Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 363 The Enemy

Luo Yingting frowned and said: "Brother Wen is really dead? Did you see his body?" Jing Lanzhou said: "There are thousands of catties of explosives buried in the plum valley, and no matter how high your martial arts skills are, senior brother is doomed. I haven't found his body in the valley. I'm afraid... I'm afraid I've been blown to pieces." Luo Yingting said: "Since you don't see your body, it may not be what you think, nephew, don't be too sad. Brother Wen has done his best to take care of the old uncle's true biography, and his martial arts are extraordinary. Peerless, it's not so easy to be plotted against." Gu Qingzhi said: "Brother Jing, now that Palace Master Xian has fallen into the hands of a traitor, good or bad is uncertain, so what should we do?" Jing Lanzhou sighed: "I don't know Miss Xian. His whereabouts, even though his heart is burning with anxiety, but he has no strength to do anything."

Everyone was at a loss, when someone outside the room knocked on the door and said, "Excuse me, is Lord Jing here?" Jing Lanzhou was slightly startled, and said, "I'm coming to Jing Lanzhou, may I ask who is your friend?" The man cheered and pushed He opened the door, but he saw a sloppy beggar of thirteen or fourteen years old.Jing Lanzhou recognized him as the little stone who was assigned the helm by Dayong, and couldn't help being quite surprised, saying: "Little stone, why is it you?"

Little Shitou laughed and said, "Master Jing, you are finally back! Brother Fenduo said he saw you on the street just now, so he did not mistake you. I heard that Master Jing was in front of the leader and the four elders at the Dengzhou General Assembly. If you are innocent, I guess you will come to Kaifeng to visit your friends. Brother Fenduo said that you killed the disciples of the gang in Changge County. I didn’t believe it at all. Now that the truth is revealed, God finally opened his eyes.”

Jing Lanzhou was grateful in his heart, and said: "Thank you very much. We are good friends, so don't call me Mr. Jing, just call me Big Brother." Xiao Shitou said with a smile: "Brother Meng is so fond of you, then I So let’s be honest, let’s just go with it. Besides greeting elder brother, I have one more important thing to say.” Jing Lanzhou wondered, “What’s the matter?” Xiao Shitou said, “I heard that the abbot of Baozhu Temple in this city, Monk Jiansheng, Secretly, it was a demon from the White Lotus Sect. At the beginning, the eldest brother personally sent him to the prison. Later, this monk somehow got mixed up with Jin Yiwei from Beijing. This thief has been away from Kaifeng since he left Kaifeng with Jin Yiwei, and has never shown up again. , I went back to the provincial capital suddenly today, and I might have to make some mystery again, so I came here to tell my elder brother and everyone."

When Luo Yingting heard the name of Jiansheng, he suddenly felt angry, and snorted coldly: "Yan'er, this thief monk caused you to suffer so much, and he followed Jin Yiwei to do all kinds of evil. Last time, he was only allowed to It would be too cheap to experience the pain of joint dislocation, this bald thief. Although this monk is the descendant of Xibizi, it is not easy to kill him as a father, I will beat this bald donkey to vent your anger for you."

Luo Yushu whispered "Ah", and said, "Second Uncle, these days we have been taking care of Yanmei's injury, and even forgot to tell you about such important matters. When I and the others went to Jiangxi to seek medical doctor Shi, we were in Xishan, Nanchang. The remains of Master Yuqing were found in a cave, so we know that Senior Xibi died in this cave by feigning death." Luo Yingting wondered, "What kind of feigned death?"

