Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 401 The situation changes suddenly

Seeing this, Min Yuan's face changed drastically, and he shouted sharply: "What are you doing here? Let it go again!" All the subordinates woke up like a dream, and started filling gunpowder one after another.The Shenhuo blunderbuss produced by Thunder Martial Hall are extremely powerful, a bullet fired more than ten feet away is enough to pierce leather armor, but every time a lead bullet is fired, it needs to be reloaded, so there is a long time interval between two bullets.The off-field master came back to his senses, how could the opponent shoot another round?They each got up and attacked a group of gunners, and in the blink of an eye they were in front of each other. Every time they made a move, they all grabbed the gunners and threw them into the river. It was like chopping melons and vegetables, and only heard the wailing sounds. Dozens of gunners were either dead or injured. , all fell to the ground.

Seeing the sudden change in the situation, Min Yuan felt terrified, and as soon as he folded his fan, he turned around and left.Mei Qian sneered and said, "Where is the altar master going!" Chasing the wind and lightning, he had already rushed to Min Yuan in a moment, turned around and struck the opponent's chest with a palm.Min Yuan raised his arm, Mei Qian turned his palm into a finger, and tapped the Shenque acupoint on his abdomen.Min Yuan reacted very quickly, he folded the fan across his belly to block it, it turned out that the fan bones were made of iron, blocking Mei Qian's finger.Suddenly he heard the sound of the wind behind him, and someone attacked with his palm again, the internal force was extremely strong.Knowing that it was Zhu Lao who made the move, Min Yuan sighed in his heart: "Min's life is over."

At the moment of life and death, suddenly a person rushed out from the side, took the back palm for Min Yuan, only heard a slap, Li Zhuliang took two steps away, his face was full of astonishment.Immediately afterwards a blue shadow flashed past, and another person attacked Mei Qian several times, Mei Qian jumped back and shouted: "Master Xian!"

Seeing Xian Qingrang's sudden appearance, the elders of Songzhu, Sanying and others couldn't help but change their expressions drastically.The person blocking Zhu Lao grabbed Min Yuan's arm and leaped to the side to protect him.When Gu Tieshan saw this person in the dark, she was very happy and said to Lei Choutian, "Since the 'Five Clouds Palm' has arrived, the scene will be fine, my brother and I will be safe."

Elder Zhu just exchanged palms with Luo Yingyuan, but he felt that his internal strength had lost half a point. He looked him up and down, and asked, "Who are you?" Elder Li is an old man, and he has admired his name for a long time, very fortunately."

Those present were surprised to see that the person who came was the eldest son of Heshuo hero "Five Clouds Palm" Luo Yingyuan.Since Luo Zhongyuan got older, he has long ignored the affairs of the martial arts. He usually just lives at home, meets friends and travels comfortably. As before, he personally rushed to the capital to rescue Yu Qian, which is quite rare in recent years; All matters should be handled by the eldest son Luo Yingyuan on behalf of his father.Luo Yingyuan's martial arts is strong, his temper is as gentle and kind as his father's, he has a lot of friends in the world, and he has done countless righteous deeds, and his reputation in the martial arts is faintly comparable to that of his father.When everyone saw him coming here suddenly, even Sanying and Sanyou forgot about the life-and-death struggle just now, and came forward to greet him one after another. Min Yuan even thanked him for saving his life.The elders Fan and Yu are not familiar with martial arts affairs, and have never heard of the name "Five Clouds Palm", but after knowing that the other party is a "Heshuo Hero", they are very respectful.

