Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 390

Xian Qingrang pondered for a while, and said: "The altar master rode away alone today, did he come to tell me and Jing Shaoxia about this matter?" It's just a waste of time and time, planning to return to the sect in a short time, and tell the truth to the teacher and uncle. The husband's actions have a beginning and an end. Back then, the old palace master treated Min very well, and his subordinates did not dare to leave. The palace lord bid farewell."

Xian Jing and the two looked at each other in astonishment, Xian Qingrang asked: "What is the truth?" Min Yuan said: "Recently there have been many rumors in the world that Uncle Wen did not die of illness that year, but changed his name to Lou Xing Lou, and has been there for many years. She lived in seclusion in Qixia Mountain in Yingtian Mansion, and secretly acted chivalrously, hoeing the strong and helping the weak. A few days ago, the Henan Shahai Gang and Pihuzhai were wiped out. It is rumored that it was written by Uncle Wen, even the flower-picking thief Sima Chu. Captured by him. Could it be that the palace lord has never heard of it?"

Jing Lanzhou's heart was shocked, and he said to himself: "Brother Luo acted in the name of Lord Su in order to attract Mu Chuan, who knows the inside story. I, Brother Wen?" Xian Qingrang glanced at Jing Lanzhou, and said slowly: "These rumors are mostly based on wind and shadow, and it's hard to distinguish the truth from the false. Doubtful? If there is any error in it, your Excellency has revealed the whole truth today, isn’t it a mistake to honor the master’s trust?”

Min Yuan said: "Palace Master Mingjian, my subordinates didn't really believe it at first, until someone personally told me about Uncle Wen's return to the rivers and lakes, and then Min was sure that it was not a rumor." Xian Qingrang said movedly: "Who is it? ?” Min Yuan said, “It’s Elder Mei.”

Jing Lanzhou asked in surprise, "Elder Mei?" Min Yuan said, "That's right, Elder Mei received a tip from the Henan sub-rudder, saying that Uncle Wen is still alive. There is nothing false." Xian Qingrang frowned and said, "I saw it with my own eyes? How do you say that?"

Min Yuan hesitated slightly, and said: "It's a letter written by Elder Guan to Elder Mei, saying that he met Uncle Wen in Henan and fought with others. Wrong." Jing Lanzhou heard the words and thought, "Guan Motong was indeed present in the Meishan battle that day. After all, it is difficult to hide this matter, and I am afraid that it will spread widely in the near future."

Xian Qingrang snorted and said, "Mei Qian has openly betrayed religion, and Elder Guan still has correspondence with him? The friendship between the two of them is really not shallow." Min Yuan said, "That's right, apart from the 'Three Friends of Suihan', the palace lord treats Elder Guan very well." You also have to be careful. Min is here today to resign from the Palace Master. When the important event here is over, I will rush to Nanjing to find out the whereabouts of Uncle Wen, and I will stop asking about the affairs of the church; but at this time, Min is still the master Middleman, if the palace lord wants to commit a crime, I am willing to accept the punishment."

Xian Qing calmed down and said: "Guan Motong already knows all about my parents' background, I don't know if he has revealed it?" After pondering for a while, he smiled and said: "I am no longer a palace master, how can I punish the crime of the altar master? Besides, Your Excellency is a I came here under orders, and now I’m retired, and I can’t talk about defecting from the sect, I should congratulate the altar master.”

Min Yuan laughed and said: "The Palace Master is as generous as Jiang Hai, and his subordinates admire him so much. The husband has a clear distinction between grievances and grievances. Back then, the old Palace Master owed his subordinates a kindness, and Min swore to repay the favor. Before leaving this time, there is a big gift to give With the Palace Master." Xian Qingrang said with a smile: "Oh? The Altar Master is really very polite. I wonder what courtesy you have for me?"

