Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 378 Night Party

Xian Qing let his heart move, and thought to himself: "What Guan Luo Xia said is true, the martial arts that father taught me originated from Mr. Si Guo, no wonder Senior Gu only casually gave me a few words in the villa that day, and I felt that my own kung fu perfectly matched it. , really benefited a lot.”

Luo Yingting said: "Yu Shu, Master Yuqing entrusted this general outline of the heart method to your grandfather back then, as a member of the Luo family, you could have studied it; it's just that the foundation of your own martial arts is different from the inner strength of the Taoist school. If it's not enough, don't be too greedy, it's not good for you." Luo Yushu said: "My nephew is not yet proficient in martial arts, so how dare you covet other schools' martial arts." Luo Yingting shook his head and said: "The way of martial arts is small for self-use. You can learn from others and learn from each other, and you don’t have to pay too much attention to the factions. When your skills become deeper in the future, you can benefit from it.” Luo Yushu replied: “Nephew, remember.”

Jing Lanzhou thought to himself: "Second Uncle Luo is right. If you want to avenge Brother Wen, you have to stab your ass, hang your beam, and practice martial arts hard." Immediately thanked Luo Yingting, and carefully copied a copy of the three pages of the general outline of innate skills and put it away. , asked Xian Qing to make way: "Miss Xian, what are your plans now?"

Xian Qingrang thought for a while, and said: "Master Songyun was originally a foreigner, but he was trapped in the palace due to disputes between our sects. Even if I don't want to be the lord of the palace, I will save the priest. I'm going to Nanchang to meet the prince, please He let him go." Jing Lanzhou was startled and said: "Now the three friends are all in Jiangxi, how can you put yourself in danger?" Xian Qingrang said with a smile: "I am not fighting with the three old ghosts to be the leader, so they must kill me too? "

Jing Lanzhou sighed: "The grievances between the palace master and Chen and Li are too deep. The two elders acted fiercely, so they may not let the girl go. Elder Mei...his thoughts are also unpredictable, and it is too dangerous to go rashly." Although he knew that Mei Qian had ulterior motives, but the latter did not want to fight against Xian Qingrang, but because he found out that King Ning wanted to establish a new leader and eliminate the old department, he joined his two friends to attack first; In Dengzhou, it was difficult to expose Mu Chuan's treachery, and he was always grateful to him, and did not reveal Mei Qian's life experience to everyone for a while.

Xian Qingrang sighed softly, and said: "At present, the mysterious envoy of the Yao tribe is still in the hands of the three friends, and I can't ignore it. Nanchang must go." After speaking, he glanced at Jing Lanzhou, and there seemed to be thousands of words in his eyes.The latter's heart warmed up, and he said: "Miss Xian, I will go with you." Luo Yingting nodded and said, "That's fine, Xian Qi will accompany Palace Master Xian for a while, so that we can take care of each other. Yushu, you also go on the road together, Take Qingzhi back to Jiangxia along the way."

Luo Yushu hesitated and said: "Second uncle, my nephew has been away from Liaodong for nearly half a year. I am afraid that I will neglect my defense, and the superior will blame me. I will go back to report sooner or later." Let’s go to war. Mu Chuan’s master and apprentice are strong in martial arts. I’m always worried. Lanzhou and the others will be much safer if you help them. Liaodong General Cao Yi and your father are brothers in exchange. I’ll teach my elder brother to write a book to Mr. Cao You don’t need to worry about this section.” Hearing what his uncle said, Luo Yushu thought that he must escort Gu Qingzhi back home, and since Shuhai was still in Prince Ning’s mansion, he might be able to find some more during this trip. There are no clues.

Luo Jiayan sighed, and said, "I've been lying on the bed for more than two months, and I've been sick from boredom. Seeing all of you riding horses in the rivers and lakes, playing violins and swords, my eyes are really hot." Luo Yingting said: " Hey! What a child’s talk. Your brother and senior brother Jing are rolling on their knives, and they have walked several times before the gate of hell. You just think of it as a tour.” Luo Jiayan laughed and said: “Father, it’s not just my daughter who broke through the gate of hell. Did it happen?" Luo Yingting sighed, "It's good that you know. You've just recovered from your injury, you can't run around right now, you need to rest in peace for a while."

Luo Yushu said: "Sister Yan, take good care of your wounds here. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, it will be Grandpa Gu's [-]th birthday. We can meet you in Huizhou." Luo Jiayan smiled and said, "Okay, I'll see you again after I recover. Go and broaden your horizons, then don't leave me behind." Luo Yushu said: "It's a deal."

Luo Yingting said: "Palace Master Xian, when are you going to leave?" Xian Qing asked: "It's getting late today, I'll leave tomorrow. I don't know if Shen Quan, master and apprentice, will still make troubles, so why not let Ling Ai stay in the feudal office Official Luo Xia is more at ease when recuperating from his illness." Luo Yushu said: "Palace Master Xian is right, my nephew will make arrangements for Second Uncle." Luo Yingting smiled and said, "Palace Master has a heart." Now Luo Yushu will ask Nian Fu to arrange a meeting in the backyard room.Nianfu and Luo Yingting are also old acquaintances, so they readily agreed.


It's night, the moon and the stars are few, and the city of Kaifeng is even more quiet, and I occasionally hear children crying and dogs barking.Suddenly there was the sound of footsteps in a desolate garden in the east of the city, and the figure was slender and slender under the soft moonlight.There was already a person waiting in Huangyuan, he turned around and said with a smile: "The lord of the palace has arrived as scheduled, he is indeed a trustworthy person."

Shen Quan's eyes flickered, and he said: "Shen has put his heart and soul to the palace lord and came to the meeting alone, the palace lord didn't bring anyone else to arrest me?" Xian Qingrang said with a smile: "The high official is very suspicious. If I want to harm the high official People, you have exposed your tricks during the day, why do you need to help each other to save your respected master?" Shen Quan said with a smile: "Thank you for the kindness of the palace master. A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. Although Shen is not a gentleman, he must act carefully. Secretly said: "I killed her father, why does the other party still look normal? Could it be that Jing Lanzhou was afraid that she would be too sad, so he didn't tell me about Meishan? This is God helping me." After all, he was worried, and spoke again He tentatively said: "My master and apprentice fought against Jing Shaoxia in Meishan a few days ago, and there was no winner. Jing Shaoxia only thought that the palace master was in my master's hands, so he and Luo Xiaguan planned to restrain his mentor. , forced Shen to exchange someone, no matter how I tried to tell, I still wouldn’t believe it. Fortunately, the palace lord descended from the sky, and he cared about the loyalty of the world so much, and was willing to cover up and replace my master. This kindness is beyond words It's gone." After saying that, he stared at Xian Qingrang, carefully discerning whether there was a look of grief and indignation on the other party's face.

Xian Qingrang said indifferently: "I've heard about this too. The virtuous master and apprentice are so capable that they can persuade Elder Guan to join hands with you. Even Master Su and other masters were killed in the valley. The little girl wanted to plot the "Yaoding Legacy" Chapter" took great pains, but you snatched it away easily." Seeing her expressionless face, Shen Quan secretly delighted in his heart: "She still called her 'Lord Su', and Jing Lanzhou did not reveal her background as expected. , but it helped me a lot." Laughing: "The mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind, and the posthumous article will be the girl's property sooner or later, why should the palace master care?"

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