Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 332 Wujin Iron Sword

Jing Lanzhou saw Mu Chuan injuring Zen Master Benyin in the blink of an eye, deeply regretted not revealing the other party's true face in time, jumped out from behind the tree and shouted: "Don't hurt people!" Mu Chuan was startled when he saw this, and then laughed Said: "Wonderful!" His body swayed slightly, only two slaps were heard, and the two disciples of the next generation beside Yuanjing didn't even groan, they were struck dead by the palm.Yuan Jing let out a roar, and the eyebrow-level stick swept across Mu Chuan's waist.Mu Chuan waved his left hand lightly, and the long stick in Yuan Jing's hand broke into two pieces with a "snap". Mu Chuan's left palm remained strong, and pressed lightly on Yuan Jing's lower abdomen, and the latter let out a miserable cry, and fell straight back out.

Seeing him killing three Shaolin disciples in a blink of an eye, Jing Lanzhou felt frightened and angry. Although he knew that his martial arts were not as good as the opponent's, he still urged Mizong Zhang to attack.Mu Chuan laughed, turned away and said gently: "That day when Mu said that you killed those five Beggar Clan disciples, a fool like Si Runnan believed it; this time if I told the Shaolin sect monks I also lost your life, I don't know if they will believe it?" Jing Lanzhou said: "The eminent monks present saw you killing people, how can you rely on Jing Mou?" Mu Chuan said sadly: "I will leave the rest People are also sent to the west, so there will be no proof?" His right hand suddenly threw two sleeve arrows, and shot at the two Shaolin disciples who were injured by Mrs. Duanmu on the other side.

Mrs. Duanmu suddenly waved her right arm, and the red silk ribbon burst out from her sleeve, blocking Mu Chuan's sleeve arrow.Mu Chuan wondered: "Don't you hate the Shaolin faction deeply in your heart? Why did you come to rescue him?" Mrs. Duanmu saw his outstanding martial arts, knew that he was definitely not an ordinary disciple of the Beggars' Clan, and said coldly: "Your Excellency falsely accused me of killing Qin Jianbo, wouldn't you? Is he a good person?" With a flick of his left hand, the green, black, and plain silk ribbons that had hurt Yuan Xing and the other three monks flew up flat and attacked the three big acupoints on Mu Chuan's chest.

Mu Chuan sneered, and said: "Handling an ax in the class is so generous!" He slapped his left palm lightly, and the three silk ribbons split and shook twice in mid-air, then turned around and flew towards Mrs. Duanmu's face.The latter let out a "huh", and the spring onion and jade fingers of his right hand were like knives, and he slashed forward obliquely, only heard a few stabs, and the three silk ribbons were torn into thin strips by internal force, and gently fell to the ground.

Mrs. Duanmu's face changed drastically, and she shouted: "Who are you, how can you use 'Liuyun Feixiu'?" Mu Chuan laughed and said: "This kind of three-legged cat kung fu is just a trifle in my eyes, thanks to you as a treasure!" Before the words were finished, Jing Lanzhou attacked from the side again.Mu Chuan saw that the other party's palm skills were exquisite, so he raised his hand to break a few moves with him, and said with a smile: "Kung Fu is not bad! Gu Dongguan has spent a lot of time on you, right?"

Seeing him calling his master by his name, Jing Lanzhou was startled and angry in his heart. He waved his hand and stopped and asked, "Who is your Excellency?" Mu Chuan smiled and said, "Young man is so young, how can he be so forgetful? A few days ago Dengzhou just passed by, why do you ask me?" Jing Lanzhou shook his head and said, "This must not be your real name. You are a master of martial arts? I don't know what sect he came from?" Mu Chuan said, "Can't you see it, young man?" Jing Lanzhou said: "Your Majesty's martial arts are deeply mixed, and Jing can't tell the difference."

Mu Chuan's face darkened, and he said: "You don't have to bother to guess too much? You and the old bald donkey will die here today. Hehe! The head of the Prajna Hall was killed in this barren valley by Gu Dongguan's apprentice, and the brats were fighting fiercely. After being slapped by the old monk, he was seriously injured and died before he could get out of the valley. Wonderful! It's really wonderful! This news spread to the ears of the Shaolin sect, how can a group of old bald donkeys give up? Even if Gu Dongguan is the best in the world Experts, I am afraid that they may not be able to stop the Shaolin monks from attacking together? Haha!"

