Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 299 Torture

Mei Qian nodded and said, "Your Majesty is so loyal to the teaching, how much do you think he has contributed to this matter?" Chief Zhu said: "That's natural. Although Zhu did not show up to help in public, but I will always help you." Keeping in mind the legacy of the old Palace Master, there are many investigations in secret." Mei Qian said: "Since this is the case, I wonder if you have seen results over the years?"

Zhu Yi sighed: "The sky is big and the earth is big. This matter is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Thousands of brothers in the church have not had any conclusive news for many years. I wish someone is only one person. Master Ying Wen is in Zhejiang, and the Yao Department's envoys went to search for several months, but they still found nothing?" Mei Qian sneered and said, "The brat is full of nonsense, and his face is not red and his heart is beating. He is really thick-skinned. But Mei Hearing the rumors, the whereabouts of Monk Ying Wen was visited by His Holiness a few years ago."

Tang Gen's face changed drastically, and he said, "Brother Zhu, Elder Mei... is what he said true?" Jing Lanzhou was also shocked when he heard the words: "Zhu Chief knows where Emperor Jianwen is? No, he and Shen Quan is a brother who worships the master, and the latter has been begging for many years. If Chief Zhu has found out what happened, why didn't he tell his righteous brother? Could it be that the two people looking for Emperor Jianwen are not the same people?"

Chief Zhu didn't change his face, and said calmly: "I don't know where the elder heard this? Your Excellency is so shrewd, how can you believe in such nonsense?" Mei Qian shook his head and said: "There is no reason for it. The old man heard that the Songjiang Mansion Then what's the 'Iron Swallow Silver Spear' Shao Yantang, he has a long friendship with the Venerable, is there such a thing?"

Chief Zhu's complexion changed slightly, and he said, "That's right, brother Shao is a friend of Zhu's Wangnian. He is well-known as a hero in the Jianghu, and has nothing to do with the sect. Why should the elder bother him?" Mei Qian laughed. : "Mei is not interested in making friends with such a half bottle of jealous heroes. However, the Shao family is very powerful, not only is he very popular in the martial arts, but he is also a brother and brother with the local prefectural and county officials. Your Excellency, please ask him to help you hide the truth. Chan Master Wen, it is really suitable."

Jing Lanzhou's heart was shocked, and he thought to himself: "Could it be that Chief Zhu coerced Shao Yantang to do this in the name of repaying his kindness? The latter is always worried and evasive every time he mentions this matter. If it really involves Emperor Jianwen, no wonder Shao Daxia would not say anything no matter what."

Zhu Yi sighed and said: "Elder Mei, you really hold grudges tightly. That day in Zhuxi Town, in order to survive, I had to lie in front of Chen and Li, saying that you came with me to take their lives. If you don't This aroused suspicion between the two of them. Is there any fate for Zhu Mou? The elder held a grudge in his heart, and today he used the same method to provoke Brother Tang and Zhu Mou. How can such a big matter be taken for granted? Your Excellency said that I secretly Hiding Monk Yingwen, what evidence do you have?"

Mei Qian said: "That's right, the old man really has no evidence at the moment. Mei had planned to leave Huguang this trip, so she wanted to go to Songjiang Mansion to ask Shao Yantang a good question. I think His Holiness is unwilling to give me this opportunity. If the old man's guess is right, you came to Huguang from Nanzhili this time, and you came to look for the two hall masters of the Thunderbolt Hall, right?" Zhu Yi said: "This is strange, why did Zhu find the Thunderbolt Hall?"

Mei Qian sneered and said: "Your Majesty just pretended to be deaf and foolish. Today, I will expose your conspiracy and teach you nothing to say. That day I met Elder Guan in Nanchang City, and he told me about the old monk in the Xishan Cave. The matter, Mei remembered the old monk with unfathomable martial arts under Taibai two years ago, and guessed that the relationship between the two of you is extraordinary, and that old monk is probably your elder brother. It is already a big headache for us to fight against each other. If this old monk makes another move, wouldn't the Junjie five elders die without a place to die? Not to mention that the enemy is dark and we are clear, Mei doesn't even know the details of your master and apprentice.

