Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 380 Old

Shen Quan thought to himself: "Sooner or later, Palace Master Xian will turn against me for killing her father, why should I help her succeed?" Then he thought again: "Lin Yuetai is useless now, this old man yells at me every time he sees me. He is the master's brother, neither should he be killed nor let go. Instead of keeping it in the way, it is better to take this opportunity to deal with Monk Deyu. Master Xian and the three friends of Suihan are fighting for the position of leader, and Jing Lanzhou will not stand idly by. When you both lose in the fight, I can sit back and reap the benefits." Hesitating for a moment, he said: "Okay! The palace master is so righteous, why am I not willing? Shen then handed over Mr. Lin to the palace master. If it is pushed to Monk Deyu, my master will not spare him. Please come with me, Palace Master!"

The two hurried northward, and soon came to Youguo Temple in the northeast corner of Kaifeng.Xian Qing asked curiously: "Could it be that the high officials locked Lin Yuetai in the Youguo Temple?" Shen Quan laughed and said: "In this kind of Buddhist temple, if you have money, you are the master, and you can't do anything! Doctor Lin is currently in the Youguo Temple Pagoda The top of the pagoda." Xian Qing, the leader of the Jing, stepped into the pagoda.

Nayouguo Temple Pagoda is also a scenic spot in Kaifeng. The tower is more than ten feet high, with a total of thirteen floors.The two of them went up to the No.11 floor, and faintly heard voices coming from the top of the tower. Shen Quan was startled, and secretly said: "Could it be that the master ordered Deyu to guard here?" The voice sighed: "Almost 30 years have passed, and you are already old." It was Lin Yuetai who spoke.

I only heard another person on the tower say: "That's right, my younger brother is old, but my elder brother is still very energetic." Seeing that Mu Chuan was on the top of the tower, Shen Quan couldn't help but turn pale with shock, and secretly said: "If Master finds that Palace Master Xian is there Now, we have to get rid of the daytime affairs." Just as he was about to turn his head and flee down the tower, seeing that Xian Qingrang had no intention of leaving, his heart suddenly moved: "The two of his brothers may talk about the posthumous work, and they are not in a hurry to leave. " Then he stopped and listened carefully.

But after hearing no one speak at the top of the tower for a while, after a while, Mu Chuan said: "It's been so many years, elder brother is still blaming me?" Lin Yuetai sighed, and said: "Why don't I blame you? If it's not that you are delusional If you have a clear heart, your mentor will not be so angry that you can't get sick and die; if the junior brother Guan hadn't lost the control of the master, he would not go astray step by step. Even yourself... third child, your talent is better than my teacher Brothers, if there had been no such incident, you would have become the favorite student of your mentor, and you would have become famous all over the world. You...why did you do this?"

Mu Chuan was silent for a long time, and sighed: "Brother, you and I have different temperaments and temperaments, and I don't ask you to understand. As long as I can help Sai'er succeed, I am willing to break the rules of heaven." Lin Yuetai sighed: "My third son, hello Confused! It seems that such a watery woman deserves your heart and soul? You caused a catastrophe for her, how will they treat you in the end?"

He only heard a "sneer" from the tower, and didn't know what Mu Chuan smashed casually, and said angrily: "Sai'er and I used to have a strong relationship as a husband and wife, and she was bewitched by that surname Wen!" Shen Quan secretly heard this. Shocked: "Master, if Master says that Lord Su is Miss Xian's biological father, Lord Xian might not fight me to the death!" He secretly used his internal energy to be on guard, lest the two people upstairs mention Xian Qingrang's life experience.

Lin Yuetai sighed: "A slap can't make a sound. Is there still a mutual consent in this kind of thing? It's just my fault that I didn't see the nature of this woman clearly, so I agreed to your marriage." Mu Chuan said slowly: "Brother, our parents I died early, I was brought up by you alone, the so-called elder brother is like a father, that is true. But Sai'er and I have a deep affection, no one can separate us."

Lin Yuetai pondered for a while, and said: "Third son, did you steal Master's "Qianlong Xinchan" back then, was it really all because of that temptress?" This betrayal?" Lin Yuetai sighed: "In the autumn of the 15th year of Yongle, that is, the year before you stole the book, you were seriously injured and fled home for unknown reasons. I kept asking who hurt you, but you didn't care about it." Do you still remember?" Mu Chuan said: "I lost in the martial arts competition that time, and I was accidentally injured by an enemy in the Jianghu. What can I say?" Lin Yuetai said slowly: "You were hit by 'Jiu Yan' at that time. Cut palm', right?" Mu Chuan said "Hey" and said: "Brother, did you know this palm technique?" His voice trembled slightly, as if he was very scared.

Lin Yuetai sighed: "Not only do I know this palm technique, but I also know the person who can do it. Even if you don't want to say who hurt you, you can guess it as a brother." Mu Chuan said sharply: " You... how do you know?" The voice seemed to be frightened.

Lin Yuetai said: "Old man, don't you remember that I was an imperial physician in the palace?" Mu Chuan said: "Then what?" Lin Yuetai said: "The man who shot you and hurt him is also in the palace The errand, am I right?" Mu Chuan tremblingly said, "I...I don't know."

Lin Yuetai sighed, and said: "Third brother, I thought you had been dead for more than 20 years. Every time I think about the separation between brothers and heaven, I always feel sad in my heart. Although you came here for the posthumous chapter, my second We are finally reunited, and God treats me well. Until now, do you still want to hide it from me?" Mu Chuan said: "Brother, I don't understand what you said. I...what am I hiding from you?" Lin Yuetai said: "How come you don't know the person who injured you? He is your brother-in-law." Mu Chuan was speechless immediately when he heard the words, his throat was gurgling, obviously terrified.

Lin Yuetai was silent for a moment, and then said: "Third brother, our parents left early, I know you are afraid of being poor, and all you want is fame and fortune. It's useless to be an older brother. It's so easy to get a job in the palace." The post of imperial doctor did not bring you any benefits, but offended the powerful people in the court, and even made you live in the world. Later, you married the eldest sister of the Tang family, but she was the leader of the White Lotus Sect, so you had no choice but to cut off your career .Even if your brother-in-law is an imperial court official, why would you hurt him when you see him?" Mu Chuan said in a trembling voice, "Brother, know all about it?"

Xian Qing made Wen Yan feel puzzled: "Lin San actually has a brother-in-law who is an official? I never heard mother mention that she has any sisters. Most likely they were implicated in the Shandong uprising and are no longer alive. Since Lin San himself was killed by that brother-in-law My brother was wounded, how could Lin Yuetai say that his younger brother hurt others? Although Lin San didn't practice magic skills back then, his martial arts weren't considered weak, this official is very special."

Lin Yuetai sighed: "I didn't know it at first, but I didn't realize it until something happened recently. Back then you were injured by the 'Jiu'an Intercepting Palm', which is the unique martial art of the Jiuhua School, and that palm hurt you The skill of the man is very profound, and there are very few people with this level of cultivation in the Jiuhua Sect, you were not injured by that person, could it be Gao Ni of the Jiuhua Sect who did it?"

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