Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 277

Ma Shun sneered, and said: "The battle in Nanchang the day before yesterday has already been divided. Elder Mei is a master of martial arts, why should you pursue him so hard?" This is what you can do." Jing Lanzhou thought: "Brother Luo said the day before yesterday that Sui Han's three friends lost against Jin Yiwei, and the latter relied on the support of the palace. With the three friends' martial arts, it is not difficult to defeat Sanying and Jiansheng, but the opponent has neither With the help of Fan Yu and the others, Elder Mei and the others are no match."

Ma Shun snorted and said: "The prince is the emperor's lord. It is only natural to be loyal to state affairs and sweep away rebellion and chaos. How can it not be counted? Elder Mei followed me all the way and waited here. Do you want to do something in the martyrdom?" Mei Qian He laughed and said, "How dare Mei do such a thing? It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. It's a pity that my three old guys, Sangyu Mujing, can't wait for ten years. This old man is here to write a letter of war to Mr. Ma. Today It coincides with the first day of the fifth lunar month, and I will invite all of you adults to fight in the old place of Nanchang on the first day of the next lunar month. If you want to find someone to help you, please do so." After saying this, he shook his wrist, and a piece of mulberry envelope was lightly It landed on the coffee table next to Ma Shun's seat.

Ma Shun glanced at the letter, and said with a sneer: "Mr. Ma is in charge of the security affairs. He has so many official duties, so why waste his time! After this trip is over, I will drive back to Beijing, and it is difficult to stay in Jiangxi." A word of advice to the elders, Wuwei Sect is the remnant of the white lotus and the evil party. Sooner or later, the court will cut it off. It's too late to regret."

Mei Qian said: "If Mr. Ma is unwilling to fight, Mei will not force it. The three friends of Suihan have traveled the rivers and lakes for many years, and they have always reported revenge. If your honor is hiding in the Forbidden City, we old men have no choice but to go The Songyang faction kills everyone, and vents their hatred." Ma Shun shook his head and said: "Ma has been out of the Songyang faction for many years, you are going to vent your anger on others, and I will never stop you." Mei Qian said slowly: "Listen It is said that the head of Guo Pei has an only daughter named Guo Ting, who had a good relationship with Mr. Ma in the early years, is Mr. Ma not worried about her life?"

Ma Shun's face turned pale when he heard the words, and said in a deep voice: "Elder Mei, you'Sui Han Sanyou' are all masters of the martial arts. If you force each other so forcefully, you will lose your status." In this letter of war, you and I will rely on our own abilities, and we will live and die without complaint. Even if we fall into the hands of adults again, we will be willing to gamble and admit defeat, so that no one else will be harmed." Ma Shun was silent for a while, then sighed and said: "Forget it, since Elder Mei said so, Ma will stay with me until the end. Let's see you in Shitouzhu, Nanchang, on the first day of next month." He stretched out his hand and took the envelope into his arms.

Wang Shan's complexion changed, and he said in a low voice: "Brother Ma, we have been away from Beijing for a long time. If we don't return to the palace, the emperor will have nothing to say." I just said that there is a delay here because of something, and I still have to stay for a few days, and my father-in-law will play the Ming Sheng on his behalf." Wang Shan nodded, and he was very curious: "The Wuwei Sect is going to destroy the Songyang Sect, and it will be with me. What are you waiting for? Boss Ma was so flustered when he heard this, could it be that Guo Ting is his old lover?"

None of the people present had ever heard of Guo Ting's name, let alone the entanglement between Ma Shun and the Songyang faction. Seeing that Mei Qian moved out the daughter of the head of the Songyang sect, she gave in to convenience and was obviously coerced. Also call on oneself.Jing Lanzhou secretly said: "Although Ma Shun is relentless, he is still able to take care of the safety of his fellow family members." He has dealt with the "Three Friends of Sui Han" several times, and although he knows that the other party is always scheming and the city is extremely deep, after all, as a Senior martial arts masters always act like masters; seeing that the three friends threatened Ma Shun with the lives of the entire Songyang faction, and the methods were extremely cruel, he couldn't help feeling disappointed, and couldn't help worrying about Xian Qingrang's safety.

Ma Shun's face was ashen, and he didn't say much at the moment. He turned to Gu Tieshan and said, "I'll be honest with you today, but Mr. Gu is still unwilling to meet. Isn't it too lofty?" Gu Tieshan said, "My lord is serious. They are both the pillars of the country, how dare Gu dare to be contemptuous? It’s just that this is a big matter, and I will allow my gang to make a long-term plan.” Ma Shun sneered and said: “Forget it, put your heart on the bright moon, and how can you shine on the ditch. If the hall master is willing to change his mind and make this matter come true You can go to the magistrate of Wuchang to discuss it; let’s not pass today, and Ma is looking forward to a good message.” Immediately got up and resigned together with the two kings and Jiansheng.

Jing Lanzhou hesitated for a moment, stepped forward and bowed to Mei Qian and said: "Since the day before yesterday when I left the Shengjin Pagoda, Senior Mei has not changed in his prolific appearance. I really want to congratulate you. I wonder if the two elders, Chen and Li, are also in Wuchang at this time? "Mei Qian smiled slightly, and said: "Young man, don't worry, Mei is visiting alone this time, not for Palace Master Xian." Jing Lanzhou's heart was shocked, and he said secretly: "He really knows that Miss Xian is here too. .”

Gu Tieshan said with a smile: "It turns out that Elder Mei and Brother Jing Shi are old acquaintances. It really couldn't be better." He then ordered his servants to serve him tea.Jing Lanzhou pondered for a while, and said: "Senior Mei, I respect you for your open-mindedness and unrestraint. Recently, I have been puzzled by one thing, and I don't know whether to ask." Mei Qian took a sip of fragrant tea, put down the cup and said: " The young man wanted to ask Mei why she suddenly corrected people and apostasy, right?"

Jing Lanzhou was quite surprised when he saw that he was blunt about this, nodded and said: "That's right. As a guardian elder, I already respected authority, but now, together with Elder Chen and Elder Li, they push others to take the lead. What was the difference in the past? Please forgive me for being obtuse and difficult to understand." Mei Qian smiled and said, "Young man said so, if Mei is self-reliant, then it should be taken for granted, isn't it?" Jing Jing Lan Zhou was slightly taken aback, and said: "This junior has no such intention."

Mei Qian was silent for a moment, then sighed: "Back then, the old Palace Mistress worked so hard to create a great career for the sect, and the people's hearts all wanted it, and the situation was so prosperous; it's a pity that after the Young Palace Mistress took over the throne, he favored a group of young girls from the Twelve Wonderful Envoys, which made the old brothers To die, to walk, Mei really can't bear to see the old palace master's painstaking efforts collapse, the old man would rather be charged with treason and disloyalty than let the sect be destroyed like this."

Jing Lanzhou said: "Elder's words are not unavoidably biased. Palace Master Xian is a fairy, jade, and a genius. Under his leadership, the noble religion may not be able to flourish. When the old palace master passed away, the two friends of Songzhu lived together. If you have different intentions, how can you see that Miss Xian's leadership is incompetent? I'm afraid it still won't be able to resist the lust for power."

Gu Tieshan was listening to the conversation between the two of them, and she couldn't help but secretly startled: "What Brother Jing Shi and Elder Mei said is all about the big things of doing nothing to teach power and profit. My brother, this is the first time I have entered the rivers and lakes, how did I get caught in it?"

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