Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 292

Tang Gen hesitated for a moment, then laughed loudly and said, "Elder Mei understands people, and Tang doesn't talk around corners. The reason why the three of you pushed Tang as the main one was because you didn't have any good intentions. You just didn't want to send yourself away. It's just on the cusp of the storm. Chen and Li have not been cleared of the crime of apostasy two years ago, so they dare not act rashly. If you want to elect you, Mrs. Mei, as the palace master, first of all, they may not be willing in their hearts, and the two immortals of Tongbai will not I won't agree. It just so happened that Tang X was restrained by you in Nanchang, and I was the nephew of the old palace master, so you decided to support me as the palace master, but the three of you gave orders behind the scenes, just like the Supreme Master , so the name is justified, even if the two immortals are unwilling, they can't compete with the three of you."

Mei Qian said with a smile: "Brother Tang said that, but he is too out of touch. Although our religion has thousands of believers, the talent has withered in the past two years, and only my brother can be regarded as a famous figure. We old men have always admired it in our hearts. This time we elected you as the leader of the sect. Although it is fair and just, it is hard to say that it is completely selfless. We discuss everything, and the three of us don't want to let my brother be the puppet palace master. Tang My brother, you and I have worked together in teaching the CCP for many years, although we are not considered close, the surname Mei has always regarded you as a bosom friend, and today we exchanged shallow words, so don’t blame me, brother.”

Tang Gen said indifferently: "Thanks to Elder Mei who thinks highly of Tang, I'm honored. It's just that if the three of you really don't have the intention to control the teaching affairs, why are you so afraid of me forming an alliance with the Thunder Hall? Why does the elder need to secretly nail Tang? I have already said that." , I, Tang Gen, have no intention of being the leader of the sect, and now I can't help myself to occupy the position, but I can't be fooled into bearing the notoriety of betraying the leader and being criticized by thousands of people, so I have to think about myself."

Jing Lanzhou listened to the two talking in the dark, and said to himself, "Elder Mei is very scheming. Since Tang Tanzhu has been bumped into by him, he can't be fooled by a few words. Fortunately, Elder Mei only suspects Brother Tang's intentions for this trip. Forging a foreign alliance to strengthen oneself, Tang Tanzhu did not hesitate to admit that he was greedy for power in order to cover up his secret meeting with Miss Xian, so two evils are balanced and the lesser is chosen, this decisive decision is really remarkable."

Mei Qian chuckled and said, "So, if my brother gets what he wants on this trip, he will kick us bad old men away?" Tang Gen laughed and said, "You three are your own guardian elders. , Tang Mou's move is just for self-protection, how dare he kill the donkey? Besides, I don't have such a great ability."

Mei Qian's eyes were shining brightly in the darkness, he suddenly laughed dryly, and said, "It goes without saying whether the three of us are stupid donkeys waiting to be slaughtered, but brother Tang is worthy of being a dragon and phoenix among men, he is really very powerful; if it weren't for Mei If I had known the inside story, I'm afraid I would have believed what you said. Palace Master Xian is also in Wuchang right now, brother, do you know?" Tang Gen didn't change his face, and said, "Tang received the news that Palace Master Xian was thinking about it. Mr.'s apprentice came to Huguang together, could it be that the elder has already seen her face to face?"

Mei Qian shook his head and said: "Someone Mei can't beat the two of them, so it's better not to see each other. I don't know if my brother has ever met with Palace Master Xian?" Tang Gen said: "Since I sit in this seat, Palace Master Xian will definitely hate me right now. Especially the three elders, why should Tang be making fun of himself?" Mei Qian sneered, and said, "I'm afraid it may not be the case. I saw with my own eyes that my brother was waiting for guests at Wanshou Temple early in the morning, and not long after, Palace Master Xian and Jing Lanzhou hurried in. The temple was followed closely by Jin Yiwei and his group, and returned in a short time. You must know that Sanying and Monk Jiansheng have surpassed both Palace Master and Jing Shaoxia in martial arts. How could the Jinyiwei side suffer a disadvantage and leave?"

Tang Gen couldn't help but secretly startled when he heard the words: "It turns out that the old thief knew that I was in Wanshou Temple. I don't know if I had a secret conversation with the Palace Master in the room, did he overhear?" He laughed and said, "If the elder wants to say such a thing, it is not true. Wanshou Temple is Temple No. 1 in Wuchang is full of pilgrims every day, and the Lord Xian came here to worship Buddha and make a wish, what does it have to do with me? As for the entanglement between Jin Yiwei and him, Tang has no idea." Mei Qian shook his head and said: "Mei is not a three-year-old child. If my brother is not a guilty conscience, why do you need to dress up like this? I guess you must have an appointment with Palace Master Xian here, and you are afraid that others will find out your whereabouts."

Tang Gen's heart shook, and he said to himself: "Since Elder Mei knew that the Palace Master and I were in the temple just now, he would definitely go inside to find out. It seems that this matter cannot be covered up; I don't know why his tone seems to be just speculation. Could it be that when I fought with Ma Shun, he wasn't watching from the sidelines? Zhiniang thief, I'll just refuse to admit it." Slowly said: "These are all the elder's one-sided remarks, your Excellency has no proof, Tang can't help being wronged." Mei Qian sneered, and said: "Since this is the case, I have no choice but to dare to offend and ask my brother for advice. If Mei wins by chance, please let me search for a few tricks. Search, see if there are any letter wax pills on your body."

Tang Gen was puzzled when he heard the words: "Even if the old thief suspects that I have secretly communicated with Palace Master Xian, Tang has traveled all over the world for many years, how could he be so foolish as to leave letters and evidence with him? What's the benefit of him tearing my face apart and fighting with me? "A thunderbolt suddenly flashed in my mind: "The reason why he wanted to search me was to find out if my aunt's martial arts secret book was on me. My friends are thick, I think Tongxian heard that the secret book is in the hands of my aunt, and I also coveted it. After my aunt passed away, there was no news of the secret book from Palace Master Xian, so he suspected me." Immediately With a sneer, he said, "That's fine. On that day, the three of you suddenly attacked the Nanchang sub-helm. Tang had fought with Elder Chen and Elder Li, but he didn't compete with Elder Mei. I dare to ask for your advice today. Doing it by your own family is the specialty of your Suihan three friends." Yan Bi slowly pulled out the iron umbrella from the bottom of his robe.

Mei Qian said with a smile: "My brother's 'black silkworm black bone umbrella' is too powerful, Mei does not dare to learn it empty-handed, let's do two moves with weapons." Only a few squeaks were heard, and there was already a slender one in his hand. The long thing, shining with silver light in the black night, is the nine-section steel whip used when he fought against the Songzhu two elders under the Shengjin Pagoda the day before yesterday.

Tang Gen knew that the other party's martial arts were extremely high, and if he wanted to win, he had to seize the opportunity, so he didn't say much at the moment, let out a loud shout, and pointed the tip of his umbrella straight at Mei Qian's chest.With a flick of Mei Qian's wrist, the nine-section whip entangled the iron umbrella with a crackling sound. Tang Gen worked hard in his hand, but he couldn't open the umbrella. Immediately, he raised his left arm and stretched out his fingers to touch the Yutang acupoint on the opponent's chest.Mei Qian pulled the steel whip, and the iron umbrella lay between the two of them. Tang Gen's finger was about to hit the umbrella body, and his left hand suddenly turned into a claw. Hit Mei Qian's left shoulder.

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