Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 289

Xian Qingrang secretly said: "Brother Tang has high qualifications in martial arts, and he is also a close relative of the godmother. After Chen and Li rebelled, I sincerely asked him to be the elder several times, but he always politely refused, which is really puzzling. " He said with a smile in his mouth, "this is a matter of our own teaching. I don't want to trouble outsiders. Please forgive me for not telling you."

Tang Gen said with a smile: "Master Jiansheng, since you have followed in the footsteps of the elders, why are you still so concerned about educational affairs? The six roots are not clean." Jiansheng said: "A good bird chooses a tree to live in, and a poor monk is blunt, fortunately You can go astray and turn against you. Brother Tang is superb in martial arts, why don't you follow the obedience and rebel, and everyone contributes to the country, wouldn't everyone be happy?" Tang Gen shook his head and said: "If I want to submit to the imperial court, I surrendered 20 years ago, so there is no need Wait until today. Master broke his promise, did he forget the oath he made when he joined the sect?"

Jian Sheng was silent for a while, then sighed: "Brother Tang's heart is like a solid stone, and this little monk admires him endlessly. It's a pity that the poor monk spent half his life worshiping the Buddha, but he still can't get involved in worldly fame and wealth, and it's hard to match the ambition of the altar owner's pines and cypresses. Let's not talk about it." Tang Gen said: "Everyone has his own aspirations, Master has lofty ideals, and others can't force it. It's just that Master said that he would be too nostalgic for the old man." Jian Sheng said: "I just took a little action for the palace master and taught the twelve wonderful envoys , the right is to be punished with a small punishment and a big punishment, so that these girls don't know what to do."

Xian Qingrang said with a smile: "In the eyes of Master, I must be a foolish and ignorant little girl?" Jian Sheng said: "The palace master is talented and beautiful, how can I be compared with ordinary people? Today I wanted to ask the palace master to transfer jade to teach, but I'm afraid It's hard to get what you want." Xian Qing said: "Master is too famous. Since the fate has not yet come, it is better to return to the bridge and return to the road. We will have a long time to come." In fact, she did not want to put this villain to death in her heart, but "three eagles in brocade clothes "He has a great reputation in the Jianghu. As the previous Venerable Red Lotus, Jian Sheng is also a generation with strong martial arts. He thinks that he is not very sure that he can win against the opponent, so he might as well take a step back.

Seeing this good opportunity lost, Ma Shun sighed in his heart, secretly said: "Originally, this trip not only captured the leader of Wuwei, but also removed the thorn in Jing Lanzhou's side. It really killed two birds with one stone, but Cheng Yaojin was killed halfway." Leng snorted Said: "Forget it, since the Tang altar master is here, Ma will sell your face today." Just as he was about to turn his head and leave, Tang Gen stopped him and said, "Master Ma, the battle in Jiangxi the day before yesterday..."

Ma Shun stopped, and said coldly: "Just then Mr. Mei and Ma have agreed to fight again in Nanchang on the first day of next month. If the Tang altar master refuses to accept it last time, you can come and give me advice." Tang Gen shook his head and said: "You all have The two gentlemen of the palace help each other, and it is the same after several comparisons. There is only one thing that is unclear in Tang's heart. I know that Mr. Ma has regarded this religion as a heartache all these years. It is not surprising that I waited to get rid of it. But my lord has always been cautious in his actions. He has been secretly waiting for an opportunity for many years. He wants to wipe out the sect in one fell swoop. You have no intention of going against the government. Why did your lord take the initiative to come here and confront us head-on? Even if you have the support of the palace, you should not be so reckless. Although you had the upper hand last time, it was because the three friends of Suihan did not want to make trouble. So show weakness and give in; if the two sides fight with all their strength, even if the adult side can win, there will probably be casualties, and it may not be possible to retreat completely."

