Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 350 Four Truth Shield Formation

Su Fenglou snorted coldly, rushed forward with his feet, passed through the narrow canyon in a blink of an eye, and the smoke disappeared in all directions.Guan and Jing followed him and rushed out of the five-color smoke barrier, and saw four Tibetan monks in red robes standing on the bank of the stream not far ahead, each holding a knife wheel to block the way.The blueness on Su Fenglou's face faded away, and he said slowly: "That day outside the Luoxing Tower in Qixia Mountain, my old servant died at the hands of you four bald donkeys?"

Among the four monks, the elder brother Deyu took a step forward, raised his hands to salute and said: "Layman Su, the day before yesterday my senior brother accidentally injured Mr. Wu, it was really an unintentional act, and I regret it so far." Su Fenglou sneered and said: "You four Don’t people stay here to take our lives? Is this also an unintentional mistake?”

Deyu frowned slightly, and said: "My senior brother was entrusted by someone to delay the layman here for a while. If you offend me, please beg for Haihan. After the time of burning incense, layman, please do your own thing. How dare we stop you?" Sluggish?" Su Fenglou laughed and said, "It's unreasonable! If you don't kill me, I'll kill you, why bother to pretend?" He jumped forward and struck out with a palm.Seeing that he was approaching fiercely, Deyu didn't dare to reach out to meet him forcefully, and pushed out the knife wheel with his right hand.Su Fenglou slammed his palm on the shield, only to hear a loud bang, Deyu couldn't stand upright, staggered backwards and retreated seven or eight steps before standing still, but felt the blood in his chest surging, and secretly said: "This Su Layman's martial arts is far above Layman Jing and Layman Luo, and the Central Plains is full of outstanding people and masters, so it's really not comparable to my Tibetan border area."

Su Fenglou passed a palm with him, and felt that the other party's inner strength was quite deep. He had tried his best just now, but there was no sign of injury on the other side, so he secretly said: "There are not many people in the world who can take my palm hard. The fat monk is not mediocre. If the three foreign monks are all similar in martial arts to him, even though Mo Tong is seriously injured, it is not easy to deal with."

Jing Lanzhou strode forward and said: "Master is sincere, why bother to join forces with Shen Quan? Senior Su is a master of martial arts, so he doesn't easily fight with others, please leave quickly." He knows that virtue is pure and simple , Listening to what he said in Xianhe Mountain that day, the old man died at the hands of his three juniors, and he did not participate in the murder.Jing Lanzhou knew that the martial arts of the remaining three monks were far inferior to that of his senior brother, so if they really took action, the four monks might not be the enemy of Su Fenglou.So he tried to persuade Deyu to save Deyu's life.

Deyu sighed: "We traveled far from Lingzang to the Central Plains to repay the old people. After getting along with Layman Shen these days, I also feel that his actions are unrighteous. It's just that the teacher's order is hard to disobey. We just ask There is a beginning and a death, and we live up to the righteousness of our friendship for many years. When the affairs here are over, the little monk will return to the west with a whole bundle, and he will not walk half a step in the Central Plains for the rest of his life."

Su Fenglou sneered, and said: "You kill my old friend Huo Ting, and now you want to put oil on the soles of your feet? How can there be such a cheap thing in the world!" Floating forward, he handed out palms to the four monks in the blink of an eye, The four monks either blocked or evaded, and each made a move to resolve it.In just one move, Su Fenglou had tried out the other three people whose skills were far inferior to Deyu's, and a murderous look suddenly appeared on his face, saying: "Killing people pays their lives, debts are paid back, it's been like this since ancient times! The four bald donkeys took their lives Stop!" He sacrificed a set of Qianye Tathagata palms from Shaolin school, and attacked the four monks like raindrops like thousands of hands and hundreds of arms.

The four monks were startled when they saw this, they knew that they had met a formidable enemy, they surrounded him immediately and formed a shield formation, called "Four Noble Blossoms", it is the supreme martial art of Tibetan Tantric School.The four monks stop in silence and look at each other head to tail. No matter the enemy attacks anyone in the shield formation, the attacked person only needs to defend wholeheartedly, and the rest of them divide into three ways to attack the enemy's vital points at the same time, forcing them to let go and save themselves. Surround Wei and save Zhao" principle; if the opponent turns to others to attack, the original attacked will immediately move forward and attack together to break the siege. In this way, the four members of the shield formation will always be able to complement each other, and the offense and defense will not decline. Let the enemy's martial arts continue It is also difficult to support high.This shield formation is quite similar to the Liangyi and Sancai swordsmanship of the Central Plains martial arts, it is very effective against a single master, and the four monks' swords and shields are good at defense, and the formation is even more difficult to break.Brother Deyu rarely meets opponents in Tibet, and he usually wins alone. This shield formation has only been practiced during daily practice, and has never really faced an enemy. Now he has to deal with Su Fenglou, who is hard to find in the world. None of the four of them is sure of the great master.

Su Fenglou shuttled back and forth in the shield formation, and in a blink of an eye, he and the four monks performed thirty or forty moves, thinking: "The martial arts of these foreign monks are quite evil, and the knife wheel formation they put down is very powerful! If the four of them hadn't cooperated They are very proficient, and those three bald donkeys haven't practiced kung fu well enough, I'm afraid Su will fall here today!" Suddenly he sneered, and slapped a few lightly with his hands.The four monks saw that his palms were completely disorganized and they didn't know where he was going to attack, they couldn't help but looked at each other in amazement, they didn't know who should defend and who should attack the enemy; seeing Su Fenglou slapped out several palms indiscriminately, suddenly he punched him with a backhand Dorje faced the door.The other three monks yelled in unison, and at the same time held the knife wheel to attack Su Fenglou's back, unexpectedly the latter had just made a false move earlier, twisted his body to the side, his left hand hit the Quze point on Wangqiu's right arm like lightning, Wang Qiu yelled, and the knife wheel fell to the ground with a clang.

With a flick of his left foot, Su Fenglou kicked the saber wheel dropped by Wang Qiu into the air, and hit Sangbu's saber shield with a bang. Sparks splashed, and Sangbu's tiger's mouth felt a sharp pain, and the saber in his hand The chakra was also knocked down, before people could react, Su Fenglou pointed at the acupoints on his chest.The remaining two, Deyu and Dorjie, were far from his opponents. After a few rounds of fighting, Dorjie was kicked to the ground again.Deyu sighed, then jumped out of the circle and said, "Layman Su's martial arts are far superior to the four of us, I have nothing to say. The monk is willing to pay for his life with one life. Please forgive my three junior brothers."

Su Fenglou snorted and said coldly: "It's too late to beg for mercy at this time! How can your dog's life be equal to my old friend? I will kill you four bald donkeys first, and then I will kill you four bald donkeys later. This guy Quan's corpse is broken into ten thousand pieces!" He stepped forward and slammed his palm at Deyu's face.Jing Lanzhou flickered, raised his hand and said, "Master Deyu is an upright person, the landlord must not mistakenly kill a good person!"

Su Fenglou's face darkened, and he said: "That day my old friend from Huoting died tragically downstairs, and you saw it with your own eyes, how dare you stop Su from taking revenge?" Jing Lanzhou said: "Senior Su, Mr. Wu's death It has nothing to do with Master Deyu, it is the work of his three juniors. If there is a grievance and a debtor, how can you kill innocent people indiscriminately?" Su Fenglou sneered: "He would rather lose his life than ask me to spare some of them Junior Brother, that would not be considered innocent. Even if the old man is willing to kill the other three bald donkeys, this great monk will not survive alone."

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