Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 267 The Four Envoys of the Underworld

Xian Qing asked Jian Jinghui to use the Buddhist beads as a weapon in one hand, and use the left palm to attack from time to time, thinking: "This old nun's palm skills are superb, if we continue to fight like this, we may lose more than we win." The two swords were entangled, Seeing that the opponent was attacking with another palm, Xian Qing suddenly extended a palm.Jing Hui thought: "No matter how good your young woman's kung fu is, can her internal strength surpass my 'Tianzhu Mian Palm'?" Immediately, she added a bit of strength to this palm, and the winner was determined between the moves. , suddenly felt a slight numbness in his left hand, and the "Laogong acupoint" in the palm had been tapped by the opponent.

Jing Hui was startled and angry, she thought to herself: "Tianzhu palm technique is my Jiuhua sect's unique skill, this demon girl is so bold, how dare she change her technique halfway and use palm technique to point the acupoints on my palm, yet her fingers didn't break?" If you want to face Jinghui's palms, make a sudden change in the middle, and use the "Ling He Finger" to quickly tap the key points in the opponent's palm. If this fingering technique is not Gu Dongguan's special skill, you can't be covered by the palm force of "Tianzhu Mian Palm". Then seal the acupoint on Jinghui's palm.Ever since Gu Dongguan explained to her at Zhucuo Mountain Villa the main points of the martial arts of reversing the true energy and using the virtual to overcome the real, Xian Qingrang has been burying his head in thinking about the method of exercise in the quiet of the night, even though he couldn't talk about it in just a few days. She has made great progress in the university, but she originally studied several unique skills of Mr. Siguo, and in addition to her natural talent and wisdom, she also realized some methods of retraction and retreat.Just now she pierced through the enemy's palm with the force of Ling He's finger, and as soon as she hit the opponent's acupoint, she immediately used the skills of swimming fish and bone shrinking to turn the internal force of the finger into a gentle and soft force. Under the pressure, Xian Qingrang Shi's middle and middle fingers were bound to be broken together.

Jinghui didn't know that Xian Qingrang's finger contained the advanced martial art of retreating into advance. The acupoints on her left hand were blocked, and it was difficult to perform Tianzhu Palm Technique. With her right hand, she danced a string of brass Buddhist beads like thunder and wind.However, Xian Qingrang didn't need to be distracted from dealing with her cotton palm, so the situation was not at a disadvantage immediately.The Jiuhua disciples at the side saw that their master had lost their chance, and they couldn't help turning pale. Lianfeng Sanni took a step closer with his sword, and wanted to step forward to help.

Jing Lanzhou thought to himself: "Master Jinghui is a senior of the Jiuhua Sect, her martial arts are really extraordinary. If these Jiuhua disciples swarm up, Miss Xian must not be an opponent." Master Jinghui took the trouble because she saw that she wanted to help the Qian Wenzhao brothers reunite. In order to avoid the Zhucuo Villa and the Jiuhua sect being in a stalemate, she put the matter on her alone, and said secretly: "Xian The girl treats me like this, how can I only care about my teacher's affection and put all the burden on her shoulders?" Just as I was about to go forward to persuade the two sides to stop fighting, I suddenly heard a coquettish shout from a distance, and turned my head to see four Taoist nuns in green clothes along the river. Qian Bian rushed towards him with a sword in his hand, and jumped into the crowd in a blink of an eye, fighting together with Jiuhua Zhongni.

As soon as Jing Lanzhou saw the four Taoist aunts' clothes, he knew that the four women belonged to the Twelve Envoys of Wuwei Palace. After a closer look, he recognized two of them as the two envoys Shen Shuang and Ranxia.Although he had never seen the second daughter with his own eyes, Gu Qingzhi and Luo Jiayan had pretended to be the second envoy of Shuangxia in Henan that day. Luo Jiayan's disguise technique was enough to make the fake one, so he could recognize it at a glance.

