Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 260 Unexpected

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Shen Quan's complexion changed slightly, and he suddenly went forward to Zhu Chief to salute, and said respectfully: "I haven't seen you for a long time, brother, are you safe? My little brother is very worried." Zhu Chief smiled and stretched out his hand to support him, saying: "On my brother If you are hurt, why do you have to give such a great gift? Hurry up, please." These two words suddenly fell into the ears of Luo Jing and the others, and it was like a bolt from the blue.Jing Lanzhou was dumbfounded and said, "Brother Zhu, you...what did you call Shen Quan just now?"

Zhu Chief laughed, and said: "Brother Luo, Brother Jing, please forgive me for failing to tell the truth earlier. This dedicated official Shen Quan and Shen is actually Zhu Mou's brother who has been worshiping for many years. I know the two There is a deep estrangement between me and my virtuous brother. Senior Su ordered Zhu to find an opportunity to get rid of him that day, but he couldn't say it clearly in the next moment. It's just that your two families are fighting and entangled endlessly. In the long run, there will be a wound, which is definitely not Zhu's wish. Today, I do not know what I can do, and I am willing to solve the struggle for everyone."

Jing Lanzhou said indifferently: "Brother Zhu, you and I hit it off that day, and I admire your brother's courage, magnanimity and magnanimity. He can be a confidant in the world, but how do you know that your brother is actually called a brother and brother with such a villain. Although Jing is mediocre I don't know how to deal with this matter when I see Palace Master Xian and Senior Su in the future, Xiongtai." Zhu Yi laughed and said, "Su Mr. is not a member of my sect, I wish you no need to explain to him. As for Palace Master Xian, I will do my best to help her regain the position of leader, in order to repay the kindness of Palace Master Tang. As for this kind of personal friendship, the palace The Lord has no right to control her."

Shen Quan coughed and said in a low voice: "Brother, do you want to let them go? If we can take this opportunity to get rid of these two, we brothers may not be able to defeat the one surnamed Su, and win the "Yaoding Legacy" by then." , the two of you and I will practice together to achieve supernatural powers, and the power of the world will be at our fingertips, wouldn't it be great?"

Zhu Yi shook his head and said: "My dear brother, your martial arts and intelligence are all invincible to me, but you are too aggressive and always think that you can cover the sky with one hand. Although you have the courage to offend Heshuo and think about the two families, Brother Yu doesn't want to see you Fill in the ditch by yourself. Listen to my advice, let’s forget about today’s affairs.” Shen Quan smiled and said, “Brother came to persuade me now, I’m afraid it’s already too late. The old servant surnamed Su was led by the younger brother Even if I am willing to stop killing you, Mr. Su will never give up." Zhu Yi was silent for a moment, then sighed: "My dear brother, why do you bother to do everything and not leave yourself a way out?" Shen Quan smiled wryly. : "The sun is setting and the journey is far away, and you are going against the law. Why do you need to ask questions when you know what you know?"

Luo Yushu heard the two of them answering each other, and he became more and more confused, so he asked: "Brother Zhu just said to solve the fight, but I don't know how to solve it?" Although it is not long, it is still the same as before, and I have saved Zhu Mou's life several times. How dare I forget this favor? Official Shen is my younger brother's best friend, and he has offended him before. I'm sorry, I hope you will look at me and stop embarrassing him."

Luo Yushu shook his head and said: "Brother Zhu, what you said is a bit insincere. As far as the friendship between you and me is concerned, brother has also sent charcoal in the face of hardship several times. Could it be that the two of us don't appreciate it? It's not that we are embarrassing others, but Shen Daguan is eyeing each other, and he must have a picture. Shen Quan conspired against the king, framed Zhongliang, and wanted to seize the master's secret book in Dr. Lin's hands, let alone these; now he has a blood feud with Mr. Su, even if we are willing to let him go , Senior Su will not forgive each other, how will you preserve it at that time? Brother Tai is very reasonable and wise, at this time, it is time to kill relatives with righteousness, uphold the righteousness and heavenly principles, and downgrade you can stand up to benevolent people, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?"

