Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 398


On that day, Fan Yu and Fan Yu under the Shengjin Pagoda caught Songyun by surprise. Zhu Quan led the latter to another courtyard outside the city, and told him about setting up another palace master, saying: "This king knows that Chang has the ability to reach the heavens and enter the earth. , Mingsheng is my personal attendant, I can't stay here to guard day and night, if I teach others to supervise, it is a waste of effort, it is better to let it go. As long as the Taoist priest promises not to leave this place, do whatever you want in this other courtyard, this king will decide Don't interfere." Songyun said: "If you go away poorly, what does the prince want to do?" Zhu Quan said with a smile: "I hope that the Taoist priest will focus on the thousand-year-old foundation of Zhengyijiao, and don't let disasters spread to future generations." The implication is Obviously, if Songyun disobeyed the order and left the other court without permission, he would have to expose his crime of feigning death to deceive the emperor to the court.

Song Yun heard the words and said: "My lord, you and I know each other well. If your lord really doesn't miss the old relationship, why are you afraid of being ashamed?" He recommended Tang Sai to King Ning at that time. Er established Wuwei Palace only because of the close friendship with both Zhu and Tang. In this way, Tang Sai'er got shelter, and Zhu Quan also got wings, which is really the best of both worlds.Since he and King Ning are old friends, he has always said nothing, and even told him frankly about feigning death, without any scruples; seeing that Zhu Quan was threatening each other with this matter, he couldn't help being angry, so he also revealed the other party's conspiracy Paganism and the matter of cultivating the dead in the shadows remind King Ning not to kill them all.Fan and Yu didn't understand the meaning of Songyun's words, they thought that he was going to fight to the death with the prince, they couldn't help being shocked, and each of them worked secretly to guard against it.

Zhu Quan smiled slightly when he heard the words, and said: "My great ancestor, Emperor Gao, expelled the barbarians and wiped out the world. At the age of 15, this king became a vassal of Daning, with 300 armor and [-] leather chariots. War, victorious and offensive, strategy and plan, should be the pillars of the country, but now I live in this remote area of ​​Yazhou, looking at the past, what do I want to do in this life? It has only been more than seventy years since my great Ming conquered the world, and the way of heavenly masters came from the Han Dynasty Daoling's ancestors have been handed down to this day, and it has been [-] years. If you look at China from ancient times to the present, how can there be a thousand-year country? Zhu is just a vassal with no morals. To be burned together is to leave a name in the annals of history, which is better than a mediocre life. The master does what he wants, and this king is in his dying years, so I will not be burdened by such common names." Every word and every sentence is light, but there is a heroic determination in the words The meaning of disdain.

Hearing the words, Songyun was silent for a while, and said in his heart: "My lord even said this, and he didn't care about anything. I am a master who has been passed down for thousands of years. After many ups and downs, I can become the authentic Taoist sect in the world and be enjoyed by future generations. Food cannot be destroyed in the hands of poor Taoists." His tone softened immediately, and he sighed: "My lord, you and I are close friends, why are you saying these things? The lord and the elders take care of themselves, now that the prince wants to get involved in the important matter of abolishing the establishment, he is afraid that he will be too hasty to convince the public; moreover, the Lord Xian has done nothing wrong since he took the throne, if he arbitrarily dismisses him, I am afraid that he will lose people's hearts."

Zhu Quan shook his head and said: "People in the church have changed their minds, so it's not a fault? The respected teachers and younger brothers are all rare talents, and they went away at the end of the world. It's sad to think about it; if this king ignores it again, the palace master of the Tang Dynasty will be very angry. My painstaking efforts will inevitably go to waste. Brother Zhang Dao, you and I have known each other for many years, how can I harm you? Just ask Brother Dao to meditate here for a few months, and don’t care about those common things in the rivers and lakes; stay until July [-]th , Zhu's meritorious deeds are complete, and I will apologize to you again." Song Yun was silent for a long time, and sighed: "Since this is the case, what else can I say? I just hope that the prince will put benevolence and righteousness as the most important thing, and don't commit more crimes. .”

