Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 393 Brothers Gathering

Xian Qing asked Wei Yi for a while, and said: "I have something to bother Brother Qian right now. Your Excellency has been with Japanese people for many years, so you must be able to speak Japanese language? Since Brother Ling was once a bandit at sea, he must also know this way ?" Qian Wenzhao blushed, and said: "Qian has strayed into evil ways, which really made the palace master laugh, and he will never dare to do evil again in the future."

Xian Qingrang said with a smile: "That's not what I mean. It's easy to say, but tomorrow I will ask Brother Qian to come with us and break into the palace. I will take care of the beatings and killings myself. You don't need to do anything. You just need to do it." You have to call Brother Ling loudly in the Japanese language after entering. Only you two brothers understand these words, and other people don't know what they mean when they hear it, but Brother Ling knows it immediately after hearing it. We will leave the palace as soon as we win, don't waste a moment. "Qian Wenzhao was overjoyed when he heard the words, and thanked him again and again.The three of them had lunch outside, and Xian Qing asked Qian Wenzhao to pack their luggage and stay in the inn where they were staying, and they will do things together tomorrow.

Not long after the two returned to the inn, Luo Yushu and Gu Qingzhi also came back from the outside. Luo Yushu said: "The younger brother has already checked the fact that Ma Shun and the Wang brothers will definitely compete with others in Shitouzhu tomorrow. Luo has a friend in the Liaodong military camp. Two years ago, he was transferred to Nanchangwei to work as a thousand householder, and these days he often ran errands for Ma Shun, so he learned about this matter. At that time, the palace will also send someone to help Miying, presumably it must be the elders of Fan Yu." Jing Lanzhou said happily: "It's so good. Tomorrow, we only need to wait for Fan and Yu to leave, and we can rush into the palace to save people."

Around dusk, Gu Tieshan and others also arrived in Nanchang.Luo Yushu explained the rescue strategy to the three of them, and Gu Tieshan said: "Brother Lei, tomorrow morning I will go to Shitouzhu to watch the battle with you, and there will be Luo Luo taking care of you at the other side of the palace." Please be careful, both of you." Seeing Luo Yingyuan going to the palace with him, Jing Lanzhou felt a little more confident.Everyone had dinner early, and went back to their rooms to rest, waiting for a fierce battle in the future.


The drum sounded at five o'clock the next morning, and all the people had finished their bundles and were ready to go.Gu Lei's second hall master went straight to the west of the city, and the rest of the people secretly guarded the palace.It was about maozheng time, but the gate of the palace was slowly opened, and the elders Fan and Yu strode out, followed by a red lacquered wooden sedan chair carried by four people, which seemed to be carried by King Ning.

Everyone was surprised when they saw this, and said to themselves: "Fan Yu and Yu are going to the appointment to compete, how can the prince go with them? Wouldn't it be extremely embarrassing if we meet the three friends of Suihan?" After returning home, immediately leaving Gu Qingzhi outside to watch out, Jing Lanzhou, Xian Qingrang, Qian Wenzhao, Luo Yingyuan and his son jumped into the courtyard wall of the palace.When Zhu Quan ruled Jiangxi, Zhu Di did not allow him to build another palace. He only used the old government office of the Chief Secretary as the residence of King Ning.As soon as the five people landed on the ground, the two servants in the mansion were alarmed immediately and asked, "Who dares to trespass into the palace?"

Suddenly hearing the sound of the wind from the left and right, a judge's pen and a meteor hammer attacked from both sides. The two were dressed in black and dressed as martial artists from the courtyard.Luo Yingyuan pushed lightly with both palms, the man who made the meteor hammer couldn't hold it in his hand, the hammer head flew straight out, hit the tip of the judge's pen with a "clang", his companion groaned, the tiger's mouth was dripping with blood, and the iron judge's pen fell out of his hand slide.With a flick of his right hand, Luo Yingyuan sealed the acupoints on the chests of the two at the same time, cupped his hands and said, "I offended you."

