Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 320 Mystery

Jing Lanzhou asked: "How did Master Uncle come to Dengzhou?" Luo Yingyuan said: "I followed my father in the capital to try to rescue Mr. Yu from danger, and then I heard about Yan'er's injury in Kaifeng. Recently, Yu Shilang was imprisoned This case caused people's resentment in Henan and Shanxi provinces to boil. The two vassal kings of Zhou and Jin, as well as ministers inside and outside the court, wrote letters one after another. I've softened. Although Yu Shilang has not been released from prison yet, there should be no major worries, and the outcome will probably be seen within a month or two. At this moment, the master is still staying in Shuntian Mansion, and I will go to Henan to visit Yan'er under the order of his old man. From Kaifeng to here a few days ago.”

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Jing Lanzhou said: "Uncle Master, have you met Senior Sister Luo? I wonder if the injury of Senior Sister has improved?" Luo Yingyuan smiled and said, "Nephew, don't worry, Senior Lin's medical skills are like gods. He has been diagnosed and treated. Both Yushu and Qingzhi said that once Dr. Lin rejuvenated, Yan'er's face immediately turned red, and he became more energetic. The second brother finally smiled and brows eased, and the haze in his chest was swept away. Only sigh Luo's fortune is poor, Dr. Lin has already left Kaifeng one day before me, and this time he has no chance to know the thorns."

Jing Lanzhou was very happy when he heard that Luo Jiayan was fine.When he heard that Lin Yuetai had resigned, he said movedly: "Doctor Lin is leaving now? I don't know if Mr. Su accompanied him?" Luo Yingyuan said: "Doctor Lin will be accompanied by Master Su all the way, nephew don't need to worry too much. Qingzhi escorted Senior Lin to Kaifeng, but Su Zhuzhu didn't show up to meet him for some reason; Dr. Lin helped Yan'er to heal his injury, and said he wanted to leave that night. Dr. Lin said that he and Mr. Su had other important matters, so he only asked Yushu to send him to Fengqiu Gate; Yushu saw that Mr. Su was waiting at the gate of the city, so he had to bid farewell to the two of them, and the rest of the time Luo does not know the details."

Jing Lanzhou thought in his heart: "Guan Motong, Shen Quan and others are all staring at "The Legacy of the Medicine Cauldron". Although Master Su has great powers, Senior Lin has only him to protect him. I don't know if he can be safe?" Thinking, he asked: "Uncle Shi is in Kaifeng, why did Dajia come to Nanyang?" Luo Yingyuan laughed and said, "Yan'er is fine, and neither is there anything wrong. I heard that all the heroes of the beggar gang gathered in Dengzhou. Waiting to settle accounts with my nephew, and then come to see what's going on."

Si Runnan felt a little embarrassed when he heard the words, coughed dryly and said: "It turns out that all this was instigated by traitors, and Fang Zhiben's gang has misunderstood Jing Shaoxia for a long time. It makes the heroes of the world laugh." Jing Lanzhou hurriedly said: "What is the boss saying? As long as the matter can be found out, the rest is nothing to worry about? It's just that the two murders in Changge County and Chen Tuozhu are still unknown. It's thought-provoking. Disappointed."

Han Jiyan said: "Since this was not done by the young hero, it would be much easier to handle. Those five disciples all died under the poisonous palm of Biphosphorus. This is the unique skill of the 'Viper Anaconda God'. I have never heard of it before. There is a second person who will make the murderer, even if the murderer is not You Tianwu himself, he must be his disciple. I heard that You Tianwu has disappeared for many years, and recently reappeared in the rivers and lakes. The gang will send people to investigate later and find out." Jing Jing Lan Zhou secretly said: "The five disciples of the beggar gang died at the hands of Miss Xian's master. If I tell the story, the hatred between the beggar gang and Miss Xian will be even deeper. But I really don't know the surname of the masked senior. Who is named, just said that the murderer is unknown, and it is not deceitful to the beggar gang." Thinking of another matter in his mind, he felt even more uneasy.

Si Runnan nodded and said: "Elder Han's words are very true, so let's do it this way." Frowning, he turned to Wu Hongyi and said, "Vice Steward Wu, you have been in the gang for more than 18 years, and you are the elder of the gang. Where did Mu Chuan come from, and how did he get into it in the first place?" Wu Hongyi paled, and replied: "This person claims to be from Shandong, and lived in Henan to beg for a living [-] years ago. He has always been inconspicuous in the gang. Over the years, only three bags of disciples have survived, who would have thought that this traitor would hide so deeply!"

Si Runnan frowned and said: "This man has peerless martial arts, why is he willing to be an unknown soldier in the beggar gang? The Henan branch has never heard of anything weird in these years. What is the purpose of him keeping a low profile like this?" Thinking for a moment , asked Jing Lanzhou and said: "Jing Shaoxia, Mu Chuan has been dormant in the gang for many years, and his behavior is normal, but this time he did not hesitate to show his face in order to frame the young hero, and eventually his hiding place was exposed. Si guessed that the young hero had nothing to do with it. Enmity, could it be that he and the respected teacher have some festivals?" Jing Lanzhou murmured: "The family teacher punishes evil and promotes good all his life, so there are naturally many enemies. I guess Mu Chuan is mostly a pseudonym. As for the truth, I have no choice but to choose a date Ask your mentor."

Si Runnan nodded, and told Luo Yingyuan what happened just now, and said: "Brother Luo's family has a long history, did you see any clues when we fought this person just now?" Luo Yingyuan sighed: "This person's skill is rare in the world, But Luo couldn't recognize his martial arts methods. Dragons and tigers are hidden in the rivers and lakes. I only hope that he is joking on the spur of the moment. "The group of beggars saw that even the world-renowned "Five Cloud Palms" were amazed at Mu Chuan's martial arts, and all remained silent.

Han Jiyan suddenly said: "With Jing Shaoxia's integrity and character, what he said is so powerful that we cannot doubt it; but if Master Chen Duo hadn't been killed by the Palace Master, who would have killed him?" Jing Lanzhou hesitated. Said: "No one at the helm of Dayong noticed how Chen Tuozhu was killed that day. This must be done by a master, could it be the hand of Mu Chuanxia?" On the fifth day, he was indeed waiting for orders in Changge County. Many brothers in the gang saw it with their own eyes. They decided that they could not fly to Kaifeng to kill people, so they should not be wronged." Jing Lanzhou nodded and said: "The elders are fair. Selfless, juniors really admire."

Suddenly, a person outside the room laughed loudly and said: "All the friends of the Beggar Clan are gathered here, and even the leader of the Clan is here. Why didn't you, the three-eyed judge, inform the old man? It's really meaningless!" The voice was like Hong Zhong , so that everyone's ears were buzzing.The group of beggars turned their heads and saw a red-faced old man striding into the hall from the outside. They saw that he was tall and tall with a white beard and drooping chest. He was wearing a dark brown round-necked brocade robe. Big sack, I don't know what's in it.

Han Jiyan got up to meet him and said, "What brought you here? Our gang has suffered many disasters recently, and we have to discuss countermeasures here. Can't watch the ceremony?" The tone seemed quite affectionate.He took the old man's hand and said to the crowd: "This old brother Liao Congsheng is the elder of the Wei Tuo Gate in Henan Prefecture. He has known Han for many years and is an old friend of mine. He is rarely seen in Jianghu Walking up and down, so you don't know."

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