Zhu Yi laughed and said: "Brother Luo is so ridiculously praised, I really don't dare to take it. Unfortunately, nine out of ten things go wrong in the world, and there is no way to have the best of both worlds. My righteous brother sometimes has mistakes in his actions and actions, and Zhu knows it all too well. But he and I are friends in need, so I can't ignore him. Today, he is trying to deal with the two of you by relying on his large number of people. Since I bumped into him, this matter will definitely not happen; but if the two of you want to hurt my righteousness Brother, it is difficult for me to stand still. I also hope that the two brothers will hold your hands high this time with a generous heart, and everything will be covered by Zhu, and I will not teach him to instigate again."

Luo Yushu thought to himself: "Today's situation is not good for me. Although brother Jing just used the strategy of besieging Wei and saving Zhao to slow down, it is not a long-term strategy. Since Zhu Yi is willing to come forward to rescue the siege, it is better to sail with the wind." Asked Jing Lanzhou. : "Brother Jing, since I wish you what you say, why don't you and I go back to find Mr. Su before making a plan, what do you think, brother?"

Jing Lanzhou fixed his eyes on Shen Quan, and said slowly: "Just follow what Xiongtai said." Shen Quan smiled and said: "Brother Jing doesn't have to be like this, we will have a long time to come, and the younger brother is always ready to teach you." Zhu Chief frowned and said "Brother, please don't say a few words!" Shen Quan didn't dare to disobey, and silently retreated to the side, watching Luo Jing and the two go down the mountain.


Luo Jing and the two left Xianhe Mountain and headed east to Qixia Temple.Luo Yushu asked: "Brother Jing, how did you bump into Shen Quan's group?"

It turned out that last night Jing Lanzhou was relieved that Xian Qing would not let her go, and followed her towards Nanjing, but met Shen Quan and his party at the foot of the outer city wall.Shen Quan had previously led people to Luoxing Tower to attack and kill Wu Huoting, originally to lure snakes out of the hole and lure Su Fenglou to seek revenge on him, but he was concentrating on setting up a net, trying to gather his subordinates to kill this powerful and obstructive Luo Xing. The landlord got rid of it in one fell swoop; unexpectedly, he heard that Su Fenglou had come together with the "God Viper" and Guan Dong. Gu Luo and the two guarded Lin Yuetai, made a decisive decision immediately, and led a group of subordinates straight to Qixia Temple, intending to seize the opportunity to win the "Medicine Cauldron Legacy", but by accident, they bumped into Jing Lanzhou halfway.

Seeing Shen Quan and others approaching, Jing Lanzhou guessed that the other party was going to Qixia Temple to grab the book, and immediately asked Wu Huoting whether he was the victim.Shen Quan sneered and said, "I killed it, so what?" Seeing that Jing Lanzhou was alone, he felt that the opportunity must not be missed, and ordered his subordinates to come forward and besiege him.Seeing that the enemy was outnumbered, Jing Lanzhou didn't dare to fight head-on, thinking that he only had to try his best to delay for a while, and he would be safe when Su Fenglou and Xian Qing were let back to the temple, and now he only used lightness kung fu to fight with them, fighting with the five of them Fighting and leaving, he actually fought from midnight until dawn, relying on his soft kung fu to excel, and he never showed his defeat, but thanks to Deyu's gentleness, benevolence and loyalty, he didn't want to join everyone in attacking him, otherwise it would be hard for him to let his kung fu become more advanced. support.However, Peng Yin and the three foreign monks are also good players after all. Seeing Jing Lanzhou's superb light kungfu, flying dragons and carps in the open wilderness, they are really tired of coping, and the five of them work together to gradually push him to Xianhe Mountain.Xianhe Mountain is a low hill with narrow and tortuous mountain roads, making it inconvenient for Jinglan boats to maneuver, and the situation was immediately stretched. Fortunately, Luo Yushu arrived in time.

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