Qingzhi recognize Envoy Baptist in the Thunder Hall, and they also look calm when they see the latter.

Xian Qing asked the first to sit under the treasure cover, and then invited everyone on the stone platform to sit in, but he saw that the delicacies on the jade plate and the fine wine in the gold bottle on the table were different from the food on the table of everyone in the audience.Xian Qing filled the table with wine bottles, got up and said to the hundreds of thousands of congregants on Xuanyuan Terrace: "This sect started at the beginning of the year, and it has gone through many difficulties and obstacles to achieve today's success. It is due to the concerted efforts of everyone present. On the occasion of the New Year, I will gather with you in this scenic spot of Junshan to celebrate together. In the future, our religion will be able to fly thousands of miles, and I still need to rely on the strength of everyone; I will use this cup to pay homage to the old mother who has no life, and protect my disciples from top to bottom. You are safe and well." Lifting the bottle, he poured the wine on the ground in front of him.The surroundings of Xuanyuan Terrace were open and open, but Xian Qing's internal energy was profound, although his voice was not very loud, it penetrated into everyone's ears clearly, and the disciples under the stage responded in unison: "Thank you, Palace Master." They also poured their wine on the floor pray.

Xian Qingrang paused for a moment, poured another cup and said, "Two years ago, the old palace master drove the crane fairy, and I was ordered in a hurry to bear this important burden. At that time, I was young and inexperienced, and I was like a blind man leading thousands of congregants. Touching the candle, there are countless absurd actions, and most of them have offended Gao Xian. This is the first time I and everyone here will meet here, and I can't apologize one by one, so I will take this second glass of wine as a substitute. In the past, if there is Where there is an offense, I hope you gentlemen will ignore others, and don’t hold grudges." He raised his bottle and drank slowly, and all the congregation in the audience also poured the wine in their cups up their necks in one gulp.

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