Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 307

"I saw my master's eyes were cloudy and breathless, and I knew that he was about to die. I bowed down and said, "My disciple remembers. The master's kindness of teaching, the apprentice will repay in the next life." The mentor nodded and then closed his eyes. After the old man was buried, I went to the master's grave and cried a lot, and then left the capital. Three years later, my mother lost her life, and Mei had nothing to worry about. From then on, I devoted myself to assisting the Tang palace master to carry forward Wuwei teaching; but I Always remember the master's dying words, and pay attention to the clues of Emperor Jianwen everywhere. Unfortunately, no matter how much we inquire, there is no news at all. Seeing that everyone's hair is growing, and they are getting old year by year. About three years ago, The envoy Ranxia came back from work outside, and hurriedly reported to the palace master, saying that Zen Master Mingjue of Daxiangguo Temple knew the whereabouts of Emperor Jianwen. After hearing this, my heart sank. Abbot Mingjue studied Buddhism with Puqia when he was young. It is not impossible for this person to know the whereabouts of the late emperor. Mei had sworn in front of his teacher that he would never let the whereabouts of Emperor Jianwen be revealed. The monk and I have a lot of friendship, but Mei is hard to be cruel. I saw that the old palace master asked Venerable Honglian to interrogate, and often hid in the dark to watch. Fortunately, he knew that the abbot had a strong character and would rather die than reveal the truth. , Mei finally felt a little relieved. At this time, the Tang Palace Master's health was getting worse day by day, and soon he couldn't get sick, and finally died in the year before last.

"After the death of Palace Master Tang, Mei was disheartened and wanted to wash her hands with this golden basin, but I found Zhu Chief's trace in Taibaiding, and I was full of doubts, so I went all the way to track it down; after I found out that the person was actually sent by the old Palace Master. The secret agent who assassinated everyone couldn't help feeling mixed. Mei was willing to abandon his teacher's order for him, and his fame and fortune were as if he was a shoe. How could the Tang palace master be so guarded against me? Mei thought to herself for many years, but it ended up like this , I couldn’t help but feel resentful, and I remembered what my master said back then, why not let me, an unworthy disciple, complete his unfinished ambitions for him? The old thoughts were sprouting in my heart, and I was thinking hard about how to make the palace of inaction disintegrate. Jing Shaoxia, do you think that the first time the two of us met was at the bank of Zhuxi Town in Nankang Mansion that night?"

Jing Lanzhou was startled when he heard the words, and said, "That's right, the elder met Senior Brother Luo once in Henan, but it was the first meeting with the younger generation that day." Mei Qian shook his head and said, "No, you and I met in the prison of Kaifeng Mansion long ago. I have already had a face-to-face meeting, and this old man can count as a small favor to the two young heroes." Jing Lanzhou thought for a while, and said in surprise: "Senior, mean..." Mei Qian smiled and said: "Yes, that day It is none other than Mei who helped you restrain Monk Jiansheng in prison."

Jing Lanzhou's shock was no small matter. He recalled that Jiansheng in the prison suddenly shot and wounded Luo Jiayan, and then lost to the siege of three of his own side. He wanted to escape with the poisonous smoke, but was knocked down by a mysterious person. Stop it, it turns out that the man is Mei Qian.He couldn't help asking: "Why did the elder deliberately send Jiansheng to us? Wuwei Palace won't collapse because of the loss of a red lotus venerable."

Mei Qian said slowly: "Of course this old man knows. Mei has been living in the Jianghu for 20 years, and her mentor and relatives have died one after another. It is difficult to rely on the power of the court to eradicate Wuweijiao in one fell swoop. If you want to fulfill your teacher's long-cherished wish, you can only slowly weaken it. Cannibalism. Monk Jiansheng has a recurring nature and has a grudge against Envoy Ranxia. You only need to take advantage of the opportunity of Abbot Mingjue's death to push him behind his back, and he will most likely submit to the court. The outcome is as Mei expected. This monk led Jin Yiwei to fight against the Wuwei Sect everywhere, which is much safer than the old man himself. Besides, he is a fellow disciple of Abbot Mingjue, if any clues about Emperor Jianwen left by Zen Master Mingjue fall into Jiansheng's hands, then It is extremely dangerous, and this person cannot stay in the teaching no matter what."

