Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 309

"I said: 'Your master is so handsome, how do you live like that? Dare to ask your name?' The man said: 'In Xiamuchuan, he is just an unknown soldier in the beggar gang. How dare he disturb Elder Mei?' I heard the words I was very surprised, but I must know that the identities of the "Junjie Five Elders" have always been kept secret, even the leader and elders of the beggar gang may not know it, so how could they be recognized by this three bag disciple? Mei's face darkened, and asked: "You I have never met you before, how did your honor know this old man?" The man laughed loudly and said, "The "Three Friends of Suihan" are well-known all over the world, why is it surprising that Mu knows this? Our gang took a fortune from a corrupt official from your teacher last month. Bribing money, the elders won't find superiors and subordinates for such a trivial matter?"

"I saw that the other party was ugly in appearance, but his manner and conversation were very extraordinary. He was definitely not an ordinary person. I asked him: 'Who is your honor? Who is that masked man just now? Why did he kill the disciples of the beggar gang? Your Excellency held your breath and feigned death, what is your idea?" The lame man laughed and said, "I have already told you my name, what else do you ask the elder? How can I recognize the murderer with a cloth mask?" I asked, "You were there just now. What was written on the wall?" The lame sneered and said, "The elder is not blind, why don't you go back and see?" I snorted and said, "Wouldn't it be convenient for you to tell me directly?" Shoulder. The scorpion saw that I was using a small grasping hand, and pointed at my wrist. The two of us changed our moves in the middle of the way. Seeing that we couldn't control each other, we hit each other head-on, and Mei shook back a few feet. But the lame man took only half a step back and then stopped. I saw that the opponent's internal strength was superior to mine, and I was so surprised that I didn't dare to step forward to force him. Seeing this, the man sneered and said: "If the elder has nothing to do I'm sorry I won't accompany you much.' Immediately turned and left.

"I stood there for a long time, I couldn't figure out what to do, and then I walked slowly back to the deserted garden, but I saw that the handwriting on the dirt wall had been wiped off. Mei thought over and over again, that lame man was obviously very good at martial arts. The masked man killed the disciples of the beggar gang, but he allowed his comrades to be slaughtered, he just fell to the ground and pretended to be dead, then slapped his buttocks and walked away afterwards; when he was talking to me just now, his expression was very relaxed , I don’t see the slightest bit of grief, and most likely he is not a member of the beggar gang. It’s just that because of his high martial arts, Mei is puzzled as to why he should sneak into the beggar gang and pretend to be a three-bag disciple. The face man and the young hero are very different in shape, so the old man knows that the murderer is definitely not you."

Jing Lanzhou, who was at the side, was terrified, and said: "The lame man wanted to blame me for killing these Beggar Clan disciples, and left the handwriting on the wall that the younger generation confessed to murder, which was later destroyed by Senior Brother Luo. "Mei Qian nodded and said: "Well, that's how it is." Jing Lanzhou said: "Afterwards, the Beggar Gang insisted that these five people were all killed by their subordinates. It's a murderer. If what the senior said, this lame is actually a master of martial arts, I don't know why he deliberately wronged me?"

Mei Qian pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said: "This old man can't figure it out, I'm afraid there is some bigger conspiracy hidden in it, and the young hero must be careful. Today Meng Shaoxia saved his life, and Mei should have gone to Nanyang together. To testify, but first of all, I am an elder of the Wuwei Sect, not to mention that most of the beggars don’t believe what the old man says, and I am even more afraid that they will fight each other when they meet, which will be a bad thing; second, the old man has already asked Jin Yiwei to fight again in Nanchang next month. At this time, I am traveling alone, fearing that I will lose my due time because of something, and I will offend my two old friends, so I have the audacity to confess to the young hero."

Jing Lanzhou said: "Senior's words are serious. I have always been puzzled by the guilt of this muddle-headed crime. Today, fortunately, the elder told the truth, and I realized that the strangeness was caused by this lame person. I suddenly felt that the cloud was clear. The disciples of the beggar gang are chivalrous. Gentleman, Elder Han has always enforced the law, so he will be able to handle this matter properly and give justice to someone." Mei Qian sighed: "I hope everything is as the young man expected."

Although Jing Lanzhou has always been aware of his innocence and open-mindedness, but every time he thinks of defending against the beggar gang with his own strength, he has no evidence in his hands, so he is somewhat uncertain; unexpectedly, Mei Qian secretly saw the truth of the murder case that day. Now that he knows that the lame man is very suspicious, he can target the target and force him to show his flaws. He couldn't help but feel very happy, and respectfully bowed to Mei Qian and said: "Thank you, Mr. Mei, for your frankness. If I can get rid of my grievances this time, I will all It is a gift from my predecessors." Mei Qian said: "Young hero is my life-saving benefactor, how can I thank you for such small things? It's just that the lame man is strong in martial arts, so young hero must be careful." Jing Lanzhou thanked: "The younger generation must remember .”

Mei Qian nodded, hesitated for a moment, and sighed: "Jing Shaoxia, although Mei has no choice but to betray the Palace Master this time, after all, I have watched her grow up since I was a child, and she is... and Palace Master Tang again. Your adopted daughter. Palace Master Xian is a young man who is ambitious and proud. I have never seen her be so close to people like you before. Young hero, don’t disappoint Palace Master’s heart." Jing Lanzhou said: "I also know very well Palace Master Xian is very kind, but the junior Gu Ying is ashamed, so it is difficult to match a beautiful woman." Mei Qian said with a smile: "Why do you say that you are not worthy?" It's Kaifeng, I only hope that Second Miss Luo will turn the bad luck into good fortune, and that my cousin will not be in vain. This old man Lin Yuetai has come out of the rivers and lakes this time, and when the big things here are over, we should meet him." Hu Chao Jing Lanzhou cupped his hands and said: "Mei has something to do, don't let us go today, young man, take care all the way. The grace of saving each other will be repaid later."

Jing Lanzhou was still worried, and said: "Chief Zhu is very scheming. Since he knows that senior is seriously injured, most of them are still guarding nearby. Why don't Jing send the elder to Hall Master Lei for a while, and wait for the wound to heal up?" Wouldn't it be safe to go?" Mei Qian waved his hand and said, "Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Mei, just be careful, so I won't disturb Hu Chen." He left the temple.

Jing Lanzhou thought to himself: "Elder Mei is proud and bony, and his courage is comparable to others." He walked out of the ancient temple casually, but saw black clouds covering the moon, jackdaws singing at night, and the surroundings were cold and lonely, thinking of Xian Qingrang who had resolutely left before , I couldn't help but feel melancholy, and immediately went back to the inn alone to rest for the night.

Early the next morning, he paid off the rent and was about to get up and start his journey. He heard that the old wine sold in the inn was very mellow.When he put the jug back into the saddle bag, he suddenly felt that his hands were slippery. He pulled out his hand and saw that it was a jade-white silk handkerchief. Two white lotuses were embroidered on the handkerchief. It looks elegant and unconventional, elegant and unparalleled.

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