Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 305 Undercover

"Hearing this, Mr. Sai laughed and said, 'If Mr. Mei is troubled by this, I can help you a little bit.' With a light wave of my saber, I felt a gust of wind blowing past me. The leaves on the top of the head were rustling and falling. Mei was born in a family of princes and princes, and I have seen a lot of those great masters since I was a child, but none of them had such skills. I was surprised and delighted, and asked: "Master Sai is very powerful in martial arts, don't you know?" Where did you learn from famous masters?" Master Sai said: "It doesn't matter if I don't mention my master's name, do you want to learn my kung fu?" I thought that everyone was an official in the same dynasty, and it would not break the law to learn some martial arts from him, so I agreed immediately. It is convenient for me to come to Xiaoling every day to teach me some basic kung fu. After more than a month, Lord Sai suddenly said: "I will leave tomorrow to return to Yunnan. Here is a book of boxing and a book of inner strength and mental methods. My lord This practice should lead to a small success within a few years." I was very reluctant to give up, and immediately held a banquet to practice, and said goodbye with tears.

"After a few years, Mei practiced hard day and night according to the book, and he didn't realize that his martial arts made great progress. In the autumn of the 14th year of Yongle, Ji Gang, the commander of Jinyiwei, was punished for his rebellion. Taizong actually recalled Lord Sai from Yunnan to succeed Ji Gang and was promoted to Jinyiwei. Commander. I was overjoyed when I heard about this, so I came to pay my respects as a disciple. Seeing my sincerity, Master Sai also formally accepted me as an apprentice, and taught Mei some martial arts carefully. So time flies, and it’s the early years of Xuande, the year of a mentor Things are getting worse and his eyebrows are white. One day he suddenly found Mei, and said worriedly: "As a teacher, you have received holy grace, held a high position, and regained a sage. This is enough for this life. Do you know why you were a teacher back then?" Pass on your martial arts?" I said: "Master Taishan is so kind, and my disciples will never forget it. Please express it clearly."

"The master sighed softly, and said: 'The honorable old man is loyal, loyal and filial, he can be regarded as a generation of Confucianism. Unfortunately, he died at a young age, and everyone in the government and the public mourned. Since the death of your father, there is resentment in your step, and the injustice is beyond words. Being in an important position in Gyeonggi, if you are a little careless in words or actions, disaster will fall from the sky immediately, and you will be even more afraid that the fish and trees in the pond will affect your clan." I couldn't help sweating when I heard the words, and bowed my head: "Master has taught you the right thing. The disciple was young at the time. Ignorant and muddleheaded, it almost caused a catastrophe." The master said: "As a teacher, I was entrusted by others, and I must try to preserve a little blood of your Mei family, but I live far away in Yunnan, and I can't grow up, so I have to teach you the best martial arts first. If something unexpected happens, with your skills at that time, you can escape alone. Finally, the disciples have been practicing Qi and cultivating character these years. It has been quite effective, and I have not seen anything beyond the rules.' I was shocked when I heard this, and said: 'I don't know, Master Who was entrusted by an expert back then to enlighten his disciples?" The mentor shook his head and said, "You don't have to ask since the man has passed away. Your honor has been riding a crane for a long time, but you still have that depression and worry in your heart at this moment." Is it?" I sighed: "My Mei family has been blessed by heaven for generations, and rain and dew are hard to repay. Besides, since Emperor Wen first ascended the Great Treasure, it has gone through three generations. The sea is peaceful and the people are happy. The body is full of loyalty and integrity, the life and death of a man is high or low, each has his own destiny."

"Master heard this, and sighed: 'So, after all, you still can't let go of this matter. Yongzhen, as a teacher, is dying, and his life is not long, but I have an unfinished business in my heart. I entrust you to complete it.' I said: 'Master, you should be strong and strong. Why do you say such ominous words? What wishes do you have, I will do my best.' Master said: 'During the Yongle period, Tang Sai'er, the white lotus witch in Qingzhou, led the crowd. Sweeping prefectures and counties, massacring officials, and being exterminated by the imperial court, you have never been able to capture the demon girl. You are very clear about this." I nodded and said, "Yes, could it be that the master found the demon girl's trace?" The master said: "I found out the news for my teacher. This temptress is very quiet. She has been running around in the martial arts recently, trying to set up a new family and make a comeback. This woman is good at deceiving people. If she is allowed to grow and spread, she will be afraid Repeat the disaster of Shandong. However, these people act secretly and are scattered all over the place. If officers and soldiers are deployed to suppress them, firstly they will have no way to start, and secondly, they will be afraid to startle the snake. The teacher has been planning for a long time, but he sent a confidant to sneak into the other party's sect pretending to be a quack , this way you know yourself and the enemy, and you can control any troubles, and when the time is right, you will be able to catch them all."

"When Mei heard this, he immediately said: "Master, don't worry, I will leave this matter to the disciples, and I will definitely live up to expectations." The teacher nodded and said: "As a teacher, you are the only one who can take on this important task. But now you are a high-ranking official and have a great reputation. If you go to consort with me, the demons of the White Lotus Sect must be suspicious; as a teacher, I will first try to transfer you to other provinces to take up a job, and then find an opportunity to mix in, so that you will not leave any traces.' I follow the master I ordered that I deliberately discussed the government affairs in front of others and spoke wildly, and I was impeached by the officials. My teacher had already known to the Ministry of officials, and soon after the imperial court issued an edict, I was demoted to Shaanxi to become a thousand households. According to my teacher, Mei After pointing out, I soon got involved with the Wuwei Sect, and showed off my martial arts in front of others, after about half a month, Palace Master Tang invited me to meet in Qishan County, and invited me to be the elder of the sect."

Jing Lanzhou said: "The elder's martial arts are so strong, the Elder Tang's Palace Master will definitely respect him at the first sight." Mei Qian shook his head and said, "I thought that with my own martial arts, I would be the best in the teaching, but who knew that Rimei When I arrived at the agreed place, a masked man suddenly attacked me with a sword. I didn’t take it seriously at first, and only fought the enemy with bare hands. Unexpectedly, the opponent’s swordsmanship was so good that he lost the wind after just a few moves. Mei was horrified After that, he took out his weapon and put it on the right side. After fighting for about two or three hundred moves, the opponent obviously had several chances to restrain me, but they were all merciless. I was in doubt, when the man suddenly stopped, jumped back and said: "Your Majesty Mei is outstanding in martial arts, and his reputation is really well-deserved." I heard the other party's voice was a woman, and said in surprise: "Could it be that Your Excellency is the Lord of the Tang Palace?" The masked man just claimed his identity. After this battle, Mei knew the Tang Palace The master's martial arts are far superior to mine, and half of the lofty pride in my heart disappeared immediately." Jing Lanzhou said in his heart: "The Tang Palace master came up and fought with Elder Mei. He not only tested his martial arts, but also gave the opponent a blow. The method is really good. .”

Mei Qian was silent for a moment, and then said: "Later, I found out that apart from myself, there were four other guardian elders, all of whom had the same skills as mine. They were congenial and became inseparable friends. Later, Wuwei Palace became more and more famous, and its reputation in the world became more and more famous. Whenever it encountered any troubles, it only needed the help of the five elders to solve them, and it has grown to this day. The situation. Can the young man know why Mei stayed in the teaching for 20 years, but did not obey the teacher's order, and cooperated with the court to eradicate him?"

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