Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 409 Mysterious Art

Song Yun lamented Zhang Yuqing's death for a long time, and said: "Who is this Venerable Qinglian Zhu Chieftain? I have never heard of this name before, and the Tang Palace Master even kept me in the dark. How can the lord let him be the master of the palace because he worshiped the Japanese slave as his teacher? I will go to the lord to find out." Luo Yingyuan stopped him and said, "Master, wait a minute. This matter is confusing and complicated. I think we should be cautious in my humble opinion. Let's do things. Besides, Master Nian'a's martial arts are outstanding, the Taoist leader should not take risks."

Song Yun was silent for a moment, then sighed: "That's right, killing the head of Diancang with three moves, this man's martial arts are much better than the poor Taoist. Don't be afraid of a few people laughing at me. Although the old Taoist is in the Taoist sect, he has been obsessed with martial arts since he was a child." Although I was fortunate enough to be enlightened by the old man, I am no longer as competitive as before, and I have never been able to get rid of this indulging heart, and I still practice hard day and night." Luo Yingyuan laughed. : "People in the martial arts world of my generation know the taste by eating the marrow. I only feel that all the pleasures in the world are nothing more than practicing martial arts. That is very normal."

Songyun said: "The qualifications of the poor are blunt, but relying on the foundation laid by the uncle and the second uncle to practice hard, the cultivation of internal strength alone may have a small success. If you say that in the realm of martial arts, you can master it and learn new things from the old. The difference between the two uncles is really too far, if the second uncle is still alive today, his martial arts will be ten times better than mine; since he has so much respect for Master Nian'a, after thinking about it, I am afraid that only Mr. Si Guo and Gu Daxia can do it. match it."

Luo Yingyuan laughed and said: "It is said that there are mountains beyond the mountains. I foolishly think that it doesn't matter whether the martial arts are high or low. As long as the master is not doing evil in the Jianghu, then there will be no harm. But if he seems to kill the head of Yan This kind of massacre of martial arts comrades, or secretly helping the palace to take advantage of the situation, is not the luck of the martial arts, but it is inevitable to take care of it." Songyun said: "The Japanese pirates invaded my coastal provinces, and the people have suffered from them for many years. , this monk is probably not a good person."

Jing Lanzhou hesitated for a moment, and asked: "A few months ago, the 'Lotus Sword' Nie Qiuhuai was found buried in a dry well in Nanchang. The Diancang Sect blamed this murder on Longhu Mountain. Did the Taoist know?" Song Yun Nodding his head, he said: "That day I rushed back from Huguang to Jiangxi at the request of Palace Master Xian. Apart from helping the young hero break the siege of the beggar gang, it was for this purpose. However, none of the disciples of the Shangqing Palace knew that the poor Taoist is still in the world. I Originally, I only planned to help you secretly, but unexpectedly, I was put under house arrest by the prince when I arrived in Nanchang, and I am very anxious these days. Do you have any news from Longhushan?"