Min Yuan coughed lightly, and said: "That day Elder Mei led Chen and Li to launch a sudden attack. The Nanchang sub-rudder was unprepared, and the Tang altar master and I were captured by mistake. The three friends conspired to make Brother Tang the master of the palace, and sent orders to all directions. Congregants, but people of this sect know that Songzhu and Songzhu are traitors in the sect, and the orders of the three friends are not very effective. They all rely on the prestige of the Tang altar leader, and the neighboring provinces have only responded. Most of the rest of the provinces are watching the fire , not attached to rebellion. Brother Tang has always been loyal to the palace master. He was previously forced by the situation to pretend to be the leader. Last month, he took advantage of the unpreparedness of the three friends and slipped away. So far, there is no sign of him. The three friends lost the banner of Tang altar master. , the situation is not as good as before, and recently he has lived in seclusion and seldom paid attention to educational affairs."

Jing Lanzhou thought in his heart: "Tang Gen joined hands with Chieftain Zhu in Wuchang that day and almost killed Elder Mei. This time, not only will he not help the three friends in the martial arts competition, but he may even help the palace to deal with the three of them. He and Chieftain Zhu will see each other. The friendship here is extraordinary, and it's hard to say where I will stand at the Zhongyuan Fa Conference, and I have to remind Miss Xian to be more careful."

Min Yuan went on to say: "It's ridiculous that the three friends have internal worries and foreign troubles, and somehow they were targeted by the court. Last month, Jin Yiwei led a group of people to attack the Nanchang sub-helm at night, and the opponent had two martial arts masters to help. The three elders lost for a while and lost. The three friends were eager to avenge their revenge, and they made an appointment with Jinyi Sanying to compete in Shitouzhu early in the morning. These days, they have been secretive, and they don't know what big plans they are planning. All the brothers in Nanchang Prefecture are Min's confidantes, as long as I give an order, all these people will be dispatched by the Palace Master." It turned out that Ning Wang Zhu Quan, as the mastermind behind the palace of Wuwei, taught only Tang Sai'er, mother and daughter Few people, including the five elders of Junjie, Venerable Qinghong, etc., knew that although the Lord of Jiuyao Altar was high and powerful back then, except for Tang Gen, no one else knew about it.

Xian Qingrang was very happy when he heard the words, and kept his face calm, he just said: "The three friends entrusted the altar master with the important affairs in the teaching, which shows that they rely on a lot, why did you come to help me instead?" Min Yuan laughed: "The three friends are just behind the scenes A villain with a sense of integrity, what is your plan? My subordinates found out the day before yesterday that the Palace Master and Martial Uncle are coming to Nanchang, and they have already made careful arrangements for a long time. Although I came to pay my respects to the Palace Master today, I would like to help the Palace Master put down the rebellion before leaving , to repay the old Palace Master for his deep kindness."

Xian Qing asked: "Master Min Tan, if this matter is successful, your generous gift will be more important than Mount Tai. It's just that you keep saying that the old Palace Master is kind to you, what is the reason?" Sneaking into the church to inquire about Uncle Wen's news has not yielded results for many years. I was anxious and unavoidable. Once I sneaked into the old palace lord's study with a mask while she was out, and wanted to search inside. to see if there are any clues to Uncle Wen; who knows that not long after I arrived, another man in black and masked walked into the room. We met each other on a narrow road, and immediately started to fight. This man is strong in martial arts, Min is not an opponent, he is about to die at the sight of the opponent, the old palace lord suddenly descended from the sky, hit my acupuncture point with just one move, and after a few moves with that person, the other party saw that the situation was not right, so he ran away, the old palace lord Did not catch up.

"Min was unable to move at that time, and stood upright in the room, waiting for the old palace lord to remove the black cloth on my face, then he had to plead guilty and lead to death. Unexpectedly, the old palace lord suddenly opened my acupuncture points and sighed:' I have made mistakes again and again, and I really have the Kongtong faction. How can I embarrass the disciples of Kongtong? Go ahead.' Hearing this, Min was stunned, dared not say a word, and even rolled and crawled back home , I felt that my clothes were soaked in cold sweat. It turned out that the old palace lord had recognized me. For the next few days, I was in a state of anxiety, for fear that the old palace lord would question me, but Tang Palace lord always treated me as usual until two years ago. The old man passed away, and she didn't mention what happened that day. Every time the subordinates think about it, they are all grateful, so this kindness must be repaid."

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