Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 375

Mu Chuan turned around and stood still, and said slowly: "Palace Master Xian, you begged me to spare Old Liao's life in Heishuijian that day, did I let him go?" Xian Qing said: "You didn't kill him, thank you my subordinates Show mercy." Mu Chuan nodded, and said: "Mu knows that he has done a lot of evil in his life, and he no longer has any hope of a good end. But we have an appointment, so I hope the palace master will not be dishonest." Xian Qing asked Wei Yi After hesitating, he said: "That's right, since I promised you, I shouldn't break my promise. The godmother didn't bury her in the ground after her death, but ordered her body to be cremated and the ashes were scattered in Dongting Lake." Jing Lanzhou thought aloud Zhen, secretly said: "The body of the old palace master Tang has been incinerated? Alas, she is not your godmother."

Mu Chuan trembled all over, and said in a trembling voice: "You...what did you say? Sai'er...she has been burned to ashes?" Xian Qing let two lines of clear tears flow down her cheeks, and said: "Ganniang said that she has done nothing in this life. Many wrong things, sorry to many people, only in this way can she alleviate her sins."

Mu Chuan's face was ashen, he staggered back two steps, sat down on the ground slumped, and said in tears, "She... she just went like this! After ten years of cultivation, we can cross the same boat, and after a hundred years of cultivation, we can sleep together. Sai'er and I have been childhood sweethearts since we were young. I grew up as a married couple, I made a big mistake for her, but she...she got back with someone else, how can I not hate in my heart? But if she is willing to change her mind and make up the old relationship with me, even if it is only for one day, I will die willingly , but she just left me there! I learned that Saier died of illness, and I have been investigating secretly for two years, but I still can't find out where Saier is buried; Not even a few words!"

Seeing Mu Chuan's great master of martial arts and resourcefulness, who is sobbing and crying like a child, everyone couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic, and secretly said: "This man really has a deep affection for his dead wife. Although he has done many unrighteous things, It may not be because of Tang Sai'er's empathy and another change of heart." Jing Lanzhou thought to himself, "It turns out that what Mu Chuan has devoted himself to inquiring in the past two years is the burial place of the old Palace Master Tang."

I only heard Mu Chuan weeping and said: "I passed by the Daqing River in my hometown back then, and saw the new grave that Sai'er moved for me. Although the scenery was beautiful and beautiful, it showed his thoughts, but he didn't even dare to erect a tablet. Two years ago I heard Sai'er died of illness, heartbroken, and vowed to build a large jade tablet in front of her grave, engraved with 'the tomb of his deceased wife Tang', but now it is impossible!" After speaking, she sat on the ground and burst into tears.

Seeing this, Shen Quan felt very embarrassed, and secretly said: "Master is so indulgent, teach me how to meet people in the future as an apprentice?" He stepped forward to comfort him and said: "Don't be sad, you old man, let's go." After paying attention, wept bitterly for a while, finally the voice faded away, he stood up slowly, gritted his teeth and said: "Mu's family was broken up and left, all thanks to Mr. Si Guo's high disciple. I know that Gu Luo and his family are family friends. For many years and with a good family, although Mu is weak, he cannot be humiliated in vain. He must seek revenge and avenge his shame. If Guan Luoxia wants to eliminate future troubles, he can kill me here, otherwise this matter will never be good. gone."

Ever since Gu Dongguan became famous in the world, someone dared to openly declare that he was looking for revenge, that was something that everyone present had never heard of before.Luo Yingting pondered for a while, and said: "To kill you today, if you die, you will not accept it, let you go! If we meet again after this, it will be a time of life and death." Mu Chuan sneered: "Okay! Shen has stumbled in the hand of the venerable driver, and he will pay it back in the future." He cupped his hands towards the opposite side, flicked the sleeve robe with his right hand, his internal force was everywhere, and he had already released Yin Chongli's acupoints from the air, Peng Shouxue stepped forward to help his companion, and followed Mu Chuan's master and apprentice went.Luo Yingting stared at the back of the other party, and sighed after a long time: "If this person is not eliminated for a day, the martial arts world will never be peaceful."