Jing Lanzhou said: "Zhengyijiao is safe and sound, and the misunderstanding with Diancang has been resolved, the Taoist leader can rest assured; but the case of Nie Qiuhuai's bizarre death, I'm afraid it is probably the work of the palace." When Yu Shizhao was about to make Xuan Huang Sancai palm, he said.Songyun said in shock: "It turns out that the lotus swordsman disappeared without a trace in the rivers and lakes, and hid in the palace. I knew that Fan Yu's martial arts originated from this school, but I never fought against them I don't think Mr. Yu even mastered the Xuanhuang three talent palms. In other words, in today's world, apart from the bald donkey who secretly learned a few forms of Xiantian palms, only Yu Lao is studying the innate skills of his school; Fan Lao is full of martial arts. It's close to the Hunyuan internal force, I will never be wrong." After a pause, he sighed: "The poor Taoist suddenly had a whim, it would be great if Mr. Yu could give you two pointers on this innate mentality, it's a pity This is even more difficult. Back then, my uncle created the Xiantian and Hunyuan martial arts, both of which can be said to be the supreme Taoist martial arts. Among them, the Hunyuan Kungfu is more rigid and fierce, and the Xiantian Kungfu is both rigid and soft. If two people with similar martial arts foundations and endowments practice these two martial arts separately, the first 20 years must be the superior Hunyuan Gong. , the more you practice, the faster you will progress. After 20 years, you will be able to come from behind and win a little bit. My two uncles have profound Taoism, and they both devoted themselves to the practice of innate mentality. I chose Hunyuan Kungfu to practice it. As a woman, Gongzhu Xian is not in line with Hunyuan Kungfu. Although Jing Shaoxia is suitable for both, he has a free and easy temperament, just like my two uncles. Your Excellency, master. Kung fu originated from Kongtong, and is also close to Taoist martial arts. If it can be supplemented with the help of Xiantian Xuangong, the future will be limitless. Poor Dao can draw an example, and I secretly think that young heroes and palace masters can practice Xiantian Gong together. Use it to the best of your abilities.”

Xian Qing asked strangely: "As the Taoist priest said, the Zhengyi faction did not know that Yu Shizhao had learned the essence of innate skills in private, but since Qishan and Xibi are two real immortals, the innate infinite skills are not lost in your faction?" Songyun said: "In the palace of Shangqing, there are formulas of Xiantian and Hunyuan. Only the head teacher knows where they are placed, and it can't be said to be lost. It's just that the child died young. I, Sun Yuanji, was still young and passed away from the old way. , there is indeed no one in the Shangqing Palace who can master the two magical skills. These three pages of the general outline of the mind are supplemented by the second uncle when he was traveling abroad. Unexpectedly, it was only then that he made a decisive decision and wanted to transfer his thoughts to Luo Daxia, but was swallowed up by Jiansheng; if he meets this thief again next time, the old master will not let him off so easily."

Luo Yingyuan nodded, and said: "Luo has something to ask, if what he said is abrupt, the master is not to blame. According to the opinion of the Taoist priest, is it true or false that respected junior brother returned to Wuwei Palace this time?" Song Yun frowned. "The two juniors of mine are not dishonest and capricious people. Back then, the two of them made a big mistake just because of their arrogance and arrogance. Since they swore to their fate in front of the palace lord today, what if Wouldn't it make my fellow Jiang Hu laugh at my own words? How can I have the face to gain a foothold in martial arts in the future?"

Xian Qingrang said with a smile: "I hope it's true as the Taoist priest said, and the three friends will never have another heart. It's a pity that the other two best friends of the Taoist priest have suffered a big loss at the hands of Mu Chuan, and they are all recuperating in the Liaojiazhuang in Yiyang at the moment." Song Yun sighed. : "The two Immortals Tongbai have roamed the rivers and lakes for decades, and they have always had few opponents, but they are both in Mu Chuan's hands. The martial arts contained in "Qianlong Xinchan" are really not trivial."

Xian Qingrang hesitated for a while, and said: "Next month at the Zhongyuan Fa Conference, Chief Zhu will definitely go to Junshan Island to compete for the position of palace master, and ask the Taoist priest to help the little girl." Songyun said: "Naturally, the two poor daoists My flesh and blood and close relatives died because of that Nian Awo monk, even if the palace master keeps quiet, I will go to meet the master and apprentice for a while."

Jing Lanzhou worried in his heart, and said: "Master Nian'er's martial arts are superb, I hope that if the chieftain gets help from the two elders, Fan Yu, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to deal with." Xian Qingrang said indifferently: "As long as the two hall masters Gu Lei are willing to help, Even if the old monk Nian'a is a golden immortal, he will be broken to pieces. But I have one other thing to worry about, since the last time I went back to Wuchang Wanshou Temple, Big Brother Tang has never disappeared, and I don't know where he is right now."

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