Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 329

Yuan Xing couldn't hold back when he heard the words, and shouted: "The female benefactor is very arrogant! My uncle and I have been persuading me for a long time, and I have exhausted my courtesy. If the benefactor still insists on going his own way, I'm afraid the sword will have no eyes!" Mrs. Duanmu was cold. Said: "You can say whatever you want. If you don't enter the house, it's fine. You only need to take one step. Whether you are living or dying, don't say that the concubine is unpredictable."

Yuan Xing snorted and said: "Big bragging!" He stepped forward and pushed the wooden door open.Benyin's eyes suddenly brightened, and he shouted: "Wait a minute!" With a flick of his sleeves, he moved "controlling the crane and capturing the dragon", pulling Yuanxing back from the door.Yuan Xing looked very embarrassed, and shouted: "Master Uncle!" Ben Yin shook his head and said, "Is there any joke in Mrs. Duanmu's mouth? You have been meditating in the temple for a long time, how reckless you are!"

A tall and thin black-clothed monk holding a stick at the side said: "Uncle, what is the origin of this woman to bother you to go down the mountain? Could it be that our brothers and sisters can't take care of it?" Ben Yin smiled. "Do I need your permission to leave the monastery under the decree of the abbot?" The monk bowed his head and said, "I don't dare." How can you be so arrogant? Yuanjing, junior brother Ben Yan has often praised your martial arts excellence recently, you must know that there is no end to learning, and the six-character golden words of 'full strokes hurt, humility benefits', how can you forget it lightly?" Yuanjing respectfully said : "The disciples are taught."

Benyin said: "You all keep your positions. If you don't have instructions from the old monk, don't take half a step away." After taking two steps to the door of the thatched house, he said: "Madame Duanmu, I sincerely ask you again. Brother abbot, I urge my wife to move to this temple. , Inquire about the case of Chief Qin's bodyguard killing the family. If Madam insists on refusing, the poor monk will have no choice but to offend and come into the house."

Mrs. Duanmu sneered and said: "I have been a widow for many years, I don't want the Shaolin eminent monk to break into my widow's house, it really opened my eyes. Since my feet are growing on the master, I can't stop myself, please go ahead. Benyin put his palms together and recited: "Amitabha, I'm being rude." With a split of his palms outward, a strong internal force opened the firewood door of the thatched cottage.Although the outside of the house was sunny, the thick thatched roof covered most of the daylight, and the inside of the house looked very dim, and it was hard to see anything clearly.

I saw that Benyin took a step forward with his right foot, then stood still, waited for a while, and then stepped out with his left foot, and this went on and on again, in just a few steps, it took a long time to reach the door.Jing Lanzhou knew that every step he took was on full alert, and thought, "Could it be that Mrs. Duanmu is so powerful that the world-renowned Priest Monk is so afraid?"

Benyin arrived at the door of the thatched hut, stopped for about half a cup of tea, sighed and said: "I am going to enter the house? Madam, please be merciful." Just as his right foot was about to step into the door, he suddenly heard a slight chi chi breaking the wind. Sound, a white light shines in front of my eyes.Ben raised his hands? His sleeves bulged high, and two internal forces shot out from the sleeves. There was only a soft thumping sound, like the sound of a few thin needles falling to the ground.This thin needle hidden weapon suddenly shot out from the dark place in the house, so it was absolutely impossible to guard against? Fortunately, the needle body near the door was faintly reflected in the sunlight, so he realized it in time.

Benyin sighed: "Mrs. Duanmu? You have some relationship with Shaolin Temple? Are you really going to do this to the old monk?" Don't blame me for being impolite. The master's martial arts is strong? A few embroidery needles, what is that?"

Benyin shook his head and said: "Forget it! Troubles are bottomless? The sea of ​​life and death is boundless. The old man's cultivation is shallow? He failed to regard the more than ten lives of the Tingwei Escort as a dream. Please forgive me for the crime of destroying the blue and the jade." Swipe your sleeves lightly? Just hear two waves? Two round holes the size of bowls were opened on the earthen wall of the thatched hut? ? giggled and said: "Master's 'Cassock Wuxiang Gong' is really perfect, I admire it very much."

Ben Yin said: "Madam's hidden weapon is too powerful, today I have no choice but to destroy the wall and destroy the house. I will send someone to repair it later." After speaking, he used his sleeve skills to punch through several big holes in the adobe wall one after another, and the thatched house Zhong Deng was very enlightened.The monks looked around and saw a middle-aged beautiful woman in her 40s sitting in the room. She was dressed in a bean green gown and lined with a plain skirt.Several young Shaolin disciples of the younger generation were a little weak in concentration, when they saw this graceful and beautiful woman, each felt a wave of emotion in their hearts, some turned their faces away, and some stared at her intently.

The beautiful woman sighed and said: "Master is an eminent monk, why do you want to have trouble with me, a widow who lives alone in a barren mountain?" The old man ordered his disciples to hire four horses and high carts, and never give up. If Madam has other orders, just order them."

Mrs. Duanmu said with a smile: "This concubine has such a bad temper. If I like it, I can do whatever you want; if I don't want to, it's useless for the Jade Emperor to speak up. I know that the master's martial arts are far superior to my concubine's, but if I don't compare myself How to teach people to be convinced?" He opened his hand suddenly, and a long sky-blue silk ribbon jumped out from his sleeve, and with the strong wind, it flew out of the door and hit the monk Benyin's face.

Benyin opened his eyelids slightly, drew a circle with his right hand on his chest, and slapped it out with a light palm, only to hear a sound of wave, the silk ribbon was blocked by the force of the palm, and turned around and flew back.Mrs. Duanmu said with a smile: "What a powerful Prajna palm." She waved her arms lightly, and two silk ribbons, one yellow and one red, whizzed towards the wind, faster than the blue ribbon, and pointed directly at Benyin's chest. Qi household point.Seeing that the turning blue belt was about to hit Mrs. Duanmu's chest, the latter flicked her fingers lightly, and the blue belt turned around and flew out of the hole in the wall, attacking Yuanxing who was standing beside her.

Yuanxing thought: "What kind of kung fu is this? The colorful and green fields are also pretty. But how powerful is it if it's a cloth belt?" The green silk ribbon was cut in two, unexpectedly as soon as the blade touched the surface of the ribbon, the ribbon felt slippery and tough, and there was no way to apply force, the ribbon was wiped along the edge of the knife, and pierced into it like a sharp blade. On his left shoulder, Yuan Xing let out a scream, and blood flowed profusely immediately.

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Jing Lanzhou saw that the soft silk cloth in the woman's hands was like a sword and weapon, and the opponent's skill was so strong that flying flowers and picking leaves could hurt people, she couldn't help being surprised, and secretly said: "This woman hurt a Shaolin disciple as soon as she made a move. You are not a decent person, do you want me to help the Shaolin sect?" However, he has been traveling for several months, and he feels that it is difficult to generalize the right and wrong in the world, seeing that the other party's words are a bit evil, but he also speaks out to warn, and it is easy to strike. Affection.With this woman's martial arts, if the silk belt just now attacked the vital points such as Yuanxing's throat and heart, the latter would have already died in Huangquan.Jing Lanzhou thought in his heart: "I have caused enough troubles to leave the village under the order of Master this time. I will wait and see for a while, and don't act rashly."

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