Jing Lanzhou was secretly startled when he heard the words: "Elder Mei is so scheming." He asked: "In this way, it is not true that the elder mentioned that he went to Jiangxi to persuade the two friends to return to the tent of Lord Xian. What?" Mei Qian said: "The words are indeed true, but Palace Master Xian hates the two elders deeply, how could he let them go so easily? Even if she is willing to forgive the two elders for the crime of apostasy in the past, she must design it behind her back. They harm each other in every way; my two old friends are not willing to be fish and meat. The so-called poor beasts will bite and birds will peck. It is unavoidable that the building will collapse. If the teacher and his old man know that his last wish will be fulfilled, he must be a smiling spring."

Jing Lanzhou was silent for a long time, and sighed: "Seniors are far-sighted and far-sighted, every step is carefully planned, planned and then acted, so why not worry about major events? It's just that the elders have worked hard for dozens of years for the Wuwei Sect, but because of a momentary anger If you want to destroy it quickly, I’m afraid it’s a fool’s errand. In my humble opinion, it’s better to take a step back and open up the sea and the sky instead of fighting like this. Since the elder had the ambition to grow forests and grasses two years ago, why not just take this opportunity? Give up and go away, away from this worldly dispute?"

Mei Qian shook his head and said, "Since I've been in this sea of ​​misery, thinking about the Yellow Dog at the East Gate, how can I get it so easily? I know that the young hero has good intentions, if Mei can retire lightly, she doesn't have to spend so much effort. But I'm not an ungrateful person, the young hero saved the old man's life today, Mei promised you that you would never do anything to hurt Palace Master Xian, if you violate this statement, heaven and earth will perish." After a pause, he continued: "I just wish you the best of luck This guy is determined to let me go, but if this person is not eliminated, the "Three Friends of Suihan" will die without a place to bury him. He thinks he has the palace as his backer, so he will run rampant, but he doesn't know the reason why arrogant soldiers are bound to be defeated. Hehe, wait until next year's Zhongyuan The festival is the anniversary of this kid's death."

Jing Lanzhou was shocked when he heard the words, pondered for a moment, and said: "What is the elder going to do now? Senior is seriously injured, if he bumps into Zhu Tang again, it will be difficult to resist, why not escort the elder to a safe place." He subtly thanked and said: "It's okay, except for the finger surnamed Zhu, the rest are just flesh and blood wounds. Although we can't fight for a while, we still have the ability to escape."

Jing Lanzhou nodded, and asked: "When Elder Cai was fighting with Chief Zhu just now, the Bafeng palm technique was so exquisite and unprovoked, together with the 'Dragon Locust Mysterious Kung Fu' and 'Picking the Stars and the Moon Hand' used by the other party, I don't know what it is all about." What kind of martial art? My family master has extensive knowledge of martial arts in the world, but he has never mentioned these skills to the younger generation."

Mei Qian said slowly: "'Eight Wind Palm' was originally a secret martial art taught by my master. It is said that it was passed down from the ancient countries of Tianzhu and Ceylon to Zen Buddhism in the South China Sea more than a hundred years ago. There have always been very few people who know it. , ridicule, slander, reputation, benefit, decline, suffering, and happiness. But if you can be indifferent to the environment, be unmoved by the eight winds, not be bound by the six sense organs, and not be confused by various environments, you will be able to open the clouds and see the day, and use supernatural powers. This eight-wind palm method is practiced to the state of no self and no form. It doesn't matter whether you use swords, guns and sticks, fists, palms and legs, or moves that are fast or slow, virtual or real, movements that are firm and soft, you can respond as you like. It's just that Mei's six roots are difficult to clean. It is too far away from the realm of 'Eight Winds Not Moving', the Eight Winds Palm is only three or four times successful when I use it in my hand."

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