I saw that the four envoys had exquisite swordsmanship, although there were many Jiuhua disciples, they were far from opponents of Yuchan's swordsmanship, and within a short time several of them were slightly injured.Seeing that the situation was not right, Jinghui jumped into the air, and the four envoys were slightly pushed back by the sweep of the Buddhist beads, separating the nuns from the four girls, and saluted with her hands: "I don't know where the four Taoist priests are in the Qiongge in Xianshan Mountain, why are you here?" You can't help but make a fuss when you meet, so you make such a big fuss?"

Envoy Shen Shuang snorted, and said coldly: "This religion has nothing to do with the Jiuhua School, and the well water never violates the river water. Why did the master lead the crowd to besiege my palace master?" Said: "The benefactor is the leader of the Wuwei Sect?" Xian Qing laughed and said: "Master, I am laughing at you, let's just let it be."

Jinghui remained silent, thinking to herself: "It turns out that this woman is actually the well-known Master of Wuwei Palace. No wonder her martial arts are so strong. These four Taoist nuns are young, and their swordsmanship is very powerful. Wuwei's teaching is really good. I These disciples are definitely not opponents, and Jing Lanzhou refuses to help, a hero does not suffer from immediate losses, so this debt has to be settled later." Immediately he put his palms together and said: "I don't know if the poor nun is the palace lord, just now I have offended you a lot. Please don't blame me." Xian Qing said: "It is clear that the little girl has rudely offended the teacher, and the Zen mind of the senior is like a mirror, so I am willing to forgive you."

Jinghui nodded, glanced at Qian Wenzhao, and said slowly: "Lady Qian, the so-called mistake can be corrected. There is nothing good about it. The poor nun only hopes that the layman can really repent and change his mind. My Buddha is merciful, and I will definitely open it up." The door of convenience, lay people can escape from the sea of ​​suffering and save others by themselves." Qian Wenzhao cursed inwardly: "I will save your grandma." He said with a smile: "It's easy to say, Qian will never forget the words of my teacher." Jinghui looked around at the nuns and sighed, "Let's go." Putting back the beads on her neck, she led Lianfeng Sanni and other Jiuhua disciples away.


The four envoys of Youbu saw all the nuns going away, bowed their heads to Xian Qing Rang and said: "I am waiting for the escort to come late, I beg the Palace Master to forgive me!" Xian Qing Rang said: "There is no need to be too polite, let's all get up. I see you guys It's nothing, I finally let go of my hanging heart. I think you all already know about Sui Han's three friends and Tang Tanzhu?"

Jing Lanzhou saw that the other party was talking about the family, and said to Qian Wenzhao: "Brother Qian, let's go back to the boat and talk." Qian Wenzhao just heard that this woman is actually the owner of Wuwei Palace, and the three souls and seven souls were frightened away. Halfway through, hurriedly followed him back to the passenger ship.Those few guests urged the boatman to serve hot tea and snacks without saying a word, and almost kowtowed to them for forgiveness, Jing Lanzhou had no choice but to comfort them with gentle words, trying to argue that he was not a thief or a villain, and they were a little relieved.

The Shenshuang envoy heard the palace lord mention the "Three Friends of Suihan", his expression changed slightly, he got up and said: "This subordinate has heard about this a few days ago, the palace lord can rest assured, how can these evil thieves go against their will for a long time?" ? I am willing to be loyal and dedicated to the palace lord, so as to serve my life." Xian Qingrang sighed: "The days to come are still long, each of you must live well, don't mention the word 'death' lightly." Pause After a pause, he asked again: "Earlier, your two Youxuan tribes were all on standby in Henan, how did the four of you come here?"

Envoy Shen Shuang replied: "Palace Master, the Palace Master went to Jiangxi alone to hunt down the two elders of Songzhu, and his subordinates were ordered to stay behind in the auspicious talisman. Later, they heard about the rebellion of the three friends. The four of us were concerned about the safety of the Palace Master, and we heard The master of the palace has gone to Suzhou from Nanchang, so they set off together to Nanzhi to look for the master of the palace. Last night, Sister Tong inadvertently inquired that the group of nuns from the Jiuhua Sect had come out in full force, saying that they were looking for a martial artist from Wuwei Palace. Girl, it sounds a bit like a palace master, we just followed all the way, and we don't want to really meet the phoenix."

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