Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 454

Jing Lanzhou wondered: "Does the elder also know Granny Qi?" Mei Qian stroked her beard and said, "Even if the old man doesn't know 'Banchangsuo', he has always heard the name 'Yulingsuo'. In this way, the girl Is it in the hands of the old lady Qi?" Jing Lanzhou didn't mention the matter of Xin Chan for a while, and said: "It's okay to be with Senior Qi, but if Senior Sister Gu falls into Mu Chuan's hands, it will be very bad."

Insert an app: Mimi Reading, an app that perfectly reproduces the old version of the Book Chasing Artifact and can change the source.

Mei Qian pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "Master Gu is known as a chivalrous man, and he has the grace to save his life. It is reasonable for the old man to help him find his daughter." I can't wait to be grateful!" Mei Qian waved his hand and said, "Don't be in a hurry to thank the young man. The martial arts surnamed Mu is superior to Mei's. I'm afraid this matter will not be easy to succeed. Let's take a step and see. The old man will introduce the young man first. One person." Immediately led him down the hillside to the south, and after walking a short distance to a small lake, he saw an old man in a green robe sitting on the grass in the west of the lake, admiring an album.

Mei Qian stepped forward quickly and said, "You old painter, why are you so fascinated by looking at it?" The old man turned his head and said with a smile, "Elder Mei, come and take a look at my 24 landscape albums." Jing Lanzhou Seeing the old man's face, it was the "Mr. Huangqiao" Shen Yu who met in Suzhou that day, he was surprised and happy, stepped forward to salute, "I haven't seen you for a long time, the old man is getting more and more healthy!"

Shen was also surprised when he met him, and asked: "Why is the young hero here?" After thinking about it, he laughed dumbly and said: "Next month at the Junshan Fa Conference, the young hero will be the guest of honor at the palace lord's seat. I'm really old and confused." Mei Qian wondered: "How did you two know each other?" Shen Yu said: "Jing Shaoxia is a good friend of the palace master, and he once met in Suzhou." Mei Qian was stunned when he heard this.Shen Yu hurriedly dragged Mei Lao to look at the picture album, and kept talking about the techniques of dry and wet, chapped, hooked, and ink accumulation, and Jing Lanzhou didn't understand much after hearing it.Shen Yu commented on it in detail, and praised: "This album is not only excellent in calligraphy and painting, but also wonderful in poetry. Look at these two sentences, "The past events of the Six Dynasties can be seen in the green hills, and the idle people in the world know it." It can be said that the writing is better than Zi'an and the writing Sheng Lu is straight, wonderful, wonderful!"

Mei Qian smiled and said: "You old man is becoming more and more shameless, how can you be so boastful?" Shen Yu said: "Old Mei, do you think I painted this album? Even if calligraphy and painting can be imitated, I can't do it." Such a poem came out. It was written by my grandnephew Qinan! My Shen clan has this son, and his literary name will last for hundreds of thousands of years." After speaking, he stroked his beard and sighed with great satisfaction.

Mei Qian laughed, and said to Jing Lanzhou: "Mr. Shen used to be a painter in the palace. He and Mei are old acquaintances. They are used to joking. Don't laugh at me." Jing Lanzhou said: "Two The old gentleman's friendship with pines and cypresses is really admirable." My heart was secretly surprised: "In this way, Mr. Huangqiao also knew about Elder Mei's life experience a long time ago."

Shen Yu sighed: "That day I heard that you, Mr. Mei, betrayed religion with two friends. I couldn't believe it. Fortunately, it was just a misunderstanding." Mei Qian said: "That's all the forgiveness of the palace lord, and I'm ashamed to say it. Don't gossip, but right now I have business to find you, old man." When he was about to tell about Gu Qingzhi's captivity, he said: "This Gu Tangzhu's daughter is Mr. Si Guo's grandniece, and Heshuo hero Weiwei. The granddaughter-in-law who has passed through the door, if we can help rescue him, he will be a favor of the three families at the same time, such a great opportunity does not come often, so Mei came to you to discuss."

