Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 283 Performance

Although Lei Choutian is aloof and arrogant, he has always acted in a proper manner, just now because of Lang Haitong's disrespectful words, Fang couldn't help but punish him. Now seeing the two elders of the beggar gang, palm bowl and palm stick, leave the stage at the same time, he shook his head and said: "Both The elder is a well-known figure in the Jianghu, how dare Lei Mou fight with the two of you? Just now, he accidentally bumped into the leader of the Lang Tuo, and he offended him a lot, so don't blame them." He picked up the cooked copper stick and returned it to Lang Haitong with both hands. , the latter silently took over.

Jing Xia said: "Master Lei's power shakes the two lakes. Jing has been famous for a long time, so why dare to be rude to the master? It's just that we bear the blood and blood of Master Chen Duo, and we must not spare this demon girl. Today you and I can only treat each other. In order to learn from each other, the hall master doesn't have to give way." With a straightened sword in his hand, a little bit of cold star came out, and stabbed towards Lei Choutian's chest.Seeing this, Zhang Zuyao also rushed forward and attacked with a bamboo stick.

Jing Lanzhou thought in his heart: "Just now the three beggars' gang besieged Miss Xian and they couldn't win. Zhang Jing and Zhang Jing must not be opponents of Brother Lei. Miss Xian was brought to Wuchang by me. Brother Gu and Brother Lei are now deliberately protecting Wuwei Palace. It's not for my sake? But it's not good to offend the beggar gang by implicating the martyrdom." The figure flickered, stopped in front of Lei Choutian and stopped the two of them, saying: "Two elders, wait a minute. The younger generation personally promised Si Gangzhu that day. I found a good doctor to treat Sister Luo's injuries, and I will go to Nanyang to explain the ins and outs of the matter clearly. Since someone from your gang testified that the younger generation killed the five disciples of the beggar gang, Jing is willing to confront him in front of Elder Han, who enforces the law As for the murder of Master Chen, I am sure that Master Xian was not the one who did it, so why not ask Jing to accompany her to Henan to clarify the matter."

Xian Qingrang snorted, and said, "You want me to go to this gang of beggars' kennels to defend myself? These stinky beggars insisted that I killed Chen Jinfeng. Wouldn't I be trapped if I went?" Jing Lanzhou said: " Miss Xian, all the brothers of the Beggar Clan are chivalrous men, and Elder Han is famous for his law enforcement, impartiality and selflessness. Everyone in the martial arts world knows it. As long as you have never done anything wrong, he will never wrong you. Xian Qing raised his brows and said, "Isn't it rare for me to be wronged? I'm not missing the family of the beggar gang. You want me to humb down and beg for mercy to the stinky beggar, that's absolutely impossible." Jing Lanzhou sighed: "Your religion and the beggar gang have no deep hatred. If you continue to fight like this, the misunderstanding will only get deeper and deeper. Let's spread the matter together and explain it clearly, and it will be nothing."

Zhang Zuyao was silent for a while, and then sighed: "The way of a gentleman disappears, and the way of a villain grows. I don't want Qukui, a demon girl taught by Wuwei, to attract Zhucuo Villa and Pilitang to protect it. Jing Shaoxia, I will fight you in Jiujiang that day. I know that my martial arts are far behind, let alone the two hall masters here, I just blame us for not being good at learning and not being able to fulfill the duty of killing demons and demons. I wonder if Miss Luo's injury will improve now?" Jing Lan Zhou replied: "Elder Lao is concerned, we have found a wonderful doctor earlier, and Senior Sister Luo will be cured in just a few days."

Jing Xia said: "The young man went to Jiangxi to seek medical treatment that day, but he was looking for 'Holy Hand Rejuvenation' Shi Hepu?" "It turns out that Senior Lin is still in the world, which is really an unexpected joy. In this case, Second Miss Luo will be at ease." Jing Lanzhou wondered inwardly, "I don't think that Elder Jing would know Dr. Lin."

Zhang Zuyao sighed: "Forget it, if you can't avenge Master Chen Tuo today, it's useless to stay too long. As a master of thinking about mistakes, the young hero must not break his trust. The rest of us will go to Dengzhou Elder Han to greet him first. Don't wait too long." Jing Lanzhou said: "Don't worry, the two elders, wait for the younger generation to leave the two hall masters, and go to Nanyang to meet each other, and we will never miss the appointment." Zhang Zuyao nodded, and looked at Xian Qing with hatred With a glance, Tong Jingxia and Lang Haitong led the disciples of the Beggar Clan to go.