Ma Shun frowned and said: "That day, the lord ordered us to surprise the Nanchang sub-helm of your teaching, saying that Tan Wuwei's leader is there recently, and the Nanchang sub-helm is guarding the slack, and he will be able to capture it easily. He will give this great achievement to Ma Shun." So, I also sent two old gentlemen to help. We followed the instructions of the prince to find the leader of your sect. There is indeed a leader. Unfortunately, it is not the Lord Xian we are looking for, but the new leader of Your Excellency, together with Suihan The "three friends" also gathered together. Ma was not afraid to admit that if the two old gentlemen from the palace hadn't been present that day, we would have suffered a big loss. Among the three friends, Songzhu and Ma had a deep relationship, and they would not be merciless. "

Tang Gen was silent for a moment when he heard the words, and said slowly: "It turns out that this is all the prince's idea. But Mr. Ma will go to the three friends' appointment next month, or invite Mr. Fan Yu to help?" Ma Shun sneered: "Yes, The three old ghosts were unwilling and insisted on taking their own humiliation. It wasn't because Jin Yiwei deliberately provoked me; if Brother Tang also wanted to regain his position, I would accompany him. It's just that Brother Tang has already formed an alliance with Sanyou, so why is he still with Xian? The palace lord secretly communicated the song? Ma has always heard that your character is upright, so could it be that you have both ends?"

Tang Gen said: "This is the selfishness of our sect, so there is no need for adults to worry about it. Jin Yiwei and I are in the same position. Although I am stubborn and ineffective, we will always be able to distinguish the important points. Next month's appointment in Nanchang, Tang will be there. Ma Shun said coldly: "If I tell the three old ghosts what happened today, can they still trust the altar master?" Tang Gen said with a smile: "Your Excellency, do as you please. Although the three friends are suspicious, they will not be provoked by the court's hawks and dogs." instigate."

Ma Shun secretly said: "There are so many masters in the Wuwei Sect, it would be even more difficult to wipe them all out. Fortunately, now that you are in civil strife, what's the point of adding another fire to me? When you are almost killing each other, I will continue to fight with you." Uprooting the Wuwei Palace is a great achievement." The plan was made in his heart, and he smiled: "In this case, Ma will learn the tricks next month." With a wave of his big hand, he led the two kings Tongjian out of the temple.

Tang Gen visited Tang An's injuries and saw that Wang Lin had cut him deeply on the back, but it was not fatal, so he immediately applied medicine and bandaged him, asked the monks to take care of him, and accompanied Xian Jing and the two back to the meditation room.Xian Qingrang asked: "Is this person an old subordinate of Eldest Brother? Why have I never seen it before?" Tang Gen said: "This subordinate came to visit without telling the three friends, and dare not bring anyone from the sect with him, so as not to leak the news. Tang Gen An is my distant relative, who never joined the religion. Tang was entrusted by his aunt, so he did not dare to give up the world lightly, so he had to deal with the three friends in a false way; now that the old palace lord's order has been passed on, the subordinates have no worries in their hearts. Do your best to serve the Palace Master."

Xian Qingrang sighed: "Elder Mei follows the traitor, Guan Motong is selfish, and my younger sister wants to return to teaching, so I can only rely on my eldest brother. Today, Jin Yiwei bumped into you and I meet here, and the news spread. I'm afraid that the three friends will let you go." However, brother, you must be careful in everything."

Tang Gen said with a smile: "The three old foxes have their own ghosts, and no one wants to be the leader, so they forced Tang to take the position and used me as their shield. What about Tang, otherwise it is rumored that the "Three Friends of the Suihan" rebelled against the established leader. How can such a capricious villain still gain a foothold in the arena? The palace master does not need to worry. Even if Ma Shun really let the wind out, we will If you are so frightened that you dare not show your face, it will make you more guilty. It is better to pretend that nothing happened and let others say, don’t the three friends believe in me as the palace lord, but in the court eagle?" Jing Lanzhou secretly admired the words: "Tang Tan The master sees things very clearly, and at the same time has the courage to ignore others, he is really a rare talent."

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