Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 258 Divine Art

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The two of them ran all the way while talking, and when they saw the mountain gate of Qixia Temple from a distance, the belly of the fish was gradually turning white in the east, birds were singing and sparrows were singing everywhere, and the branches were wet with morning dew.The Zhike monk led the two of them to the mountain house where they were staying. Luo Yushu was arranging fodder outside to feed the horses. Seeing that the two of them were burnt by the smoke, their temples were scorched, and their clothes were covered with charcoal and black stains. How does it look? Is Lord Youshen injured?"

Su Fenglou put You Tianwu in the room, and told him about Guan and Dong's surprise attack, Luo Yushu said in surprise: "Senior Brother Jing was worried about you two last night, and went to Nanjing City, didn't you two meet him? The faces of the two of them changed slightly, Xian Qing asked: "Lan Zhou, did he go looking for us?" Luo Yushu said: "That's right, he was worried that Shen Quan was plotting some kind of trick, not long after the palace lord left, Senior Brother Jing also went to the city to meet him .”

Su Fenglou frowned and said, "Have Guan Motong and Dong Yangao ever returned to Qixia Temple?" Luo Yushu said, "I haven't seen them." Up to this point, the three of us are by no means opponents, and Senior Lin's "The Last Chapter of the Medicine Cauldron" will definitely not be guaranteed." Su Fenglou nodded, and said: "The two of them plot against Su, knowing that I will rush back as soon as possible Besides, they don’t know about Palace Master Xian and Jing Shaoxia’s departure from the temple, so they won’t be able to take advantage of it if they come back, and they probably have the idea of ​​hiding elsewhere to write the posthumous chapter.”

Xian Qing asked Wei Yi to ponder, and said: "I don't know where Jing Shaoxia is right now? He doesn't know about Dong's two thieves' schemes, if he bumps into them, he might be unprepared." Su Fenglou said: "Palace Master, don't worry. The two wanted to kill Su in order to get rid of the stumbling block in obtaining the posthumous chapters, and they didn't dare to murder Mr. Si Guo's apprentice lightly. Right now, the downstream god is seriously injured, and Dr. Lin needs to treat him." Immediately, Lin Yuetai was invited over. , told him what happened, and the latter sneered: "The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. My junior brother is very promising! Very promising!" Stretching out his hand for You Tianwu, he sighed: "You Shenjun hit me The younger brother didn't die with one palm, he really has profound skills. The old man thought that his martial arts were not too far behind the 'Viper Boa God', so it seems that there is still a far cry; if he insists on seeking revenge on the old man, Lin is far from opponent."

Su Fenglou said: "Mr. Lin, don't underestimate yourself. At the same time, he suffered a full-strength attack from Senior Brother and Dong Zhaizhu. Except for the two heroes Gu Luo, who in the world can survive? You Tianwu is protected by the golden silkworm garment from Yilong Lake in Yunnan. You must have survived." Lin Yuetai reached out his hand to lift You Tianwu's smock, and saw that he was wearing a golden vest next to his body, and sighed: "Such a treasure is worth tens of thousands of taels of silver. It's just that Youshenjun was seriously injured. Immediately open his abdomen and heal his wounds." Luo Yushu was both surprised and delighted when he heard the words, although he had no doubts about Lin Yuetai's medical skills, after all, he had never heard of such amazing skills in his life, and he always felt a little unbelievable in his heart; if the other party could really heal with this method Like You Tianwu's injury, it's not difficult for that cousin to recover from her injury.

Lin Yuetai ordered the monks in the temple to boil a large bucket of hot water in the room, decocted a dose of decoction and poured it on You Tianwu, and the latter died of intoxication in a short while.He took out the nanmu medicine box from under the bed, locked it and opened the lid, and saw several drawers in the medicine box. Lin Yuetai took out a cloth roll from one of the boxes and unfolded it gently. There were some iron knives, scissors, and needle hooks. , tweezers, etc.He put this set of utensils on the fire to bake one by one, and said: "When the old man performs the operation, it is not suitable for idlers to be around. The owner and the two returned from the fire scene with dirty clothes, so please wait outside to avoid being in the room. Contaminated unclean; