Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 359

Wen Kui was startled, and took two steps forward to see. It turned out that a hole had been dug in advance, covered with a thick layer of dead branches and leaves, and the hole was completely hidden.The diameter of this pit is less than three feet, standing at the bottom of the pit, Mu Chuan and Shen Quan have already filled up the small hole, leaving no place for others to stay; the hole is about ten feet deep, and it is difficult to attack from above. .If chasing the two of them into the cave, Mu Chuan only needs to wave his sword lightly, the cave is narrow and cramped, there is nowhere to dodge, he will definitely be cut in two by his sword in mid-air.

Wen Kui's heart moved, and he thought to himself: "This cave must have been dug by Mu Chuan's master and apprentice. They don't lead me and my junior into a trap, what are they going to do by jumping off?" Crying secretly, he suddenly reached out and grabbed Jing Lanzhou's collar, and flung him back vigorously. The latter was completely defenseless, and flew straight back.Wen Kui jumped up, and then pushed his waist in the air, Jing Lanzhou got the force of this push, and his body fell straight to the valley mouth like flying clouds and fog, but Wen Kui was slowed down by this.I only heard loud rumbling noises in the valley, and I didn't know that tens of thousands of catties of explosives were detonated at the same time. Flames shot up into the sky and black smoke billowed everywhere, shaking the small Meigu to the ground.

People outside the valley saw the sudden change of wind and thunder in the valley. In the blink of an eye, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, the sea boiled and the mountains cracked, and suddenly turned into a scene of Abi Hell. After somersaulting, he landed firmly on the ground. It was Jing Lanzhou who had chased into the valley earlier.Deyu was surprised: "Jing Shaoxia, where are the other three lay people?"

Jing Lanzhou's mind was blank, looking at the blazing fire in the valley, there was only one thought in his heart: "Senior Brother Wen was killed by two traitors, Mu Chuan and Shen Quan, in order to save my life! I just learned today that Senior Brother is still alive. In this world, he was murdered! Even Miss Xian was murdered by Mu Chuan, I want revenge, I want revenge!" Turning around and about to rush into the valley, Deyu grabbed him and said, "Jing Jushi How can I get to the Tiger Cave and Longtan in front of me?"

Jing Lanzhou's eyes were bloodshot, and he gritted his teeth and said, "If you don't kill Mu Chuan and Shen Quan, Jing will swear not to be a human!" Deyu said: "If there are still explosives in the valley, wouldn't the layman give up his life in vain?" Jing Lanzhou said: " Living like a walking corpse, what's the use of living? It's better to die with the enemy!" Deyu said: "Mr. Mu's martial arts are better than laymen, how can we die together? It's just death for nothing!" Jing Lanzhou's whole body trembled, his hands trembling slightly , speechless for a while.

Guan Motong was astonished, and said: "Mu Chuan's master and apprentice are also in the valley. How can they survive like thunder and fire?" Jing Lanzhou said: "They dug a hole in the valley in advance and hid in it to avoid danger. Jun Zhiwei." Guan Motong shook his head and said: "I look at the situation in the valley, I am afraid that if there are thousands of catties of explosives and landmines, even if I hide in a deep ditch, I am afraid it will be difficult to survive." Just as the words fell, I heard a sound not far away. With a sneer, Mu Chuan and Shen Quan supported each other and walked slowly out of the valley, their heads and faces were covered with dust and plaster, it was almost difficult to distinguish their real faces, and their clothes were also black stained by the smoke, making them look extremely dirty.Mu Chuan was originally dressed as a beggar, but others didn't think much of it, but Shen Quan was completely different from the handsome young man before, and looked very embarrassed.

Mu Chuan chuckled, and said: "Elder Guan, it's a pity that the sky didn't fulfill his wish, and Mu is still alive and well. It's wishful thinking if you want to take the opportunity to take back the "Yaoding Yipian"." Guan Motong hesitated slightly, and said: "Before You released mist in the valley, took the opportunity to snatch brother Ling, where did you hide him?" Mu Chuan said with a smile: "Elder, don't worry, elder brother and I are close relatives, how can Mu bear to harm each other? He is safe and sound at the moment."

Jing Lanzhou stared at the other party for a while, then slowly said: "Mu Chuan, you designed to kill my senior brother Wen Kui, and also killed Miss Xian. I am not as good at martial arts as you, so I can't kill you to avenge the two of them. Unless you kill Jing today." A certain person was also killed here, but I still have a sigh of relief, and I will kill you, master and apprentice, to pay for the lives of my brother, father and daughter." Mu Chuan laughed and said: "Right now your kung fu is far from that of the old man, Mu Chuan A vested posthumous work will only improve his skills, so why do you take revenge?" Jing Lanzhou said: "It depends on man's efforts, if Jing is beyond his power, he will have his own family teacher to uphold justice for Senior Brother Wen."

Mu Chuan was startled when he heard the words, and then said viciously: "Okay, I will kill you brat together today, and teach Gu Laoer to taste the pain of losing a lover again!" Leaping forward, he swung the sword with his right hand straight stab.Jing Lanzhou was about to fight back, but Deyu suddenly snatched him from the side, held a sword and shield to block, only heard the sound of "Dang", and was shocked by Mu Chuan to take two steps back, but the knife wheel in his hand was not caught by the opponent Wu Jin The sword split apart, leaving only a shallow sword mark on the shield.Mu Chuan's complexion changed, and he blurted out praise: "The silver flower knife wheel really deserves its reputation!"

By the way, the app I'm using recently, 【 \Mi\Mi\Reading\app \\ 】Android and Apple phones support it!

It turns out that when Tibetan craftsmen made this sword and shield, they mixed a small amount of meteoric iron into the pig iron, which is called "Tuojia" in Tibetan, which means "sky iron" and "thunder stone".These things all fell from the sky in ancient times, and they were often buried deep in the ground. They have lasted for thousands of years without rust.Mu Chuan's black-gold iron sword was forged from a whole piece of meteorite, so the iron cuts like mud, and an ordinary weapon will snap when it meets it. However, the sword and shield in the hands of the four monks are also extremely hard, comparable to it.

Mu Chuan chuckled, and cursed secretly in his heart: "This thief is ungrateful and ungrateful, and actually helped the enemy. If it were normal, I would have taken down your head as a monk." He and Shen Quan found out earlier that Lin Yuetai was going to worship in Meishan Master, seeing that his elder brother had only Wen Kui to accompany him, Mu Chuan thought to himself that with the martial arts of his two masters and apprentices, together with the help of Peng Yin's two disciples and the "Four King Kongs", he would be able to surely win; The article is also determined to be won, and there are experts from various schools mixed in, it is difficult to guarantee that others will not be fished in troubled waters, so they planted [-] catties of explosives in various places in the valley in advance, and Shen Quan came forward to persuade Guan Motong and others with a big profit. Dong Yangao and the two joined forces with him, intending to defeat Wen Kui and other opponents by force first.

Mu Chuan knew that Dong was a man, and he expected that the other party would turn his face and swallow the secrets when he succeeded, so he secretly dug a hole in an inconspicuous place in the valley. Everyone was blown up to death indiscriminately.He didn't dare to go up and ignited the explosives easily, fearing that he would accidentally blow up Lin Yuetai to pieces, and the "Yaoding Legacy" in the other party's arms would also be wiped out. The five-color smoke sand first took the elder brother away.

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