Xian Qing asked Mu Chuan and the others to leave, and said to Luo Yingting: "Senior Luo, Shen Quan wanted to capture Ling's daughter as a pledge earlier, so I tried to teach the old department to pass on the news, and be the first to ask Miss Gu to bring Ling's love to Fangbo's residence. Going to shelter for a while, this is the only way to be safe. Shen Quan couldn't find Miss Luo, so he had to bring me to replace his master." Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and Luo Ying thanked him: "Luo is not careful Zhou, the little girl fell into the hands of treacherous people, and I am very grateful to be rescued by the Palace Master." Xian Qing said: "Luo Shaoxia and Miss Gu have helped the little girl a lot, so you don't need to be polite."

Jing Lanzhou said: "I heard that you were taken away by Mu Chuan in order to save Bai Xian, and you are now safe and sound. It's really... really great." Xian Qing said: "How do you know about this?" Jing Lanzhou Said: "I passed by Liaojiazhuang before, and it was Baixian who told me. Why did the girl insist on leaving alone in Wuchang? If we are together, we don't have to be afraid of Muchuan traitors." Xian Qingrang sighed: "For a lifetime, suffering is more joyful. Little, why do you have to know." Jing Lanzhou hesitated and said, "But what did Tang Tanzhu say to you that day? What difficulties do you have? With so many people here, you can always help." Xian Qingrang shook his head Said: "Can't help."

Jing Lanzhou pondered for a while, and asked, "Miss Xian, how could you have guessed that Mu Chuan is... Lin San, the late husband of the old Palace Master Tang?" Xian Qing's eyes darkened, and he said, "Tang Gen told me ...Lan Zhou, the moment I saw the way you looked at me, I realized that you already knew everything. Brother Tang told me all about my parents' background." Jing Lanzhou's heart was shocked, and he said: "So you already know."

Xian Qingrang nodded, and said: "In fact, I knew that Louzhu Su was my master, and I also guessed that he was Mr. Si Guo's apprentice Wen Daxia, but I didn't know that he was my biological father. After you left the Zen room at Wanshou Temple that day, Big Brother Tang Give me a letter written by my mother before she was alive, which states my life experience, and I know that after your brother and master quarreled, he was with my mother, and after that... I was born."

Jing Lanzhou said: "Why...why did Palace Mistress Tang keep it from you? Why did she pretend to be your adopted daughter?" Xian Qing asked: "No one in Wuwei Palace knows about my father and my mother. Mother can't say that I'm her own daughter. If it is known that she had an affair with Mr. Si Guo's disciple and had a daughter, it will not only damage Gu's reputation, but it will be very difficult for Mother to convince everyone in Wuwei Sect."

Jing Lanzhou was silent for a long time after hearing the words, and said: "Even if Palace Master Tang doesn't want to say anything, he should send a message to my master. The old man always thought that Brother Wen died in depression 20 years ago, and he blamed himself and deeply regretted every day. "Xian Qingrang sighed: "Senior Gu has the grace of saving each other from his mother, but my mother caused his master and apprentice to turn against each other, and because she was indulged in love and desire, she had a secret relationship with her disciple before telling him. Combining, I really feel shameless to see Mr. Siguo again. Lan Zhou, don't blame my mother, she didn't dare to see your master back then, just like I didn't dare to see you when I first found out about this." Jing Lanzhou said "'s different. Then why didn't she tell you? Even if she was afraid that you would accidentally leak the news when you were young, now that the girl has grown up, why didn't Palace Master Tang tell the truth until she passed away? Flesh and blood Love, the way of nature and human relations, Lingtang's doing so is not only unfair to the girl, but also makes him feel uncomfortable."

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