Shen Yu was shocked when he heard the words, and sighed: "It's a pity that the palace master and the Taoist priest are not around, otherwise, with their abilities, this matter can be easily resolved." Jing Lanzhou said: "The old man doesn't know that the mastermind who kidnapped Senior Sister Gu is not someone else , is the master of the grandnephew of the same clan as senior." Shen Yu was terrified when he heard the words, and thought to himself that Sun Feizhi, a distant clan, had offended the Palace Master before, and now even the close relatives of the Heshuo and Siguo families dared to rob him. The Shen family of the Wu family was affected by this, and they were afraid that disasters would not follow, and the joy that had just been filled with joy suddenly disappeared.

Mei Qian said: "These people are not far from Wuchang right now, do you have any news about your nephew?" Shen Yu shook his head and said, "Although we are of the same clan, we have rarely interacted with each other. The grandson of my clan has great powers and martial arts wisdom Ji Yuan is above this old man, his master's ability is self-evident, this matter is probably very tricky."

Mei Qian said: "If this matter is easy to handle, why does Jing Shaoxia need you and me to help you with the 'Five Clouds Palm' there? The gang named Mu can do everything, so we don't need to talk to him. Benevolence, righteousness and morality are just that a gentleman has a gentleman's way, and heresy has a heresy's means." Jing Lanzhou wondered: "Could it be that Elder Mei has an idea?" Mei Qian said: "Masters like Mu Chuan and Mrs. Qi are erratic. I fear it will be difficult to find for a while; but as the young man said, Huang Xujiao led a group of men to ambush in the main road by the riverside, how could there be no movement? And Rong Mei sent someone to investigate a little bit."

Jing Lanzhou hesitated and said: "Mu Chuan wanted to ambush me and the others in Huhuangzhou last night. Fortunately, the few of us got the news in advance and rushed back to Wuchang by detour. The other party didn't see anyone coming, so they might still be guarding there." Mei Qian said: "Even so, Zou Laosan's underlings won't be able to fly to the sky for a while. Let's start from here, maybe there will be news of Mrs. Qi and Mrs. Gu's daughter." Jing Lanzhou thought to herself With Mu Chuan coming to exchange secret books, as long as Mu Chuan, Zou Meng and others are still kept in the dark, Gu Qingzhi will probably be safe for a while, and his mind will not fall into Mu Chuan's hands; But after checking the facts, he immediately said: "What Elder Mei said is true."

Mei Qian thought about it for a while, and said: "There are many masters among the other party, ordinary spies will be seen through if they go, and Boss Ge must go to this matter." Shen Yu frowned and said: "Huang Xujiao is a gangster. The methods are extremely vicious, Ge Zongqi's two moves are worse than none, but don't lose your life." Mei Qian said: "You tell him to bring more men, even though the enemy's martial arts are high, they will not easily kill officers and soldiers." Shen Yu said: "The old man will go with him. I don't know where to deliver the informant later?" Mei Qian said, "Let's send it to the martyrdom. The old man has the guts to bother Hu Chen with a glass of good wine."

Shen Yu nodded and said: "This matter is on Shen Mou, the old man will come back when he goes." Jing Lanzhou thanked him, "If the old man has to work hard for this, the junior is very uneasy." Shen Yu smiled and said: "Brother Luo Kun Zeng Yan said that the young hero tried his best to intercede for the old man in front of the palace lord that day, it is rare for the young hero to be so righteous, the old man should serve his life." He turned around and left.

The two of Mei Jing walked all the way back to the Thunderbolt Hall. Luo Yingyuan and the others were very pleasantly surprised to see them, and they all thanked them deeply for their kindness in rescuing the siege on the Xunyang River.Jing Lanzhou told everyone about Mei Qian's intentions, and Gu Tieshan said in surprise: "The elders have helped me a lot in this matter, and that is my daughter's blessing." "The 'Three Friends of the Suihan' have long been in different places, and the old man is just in case, so why should the hall master be polite?"

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