Jing Lanzhou couldn't help being startled when he heard the words, and said: "Your Excellency, you have repeatedly planted the blame and cast the wrong villa? What is your intention? Does your teacher have any grudges with you?" You can ask old man Gu yourself!" Suddenly he drew a black long sword from the cloth bag on his back, and stabbed Jing Lanzhou head-on.Jing Lanzhou thought to himself: "The enemy's martial arts are too strong. When life is at stake, it's really hard to win with bare hands." Rolling on the spot, he picked up Yuanxing's single knife and said: "Master Yuanxing, I will borrow a weapon to fight against you." Use." Yuan Xing said: "Young hero must be careful, if you make any mistakes, we will all die in this Xiong'er mountain."

With a flash of Jing Lanzhou's saber, he slashed towards Mu Chuan's chest.Mu Chuan sneered? The blade of the sword slanted upwards, and there was a sound of "Dang". When the two blades met, the single sword in Jing Lanzhou's hand broke in two.He saw that the opponent's long sword was as black as ink, it was inconspicuous, but unexpectedly it was so sharp, he couldn't help being shocked.Mu Chuan laughed and said: "My black gold iron sword is a magic weapon rarely seen in a hundred years. An ordinary weapon like yours is like tofu and green vegetables under my sword."

Jing Lanzhou thought: "My martial arts are not as good as his, and the other party is holding a sword. Is it true that I am going to die here today?" Suddenly Mrs. Duanmu's wrist flicked, and Huang Chi's two belts were twisted and coiled, wrapped into a A long soft silk whip was whipped towards Mu Chuan's front door with a clatter.Mu Chuan smiled and said: "Why waste effort?" The horizontal sword in his right hand was slashed upwards, there was only a sound of slap, the silk whip met the blade of the sword, but it was not cut off, the head of the whip was thrown down, and it still attacked Mu Chuan's eyebrows.The latter was taken aback, and swung slightly backwards, saying: "What kind of sorcery is this that you can block my sword?"

Mrs. Duanmu sneered and said: "You think you can rule the world because of the strength of your weapon? Today I will teach you to open your eyes!" With the jade arms waving repeatedly, the long whip flew like a dragon, and it kept attacking Mu Chuan.Seeing the opportunity, Jing Lanzhou picked up the long sword of a Shaolin monk who died under Mu Chuan's hand, and stabbed several times.He knew that the opponent's weapon was unparalleled in sharpness, and the sword moves in his hand concealed the false and the real, and he made more than ten moves in a row, but he never intersected with the iron sword in Mu Chuan's hand.Although Mu Chuan is better than the two in martial arts, at this time one is against two, Madam Duanmu is not afraid of his black-gold sword with a silk whip in her hand, so it is difficult to distinguish between them.

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Mu Chuan fought again, seeing that he couldn't win quickly, he was afraid that the monk would recover his breath and come forward to flank him, and shouted: "Mrs. Duanmu, you are not a decent family, I only want to kill the kid named Jing and the Shaolin donkey today, you Why do you spoil my good deeds?" Mrs. Duanmu said coldly: "Yes, it is precisely because I am a heretic heretic that I can understand the mind of you, an heretic heretic. If you want to make the illusion that this young scholar and Shaolin monk are both losers, how can you Leave me alive? If I don't help him restrain you, this life will be ruined together in this barren mountain."

Mu Chuan laughed and said, "You're not stupid." With a lift of his left hand, another sleeve arrow flew out, but it shot at Yuan Xing who was injured on the ground in the distance.Seeing that there was no time to save him, Jing Lanzhou secretly said: "Oops!" Mrs. Duanmu suddenly whipped back, knocking down the sleeve arrow sent by Mu Chuan.Mu Chuan found a gap, and the black light of the iron sword flashed, Jing Lanzhou lost Madam Duanmu's restraint, and the long sword couldn't dodge it, and was cut off by Mu Chuan again.The latter gave a sneer, swung his sword and forced Jing Lanzhou back two steps, turned backwards and leaped more than ten feet, then flipped out again with a touch of his toes, several somersaults in succession, and disappeared into the vegetation.

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