At this time, Qian Wenzhao had already called his brother loudly in the Japanese language in the mansion according to the plan, seven or eight martial artists came out of the Nanfang, and Jing Lanzhou and the others all used three moves and two moves and were defeated.One of the sword wielders, a yellow-faced man, is not weak in martial arts, he fought with Xian Qingrang for seven or eight times, and the latter pointed at the Taiyuan point on his right wrist, and the long sword fell to the ground with a clang.Seeing that he looked like the leader of all the martial artists, Xian Qing asked: "Where is Taoist Master Songyun?" The man snorted coldly and said: "What Taoist? I don't know him."

Xian Qingrang smiled, and was about to slap her down, Jing Lanzhou stopped her and said: "Miss Xian, we are here to save lives, not to kill lives." Xian Qingrang said: "Okay, let him not die for now." Searching in the inner courtyard, a person came out from the west screen door, and said in a trembling voice: "Second brother, you... why are you here?" It was Qian Wenqin, the "Tiantian Harrier".

Qian Wenzhao cheered, stepped forward and grabbed his arm and said, "Brother, I had a hard time finding you!" Qian Wenqin burst into tears, and said, "Second brother, we haven't seen each other for more than ten years! Mother Is the old man okay?" Qian Wenzhao said: "My mother is sick in bed and just wants to see you. Brother, why haven't you been home for so many years, and why haven't you sent someone a message?" Qian Wenqin Weeping: "I am disobedient and unfilial. I live here all day long, and I am really ashamed to be a son of man."

Jing Lanzhou stepped forward and cupped his hands and smiled, "Brother Qian, are you safe?" Qian Wenqin said in surprise: "Jing Shaoxia, Luo Shaoxia, you... why are you here?" Xian Qing said: "They are all here to rescue you. I'll tell you the gossip later, Master Qian, do you know where the lord is keeping Daoist Songyun?" Qian Wenqin said curiously: "The Daoist is not here. What's the girl's name?"

Qian Wenzhao said: "Brother, this Master Xian of Wuwei Palace is the same as Jing Shaoxia's savior." Qian Wenqin said in shock: "Wuwei Jiao? Second, can you argue with them? Affiliation?" Xian Qingrang said with a smile: "You have been in the palace for a long time, and you have a lot of ties with this sect." Qian Wenqin was shocked, and said, "What did you say?"

Xian Qing said: "I don't have time to go into details at this time. Where is Taoist Songyun?" Qian Wenqin said: "The Taoist has been living in the other courtyard of the palace, not in Nanchang City." Xian Qing felt very surprised, and secretly said: "Just now I clearly saw that Fan Yu and the two elders left the mansion with the prince. How could they imprison the Taoist priest in another courtyard? With the Taoist priest's martial arts, if there are no Fan Yu and the two of them personally guarding, how can King Ning be at ease?" But see Qian Wen Since Qin said so, Taoist Songyun's life is safe, so he can't help feeling a little relieved.

Jing Lanzhou said: "Brother Qian, Lingtang is seriously ill now, and he misses his son day and night. I know the prince will not let you go, but parents are the foundation of human beings. Nothing in the world is more important than this. There are thousands of rules, and it is not appropriate to forcefully hinder them. I just met my brother on the way and knew this, so I came here to invite you, lest you will regret the sorrow of Fengshu in the future, and regret it too late."

Qian Wenqin was silent for a long time, and sighed: "Young hero's words are deafening, Qian just woke up from his dream today. It's just that I have received the kindness of the palace, so I can't just leave, I have to ask the prince and grandson to resign face to face. "Xian Qing said: "If you go to the face to say goodbye, will the lord be willing to let you go?" Qian Wenqin said: "If a national official meets me, the national official will repay you. Although Wen Qin is not a national official, etiquette cannot be discarded."

Xian Qingrang sighed: "Your Excellency is a hero of the world, but he is no different from a corrupt scholar. Anyway, is the prince in the mansion at this moment?" Qian Wenqin said: "On the first day of the first lunar month today, the prince went to another courtyard early." Xian Qing asked slightly He pondered, and said: "It seems that if we don't meet the prince face to face, this matter will never be resolved. Well, I will go to another courtyard with you to meet the prince." Luo Yingyuan said: "Everyone goes together, and everything can be taken care of."

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