Jing Lanzhou said: "Little Shitou, what we are talking about now is not trivial, you must not tell others, otherwise disasters will arise." How to ventilate the wind." Jing Lanzhou immediately told Xibi and Jiuyang that the two celestial masters pretended to be immortals to be their successors in order to avoid the troubles of the world. Luo Yingting couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, and said: "Realist Yuqing, Zhang Jiuyang Immortal Youzhi At that time, my father was very sad, it turned out that they all went away happily." After a pause, he sighed again: "Although the Tianshi Mansion is the Taoist Beidou's respect, the first celestial master often has to serve in the palace to build sacrifices and repair houses. , the ceremonies are complicated, and it is indeed a tight stumbling block. Xibi and Jiuyang Tianshi are both suave and uninhibited people. They don't like to live in such a customary way, so it's no wonder they came up with such absurd methods. It's just that the world is turbulent , The world is a cage, even if you think of the idea of ​​feigning death, you may not be able to avoid all kinds of grievances and grievances in the world." These words penetrated into Jing Lanzhou's ears, and he couldn't help but think of Wen Kui and Lin who both pretended to be dead. Three, my heart was shocked.

Luo Yushu also told about the discovery of Zhang Yuqing's body after they were trapped by Ma Shun in the cave of Ge Xianfeng that day, and said, "If the second uncle hadn't given the three thunderbolts to Brother Jing, I'm afraid all of us would be buried in the cave. Middle. The next day we went to the cave to investigate again, and we met that old monk who is superb in martial arts." Luo Yingting said: "Well, you mentioned this to me. Nephew Jingxian, I heard that this old monk assassinated Dian Cang Pai Yan When Ji was in charge of the sect, you were there to see it?" Jing Lanzhou nodded and said: "This man's martial arts are so high, other than his family teacher, my nephew has never seen him in his life." After a pause, he said to Luo Yushu: "Brother Luo , I learned from Elder Wuwei Gongmei that this old monk is actually Zhu Chief's master."

Luo Yushu was shocked when he heard the words, and said: "You said that Zhu Yi is...that old monk's apprentice?" He couldn't help pondering for a while, then sighed: "That's right, Zhu Yi's martial arts are superb, and he must be taught by an expert teacher, which is also logical. Jing Lanzhou said: "Elder Mei said that this old monk is a Japanese. I don't know where he came from." Luo Yushu asked in surprise: "Could it be that he is the Japanese master that Shao Yantang said?" Jing Lanzhou shook his head and said: "Then The Japanese warriors were only in their forties when they came to challenge the Central Plains masters, and they should not be over sixty now, but that old monk is a bit too old."

Luo Yingting pondered for a while, and said: "You found the corpse of Master Xibi in the cave where the old monk was hiding. Could it be that Master Zhang died at the hands of the other party?" Luo Yushu and Jing Lanzhou looked at each other, and their hearts were shocked. , Secretly said: "Why didn't we think of it? Zhang Yuqing is already a rare master in the world. If you want to shock him to death with heavy hands, how many people are there in the world? The real Yuqing is superb in martial arts, and the old monk is also an idiot in sword practice." , it would not be surprising if they came to challenge him.”

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Luo Yushu said: "Second Uncle, Jiansheng's character is inferior, Master Xibi is born in a high way, how can he accept him as a disciple? What's more, there are differences in Buddhism and Taoism, even among the disciples of Zhengyi School, Xiantian Palm is not a celestial master How can you teach it to outsiders if you don't pass it on?" Luo Yingting nodded and said, "That's right, I'm going to catch this bald thief right now to find out." He asked Xiao Shitou, "Where is Jian Sheng today?" Xiao Shitou Said: "I live in Baozhu Temple."

Luo Yingting pondered for a while, and said: "Yushu, you and Qingzhi stay here to take care of Yan'er, and Nephew Jingxian and I can go to Baozhu Temple, it's inconvenient if there are too many people." Luo Yushu said: "Little Shitou, Monk Jiansheng Did you come back to Kaifeng alone? Did Jin Yiwei come with you?" Xiao Shitou shook his head and said, "I never saw it." Luo Yushu thought to himself that this matter would be much easier if Sanying was not there, and immediately agreed: "Second Uncle, Jing Brother, be careful with yourselves."

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