"Elder Guan has the same concerns in his heart. The two of us couldn't help but looked at each other silently, and were worried for a while. Tongxian suddenly said: 'I think of a person, I can arrest him and ask him.' Get up and go out for an hour or two, and catch a person A middle-aged man threw it on the ground. I wondered: "Who is this person?" Guan Motong said: "My brother preached that no one knew the boy surnamed Zhu. This person came here today with a Qinglian token Me, doesn’t he know that our sect has not appointed Venerable Qinglian in these years? This person is probably a member of Zhuyi’s party, so he must be tortured.’ The man’s face was covered with bruises, obviously he had been beaten, and said with a mournful face : "Elder Guan, the villain is just a pawn in the Nanchang sub-helm. How can I recognize the elders and venerables in the sect? Even you old man, this is the first time I have seen you today. I saw someone setting off fireworks in Xishan during the day Signal, just rushed over, the man said he was the venerable Dharma protector in the sect, and asked me to take the token to the inn to invite you. The little one was just following orders, and I had never seen that young master before.'”

Jing Lanzhou thought to himself: "It turns out that this person is the woodcutter who ran errands for Zhu Chief that day. Guan Motong actually thought of interrogating this person, he must be very thoughtful and sophisticated."

Mei Qian said: "I see that this man doesn't seem to be lying, so he smiled and said, "Old Guan, what does this kind of person know? Don't embarrass him." Tongxian shook his head and said, "Guan, brother of Nanchang Fenduo, knows everything. , How can there be a person like you? What is the relationship between you and the surname Zhu? I will spare you if you tell me.” The man’s face changed, he took out a dagger from his waist and stabbed it in his chest. Elder Guan raised his hand and nodded. He acupointed and said: "It's not easy to want to die? You have to tell the truth first." Pinch the man's jaw and feed him a pill. I wondered: "Old Guan, what did you give him?" Tongxian said: "This medicine is called Zuixin Pill. After taking it, you feel like drunk and unconscious. Whatever you ask, he will answer whatever you ask. Every sentence is from the heart." "

Zhu Chief laughed and said, "How can there be such a panacea in the world? Elder Mei is afraid that his words are exaggerated." But his expression was a little stiff.Mei Qian said: "Elder Guan is the infiltrated disciple of Meishan Doctor, and the old man knows a little about his usual methods. But don't worry, my lord, the man's medicinal power will take effect after taking the drunken pill, but no matter how Tongxian and I ask , He just kept mumbling to himself, and he said it in a hurry, he couldn't make out the general idea, he just talked about the prince, the palace and so on." Jing Lanzhou was shocked when he heard the words: "I wish the chief Sure enough, it has a lot to do with Prince Ning's Mansion."

Mei Qian continued: "When the two of us heard each other mention the palace, our hearts sank, and we asked, 'Is your master under King Ning? Words. Shaoqing Zuixin Pill gradually faded, Tongxian tapped his Sleeping Point, frowned and said: "It seems that this man is really just a nobody, and he can't ask anything important. He kept talking about the palace, could it be that Zhu Yi actually Is it a subordinate of the prince? This matter should be inquired carefully.' I told what happened in Zhuxi Town that day, and said: 'Right now the two friends Songzhu are also in Nanchang. You might as well find them to discuss together. As long as the four of us work together, forgive the old monk for not daring to act rashly.' Elder Guan was silent when he heard the words. Blame it on you? The surname Zhu wants to deal with us all. This is for our own safety, and Chen and Li can't stay out of it." Tongxian pondered for a long time and sighed: "My brother is right. If you don't get rid of this person, You and I can't sleep.' We have made up our minds, so we asked Chen and Li to meet at the Shengjin Pagoda the next day." Jing Lanzhou was secretly startled when he heard the words: "It turns out that the two elders of Songzhu did not pass by the pagoda by chance that day. Instead, I'm here to attend the appointment between Guan Mei and the two of you."

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