Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 485 Unexpected

Xian Qing made Wen Yan feel sad: "My mother suffered internal injuries from practicing Yuchan swordsmanship, and she would vomit blood even when exercising her true qi." Orange, with a few sporadic white clouds overhead.Luo Yushu, Gu Qingzhi, and Ma Junxiong also heard the sound and came to the bow of the boat. Seeing Granny Qi's rare appearance, they greeted her and saluted her.Gu Tieshan saw that the sky was bright, and she was about to order the sailors to sail, when she suddenly saw a sailboat coming from the north, the sails on the boat were bulging and the wind was blowing, and it was approaching after a while.Jing Lanzhou saw four Taoist nuns in green robes standing at the bow of the boat, and couldn't help but feel moved: "Aren't these the Four Envoys of Youbu?"

The four nuns saw Xian Qingrang's figure in the distance, all of them looked happy, when the sailboat approached a little, the four of them jumped onto the boat in the Thunderbolt Hall, bowed to Xian Qingrang in salute, they really were the mysterious envoy of Youbu.Shen Shuang envoy Jishou said: "The subordinates waited to find the palace lord's secret note on the left, and it was indeed here. The four of us came late, so I ask the palace lord to forgive me."

Xian Qingrang nodded and said: "It's not easy to come to the Su residence, you have worked hard all the way. Is Luo Kun going to Huguang now?" Luo Yushu couldn't help but feel moved when she heard her asking about brother Yi.Shen Shuang envoyed: "The four of us set off from Suzhou together with Luo Kun. Brother Luo was ordered by the palace master to go to work on the way, and he will arrive a day or two later." Xian Qingrang smiled and said: "It's wonderful." Chop the palm to the right shoulder.This was a lightning strike, no one thought that she would attack suddenly, even though the other three envoys were all beside the envoy Zhipei, seeing the palace lord making moves to his companions, they were confused and did not dare to draw their swords rashly.

Zhi Pei was terrified in his heart, he jumped back two steps without thinking, before his toes hit the ground, Xian Qing followed him like a shadow, and he had already chased her, his left palm hit the right, right palm hit the left, kicking her around All the escape routes were blocked.Jing Lanzhou saw that Xian Qingrang's tricks were extremely subtle, and secretly said: "Miss Xian has obtained the general outline of innate skills and mental methods, and her skills have really improved, but I don't know what she is doing?"

Luo Yushu who was beside him was also puzzled: "Master Xian is talking so well, why did he suddenly make a surprise attack on Zhipei?" Seeing Xian Qing's skillful palms, he knew that the other party would be difficult to resist, so he secretly said: "The envoy Zhipei helped Luo Kun that day Eldest brother was cleared of the crime, and his heart is very kind, even elder brother Luo advised me not to make things difficult for her, could it be that I saw her seriously injured?" Just as he was about to draw his swords to save the siege, two sailors on the four sailing boats jumped up. Landed on the deck of Thunder Mart, one of them was holding two short steel forks, the other's left palm was as nimble as a water snake, and they all attacked Xian Qingrang.Xian Qing let the blue shadow flash, took two steps back, and said with a coquettish smile, "Master Dong, are you here all right?"

Jing Lanzhou and the others were shocked when they heard the words, and when they looked closely at the two boatmen, they saw that the brims of the black felt hats on their heads were extremely low, and their faces were sallow and swollen, which seemed a bit strange.The old boatman's right arm was firmly tied with a piece of bamboo with a cloth belt, obviously the fracture was not healed, just now his left hand palm technique is exquisite, it is Dong Yangao's housekeeping special skill "Five Dragon Bibo Palm"; the middle-aged boatman next to him The short fork moves are fierce, just like Zitong's five martial arts.Jing Lanzhou's heart was shocked, and he thought to himself: "Dong Yangao's arm was broken by his elder brother in Meishan that day, and these two people are probably the father and son of the Dong family. Why did they rescue Zhipei Shi?"

The old boatman laughed, and stretched out his hand to tear off the long beard pasted on his cheeks and chin. Sure enough, he vaguely looked like Dong Yangao.Dong Yangao said: "Palace Master Xian really has good eyesight, how do you know to use this method to lure me out?" Xian Qingrang said indifferently: "Although the master said that wolves are fierce and bees poisonous, he finally couldn't bear to see his daughter die, he still has some conscience."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, all eyes turned to Zhipei, and thought: "Is she Dong Yanggao's daughter?" See Zhipei's body trembling slightly, with tears rolling in his eyes, he said: "Father, so these days you and Brother has been...following me in disguise?" Dong Yangao scolded: "Stinky girl, you've been outside for so long, you don't even recognize your own father and elder brother!"

Xian Qingrang's complexion sank, and he said coldly: "Master Dong, you are the deputy village master of Xiishi village, and you have a lot of connections with our sect, so I called you 'Uncle Dong' earlier, which is justified; But you have tried to harm my father several times, but it is hard to forgive." Zhi Pei's body trembled when he heard the words, and he almost fainted.The third envoy heard that Xian Qingrang suddenly mentioned his father, and couldn't help being surprised: "The palace lord is an orphan adopted by the old palace lord, where did the father come from?"

Dong Yangao also wondered: "When have I ever harmed your father?" Xian Qingrang said slowly: "The Lord Su from Luoxinglou is my father." He thought to himself: "Lord Su? I haven't heard of such a person in the martial arts world." Dong Yanggao's face suddenly turned pale, and he murmured: "It turns out that Lord Su is your father, no wonder he worked so hard for the restoration of the palace lord that day. .”

Xian Qingrang said with a smile: "That day my father strongly invited the owner of the village to help me deal with the three friends of Suihan, but the owner of the village refused to accept at first, until my father said that I was in the Jianghu, I couldn't help myself, and advised the owner to think about the younger generation, then Your Excellency agreed When I came down, the expression was very strange. At that time, I felt strange, why could my father persuade the owner to change his mind immediately with a casual sentence? Could it be that father said that if the owner did not agree, he would have trouble with the son? Being arrogant, I will never threaten the life of the younger generation. After thinking about it, I finally figured it out, what father was talking about at the time was not about Young Master Ling."

Dong Yangao said slowly: "I don't know how the palace master became suspicious of the little girl?" Xian Qing asked: "At first, I also thought that the villa master was really tired of the disputes in the world, and he only wanted to hide in the market and be a rich man, but after you Together with Guan Motong to murder my father, and conspired with Shen Quan to seize the "Medicine Cauldron Legacy". Zhuang Zhuang Dong has such great ambitions, how can he be willing to spend his whole life planting flowers and weeds at home?" The fourth envoy heard her mention the name Tongxian , could not help secretly startled.Dong Yangao sneered and said, "There is joy in planting flowers, which is not easy for ordinary people to know."

Xian Qingrang sighed: "Even I know a thing or two about the owner's temperament, how could my mother not know? Her old man has always acted cautiously, the owner was the leader of the cottage back then, and she knew everything about the rebel army like the back of her hand Since you are not willing to be invited to join the Wuwei Sect, the old palace master is definitely not at ease allowing the owner to be free and easy, so he must find a way to restrain him, in case you ruin the important affairs of the sect."

The four emissaries heard that Xian Qingrang didn't call the old palace mistress a godmother but called "mother", although they felt a little strange, but they knew that the two were originally a foster mother and a daughter, and they had always been in the same flesh and blood, so they didn't think much about it.Dong Yangao gave a thumbs up and said: "The palace master is not only thoughtful, but also learned all the methods of the old palace master. Dong is very impressed."

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