Luo Yingyuan narrated the ceremony with everyone one by one, the words were extremely respectful and modest.When he arrived at Taoist Songyun, Luo Yingyuan said with a smile: "I have heard the name of the Taoist priest for a long time, and Luo has been acquainted with thousands of miles, and my heart is full of longing. Now I can see Zhiyan. It is really lucky for three lives." Songyun Jishou said: "Poor Daoist Back then, I was honored by the honorable old man, and I have benefited a lot from this body, and I am grateful for it every day. Today, I have to receive the honorable man, and the past is turbulent in my heart, and I am ashamed." Luo Yingting smiled and said: "You and I are in touch with each other, why bother to say these things Words. I’m not here for anything else, I just want to calm things down, and resolve the fight with several adults for my senior brother.” Song Yun said happily after hearing the words: “So I will rely on you a lot.”

Luo Yingyuan said in his heart: "For the current plan, we must send Sanying away first, so we can talk later." He cupped his hands to Ma Shun and others and said, "Luo is hiding in Zili, and I have been waiting with you for a long time. Who would want to be here today? It can be seen that it is all fate." He said to Jian Sheng: "I have heard that Master Dharma is profound, and he is from Zhending Prefecture. He is only next to Luo, so he is half of the same town." Jian Sheng quickly returned the gift and said A few polite words.When he saw Luo Yingyuan appearing for the first time, he thought that he had beaten his niece half to death, and he felt very uneasy; when he saw that the other party looked kind and did not intend to blame him, he felt a little relieved.

Luo Yingyuan said: "Luo heard that everyone was competing here, so he came here to observe and ask for benefits. Unfortunately, he came a step too late and couldn't knock the bell with the scorpion. The adults are all dignitaries, and they can still respect the corporals and make friends with martial arts. The style of being a chivalrous man is not abandoned, I admire it very much. I don’t know if you have seen the difference when discussing swords today?"

Seeing that he spoke politely, Ma Shun hesitated for a while, and said: "I can't wait for a small skill, in the eyes of everyone like Brother Luo, how can it be beneficial? Today I have three competitions between the two sides, and there is no winner or loser." Luo Yingyuan clapped his hands and smiled. Said: "Wonderful! You are all masters of martial arts. Today's karmic sports meeting is indeed a grand event in martial arts, so we should congratulate you. Since it is hard to distinguish between equals in martial arts competitions, why not fight for another fight of wine, why not let Luo be the host, and let's all go together." Wouldn't it be fun to have a good time and get drunk together?"

Ma Shunxin said: "What kind of status is Ma, how can he sit with the three friends of Suihan? It's not like you don't know, but you are pretending to be confused here. That is an order to expel us." Since Songyun arrived at the scene, he has already felt uncomfortable. Wishing he could turn his head and leave; although he saw Xian Qingrang was on the sidelines, today all the heroes had arrived, although the three friends of Suihan and Xian Qingrang had a deep enmity, but he himself, the commander of the Jinyi Guard, was the target of everyone's criticism. How dare you have the idea of ​​capturing a thief and doing meritorious deeds again?He cursed secretly in his heart: "Fan Yu and the old vain and appointed snake refused to help me, it is really hateful. Since the 'Five Clouds Palm' is here, how close is he to Jing Lanzhou, how can I let me attack Xiaonizi? That's all, today I have no choice but to go ahead." Thinking that Xian Qing asked Shicai to take the opportunity to get rid of himself and Sui Han's three friends, he gave her a vicious look, and cupped his hands at Luo Yingyuan, saying: "Brother Luo is here to call, Ma is supposed to accompany me, but I'm sorry. I still have official duties, so I can't stay longer. If I have free time in another day, I will definitely come to the door to teach." Luo Yingyuan laughed and said: "How dare you. If this is the case, I have to choose another day to have a good talk with you."

Mei Qian said slowly: "Master Ma, I have received more teachings today. Since we are still in the game, we shall meet you again in the future." If you still insist on going your own way and going against the sky, Ma fears that everyone will eventually lose their reputations, and it will be too late to regret." Mei Qian smiled and said: "My lord, don't want it. Let me scare you here, I'm afraid I don't know who will die in the future." The elder Songzhu sneered, and a murderous look flashed across his face.

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