Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 383

Lin Yuetai said slowly: "You don't know, the uncle has a disciple who entered the room, and this person is Sai Hazhi, the commander of the Jinyiwei back then." Mu Chuan said "ah", and said: "Master Sai is Master Yao A disciple of Yao Guangxiao?" Xian Qing was surprised when he heard the words: "Sai Hazhi is Yao Guangxiao's apprentice? In this way, Elder Mei is also a descendant of Xin Chan."

Lin Yuetai said: "That's right, Saiha Zhipo has the true biography of his uncle, he is a master of martial arts; it's just that he lives in the imperial court, and usually hides his sharp edge, so few people know the depth of his martial arts." Hearing this, Mu Chuan couldn't help but secretly startled: "That day Gu Dongguan shot to kill Xiao Nian, fortunately Sai Hazhi was in the front team and did not accompany Xiao Nian; if he was present, I fear I will lose." He asked: "Sai Hazhi was ordered to wipe out What does Jing Nan's remnants have to do with Young Master Yao?"

Lin Yuetai sighed: "Uncle Yao is in a high position and has a strong temperament. He is actually a high-ranking scholar in the world. He only suffered a loss in this matter, which is a shame in his life. Uncle Yao is well-versed in the three religions and famous in literature, but he is not good at learning. Zhu Zhixue once wrote "Tao Yu Lu" to criticize the words of sages. In the early years, Master Yao had a dispute with Zhuo Jing on Buddhism and Confucianism. Zhuo Jing was speechless, and the latter even made insulting remarks, Master Yao has always held grudges in his heart."

Mu Chuan said: "Oh? I've heard that Young Master Yao is very wise and accurate, and he is always refuted by others?" Lin Yuetai sighed and said: "In addition, Zhuo Jing once made a public performance at the imperial court, and insisted that the King of Yan is a great man. Roughly, staying in the northern border of the town will cause future troubles. Please move the king of Yan to Nanchang, but Emperor Jianwen failed to accept it. After Taizong ascended the throne, he wanted Rao Zhuojing to live because he cherished his talents. Master Yao said: "The words of respect are sincere and useful, and Shangning Today?' Taizong always obeyed his uncle's words, and he also felt that it was true, so he ordered Zhuo Jing's three clans to be killed." Mu Chuan sneered, "Zhuo Wei respectfully and arrogantly, in order to offend Young Master Yao in a short time, and finally bring about his own destruction, You can’t blame others for that.”

Lin Yuetai pondered and said: "In order to make Jing Nan Shi famous, Emperor Taizong indeed killed many old officials of Jianwen. In the following years, there were many rumors in the court and the public, saying that there were clan descendants of the dead officials of Jianwen Dynasty who lived among the people. Now that the emperor has ascended to the Great Treasure, his destiny has returned, and he knows that the killing was too much, so he often doesn't investigate it further; why did he go to war for the Zhuo family's descendants after more than ten years, and even sent Jin Yiwei to command the Jingna people? No way Yes, this... This is probably Master Yao's meaning." Mu Chuanqi said: "Oh? Master Yao Yongle passed away shortly after the spring of 16. Before his death, the old man still had to mow the Zhuo family's grass and roots, and his methods were really ruthless."

Lin Yuetai was silent for a while, then said: "Third brother, go ahead. Brother Xiao asked you to discuss saving the blood of the Zhuo family, what happened?" Mu Chuan said: "What else can I do? When I first heard about it, I was the only one But I later learned that the Commander of the Jinyiwei came to Zhejiang in person, so I couldn't help being selfish. Sai Hazhi is a celebrity in front of the emperor. If I can take this opportunity to cure the emperor's heart disease, I will be able to rise to the top immediately. Sai'er doesn't have to hang out with those people from the White Lotus Sect all day long."

Lin Yuetai said slowly: "That's why you betrayed Xiao Nian and reported to Sai Hazhi, didn't you?" Nian, at the same time quickly sent more people to force Zhuo Gu to commit suicide before Xiao Nian could save him. Brother, I know you must blame me for not being righteous, but I am doing things for the imperial court and the emperor, so there is nothing wrong with that."

Lin Yuetai let out a "huh" and said: "You are afraid that Xiao Nian will spread this matter and cause your reputation to be ruined, so the villain will sue before Gu Daxia, and falsely accuse Brother Xiao of betraying his friends for glory, causing loyal ministers and righteous men to destroy their families and priests. Is it?" Mu Chuan was silent for a long time, and said: "If the other party didn't persecute me too much, I wouldn't have made such a plan. Later, when Xiao Nian learned the truth of the matter, he cut off my robe in a rage and severely injured me. , and almost lost his life. I know that brother Xiao is upright, and he will never tolerate me because of this matter. I am even more afraid... and even more afraid that this matter will reach Sai'er's ears, so I tricked old senior Gu into taking action. Gu Daxia is famous Sex is like fire, and Xiao Nian has always cherished words like gold, I just hope that Gu Daxia doesn't ask too many questions, as soon as he meets, he will kill him The consequences were as I expected, Xiao Nian was full of remorse and had no intention of making more defenses, Gu Dongguan didn't interrogate him even in his anger, and beat Xiao Nian to death as soon as he made a move."

Lin Yuetai was silent for a moment, and said: "Although Xiao Nian is dead, you are still worried that Gu Daxia will not let you go if he finds out the truth afterwards, so you made this plan of feigning death early in the morning. Since you decided to pretend to be dead to avoid disaster, you simply didn't do it." After two hours of non-stop, he stole the master's mind. Third child, you really have a good skill and a good method!" Mu Chuan said angrily, "Brother, if you want to blame this, you can blame Sai Hazhi for not distinguishing good from bad. I want to repay you. The imperial court did not hesitate to bear the infamy and be abandoned by fellow martial artists, but this person only believed in Xiao Nian's words and did not use them seriously. The younger brother will have no way to serve the country if he advances, and the world will lose his reputation if he retreats. Big brother, I...I really have no way."

Lin Yuetai sighed, and said: "Third brother, it's not that you don't show loyalty. You are not a human being, not even a beast." Mu Chuan said angrily, "Brother, we are fellow citizens with the same mother, and you say the same about me?" Lin Yuetai said : "You betrayed your sworn brothers for your own fame and self-interest, and after you forced Zhongliang to death, you caused a generation of heroes to hold grudges all your life. My ancestors of the Lin family knew about it, so I should feel ashamed. You are afraid that this matter will spread to the ears of your younger brothers and sisters, just because you know it. The monsters of the White Lotus Sect will also look down on you."

Mu Chuan sneered and said: "Brother, you often praise Emperor Taizong as a rare holy master. What's wrong with me to relieve the holy master's worries?" However, in order to clear up the old ministers of Jianwen, his methods were too vicious, and he was afraid that he would not be able to escape the punishment of future generations. Not to mention the Emperor Taizong, even the Taizu of this dynasty, after the world was settled, he would think that the killing was too much. Uncle Yao is an unborn master. But you also go into slander and kill loyal ministers like Zhuo Jing. Third child, you are not a three-year-old child, can't you tell good from bad, why use this as a cover-up?"

Mu Chuan snorted, and said coldly: "It's a done deal now, if elder brother looks down on me, he can treat me as a brother." Lin Yuetai said: "I knew at the time that you deceived Gu Daxia, if you didn't care about your safety, you would Why keep the secret from Jing Shaoxia and the others? I'm afraid this matter will not be concealed in the end, if it gets out, how can Mr. Siguo spare you?" Mu Chuan laughed loudly and said: "I killed his eldest disciple Wen Kui, even without Xiao Nian, Gu Dongguan would not let me go."

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