Lei Choutian frowned and said, "Brother Jing, are you going to Nanyang now?" Jing Lanzhou said: "This matter all started because of my younger brother, so I have to make a trip." Gu Tieshan pondered: "The jade book the day before yesterday I also mentioned to me the murder case in Changge County, Palace Master Xian, dare I ask if this matter was done by Master?"

Xian Qing recalled that his master had personally accepted this matter in Guangji Temple, and said, "That's right, my master did this, so it's no different from what I did. The beggar gang wanted to ask me to ask their master for their crimes, so they didn't find the wrong person." Gu Tieshan said with a smile: "We are not an official court, how can we sit together? Don't say that people were killed by your master, even my mother and I have nothing to do with the palace master. It's just that the little girl said that respecting the master will make me take care of the family. 'Flowers in the Sky', and my uncle's Gecko Swimming Dragon Kung Fu, although these kung fu are nothing special, but they have never been passed on to the outside world, I don't know where the respected master learned it from?"

Xian Qingrang said with a smile: "Where did my master learn all his martial arts? As an apprentice, how can I ask? If the hall master meets a mentor in the future, you might as well ask him personally." Gu Tieshan smiled and said: "Yes, respecting the master, the country's unparalleled warriors, Gu is about to get acquainted, so I wonder if the Palace Mistress can introduce him?" Xian Qing said: "Master accompanied Dr. Lin to the Kaifeng Mansion earlier, and your love is also on the way. If my teacher comes to Wuchang in another day, I should visit the two halls. host."

Gu Tieshan sighed: "It's a pity that I didn't have the chance to know Gao Xian. When the palace master sees his respected teacher in the future, please pay his respects on his behalf. He said that Gu Laosan in Jiangxia looks forward to passing through the autumn water and is sincerely waiting for education." After a pause, He added: "Brother Jing Shi, after all, the Beggar Gang is the largest gang in the world. Since they misunderstood that you killed those five disciples, this matter must be clarified as soon as possible. A few days ago, when Yu Shu and his daughter were there, they tried their best to praise the elder brother as heroic and heroic." , Brother Lei came back from Nanjing, and he praised me without words. I also believe that my uncle's vision will never be wrong. I had already sent a letter to the Beggars' Gang by myself earlier. How much will you sell me a little bit of noodles." Jing Lanzhou thanked deeply: "Little brother has caused all these troubles by himself, but he is so tired that Senior Brother Gu is anxious, teach me how to get over it?"

Xian Qingrang glanced at Jing Lanzhou, and said, "Are you really going to Dengzhou to find Han Jiyan?" Jing Lanzhou smiled and said, "It's a disaster that can't be avoided. Since I have an agreement with the Beggar Gang, I must keep my promise." Xian Qingrang nodded , said: "Alright, I'm going to Henan to find Elder Liao, so I'll go with you for a while."

Gu Tieshan sighed: "This is a matter of reason and reason, and I should accompany Shixiong to go there in person, but recently the Thunder Martyrdom has offended Jin Yiwei and the gang of dog officials, I'm afraid that Ma Shun will hold a grudge, Gu Mou dare not leave without authorization I'm really ashamed." Jing Lanzhou hurriedly said: "Brother, don't worry about it. I'm clear and clear. All the brothers of the Beggar Clan are benevolent and righteous. As long as you find out the truth, you won't embarrass me." Lei Chou Tian shook his head and said: "People's hearts are unpredictable, brother, you have to be careful in everything."

Jing Lanzhou said: "My little brother understands it. Since the situation is urgent, the sooner you can prove your innocence, the sooner you can feel at ease. I won't disturb the two big brothers too much. After this matter is over, I will come to Wuchang to visit." Gu Tieshan nodded and said "Although I want to stay with you for a few more days, I really can't delay this matter." Jing Lanzhou bid farewell to Gu Lei and Gu Lei on the embankment, and went back to the inn with Xian Qingrang.

Lei Choutian looked at the backs of the two of them, and said slowly: "Brother, is the Master Xian's master really him?" Gu Tieshan sighed: "The martial arts are comparable to that of Luo Erge, how many people are there in the world? Undoubtedly it is him." Lei Choutian said: "Then Palace Master Xian..." Gu Tieshan interrupted him and said, "My dear brother, since there is no real evidence, you should keep your mouth shut like a golden man. Let's go back first." Lei Choutian sighed , Brother Tong walked slowly towards the south gate.

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