The two of Fan and Yu had never heard of the name of Wuwei Palace before, and they were just confused, thinking: "Could it be that the prince's detention of the real Jiuyang is related to these Jianghu gangs?" On the second day, the four elders came to the door Important person, when the two saw that the four elders had forced the palace to hand over the boy surnamed Zhu last time, and heard the other party say such words as "the rabbit is dead and the dog is cooking" and "the bird is dead and the bow is hidden", they felt that something was wrong. However, it is still only as if the two parties had a conflict because of the matter of Master Jiuyang.Until Zhu Quan ordered the two elders to help Jin Yiwei suppress and arrest the White Lotus Sect, the two met the elders of Songzhu in the Nanchang sub-helm, after summing up the previous situation, they knew that the relationship between the prince and Wuwei Palace was really extraordinary; Secrets will be leaked out.

Zhu Quan imprisoned Songyun in another courtyard, and sent people to take care of the latter's diet and daily life day and night. He took care of him very carefully, but he was not allowed to leave for half a step.When Fan Mingsheng saw the other party suddenly appear here, he was surprised and asked an excuse, but it was out of concern that Songyun would disobey the order on impulse and cause the Zhengyi faction to be wiped out.


Songyun laughed, and said: "'The cloud leads the floating name, the bell hits the big dream and wakes up.' The old Taoist enlightened overnight, and since then he has broken through the dust and customs, and there is no need to retreat and meditate. But I am not leaving the treasure land without permission. Thank you, Brother Fan. Concern." Fan Ming said in a strange voice: "It was the prince who allowed Brother Dao to leave the customs?" Song Yun nodded, turned to Yu Shizhao and said, "Old Yu, you and I haven't competed for a long time, so you might as well take this opportunity to compete." Yu Shi Zhao said: "Brother Dao has already broken the world, why do you still want to compete with me?" Song Yun smiled and said: "Martial arts is not a common thing, so it can't be broken. It's useless to talk about it, let's just compare it. "

Yu Shi said in his heart: "Jiuyang Daoist and the prince are close friends and old friends for 40 years. If the prince really releases him, it will not be surprising. Wuweijiao is closely related to the prince, maybe it is The lord specially asked Master Jiuyang to kill Ma Shun and the others, so why should I offend the Taoist priest because of Jin Yiwei's idiots?" Immediately said: "Brother Dao, wait a moment. The day before yesterday, Mr. Fan and I were ordered by the lord to invite each other Daoist brother came to the palace, Shaoxu, and I don’t know how to be courteous, so please don’t blame Daoist brother. Yu’s martial arts originated from the dragon and tiger ancestral court, how dare he compete with Daoist brother? In this second martial arts contest, the old man admits defeat That's right." With a flick of his sleeve robe, he turned back and stepped aside.

Seeing that he gave up the battle and surrendered, Songyun couldn't help being very surprised, and sighed in his heart: "It's rare that Mr. Yu is so open-minded. The two of them are just following orders, so why should I worry about it? One more thing is worse than one less thing." Immediately laughed He said: "Mr. Yu is so humble that he let the poor Daoist win with nothing. It's really embarrassing. Anyway, the old Daoist is so kind, and I will teach you another day. Master Ma, the third competition on your side is by You make a move?"

Ma Shun's complexion changed, and he said: "Since the Taoist priest has just ended for someone else, how can we fight again in the third game?" Song Yun said: "Just now, Mr. Yu intends to give in, why did the poor Taoist make a move? My hands are itchy right now, as if If you don't fight with others, you will have nowhere to vent your strength." Ma Shun's face was very ugly, knowing that the opponent's skill is deep, Fan Yu and the two are unwilling to fight, and there is no one on their own who can match; it's just that he will give up if he doesn't , but since then he can't lift his head in front of Sui Han's three friends.

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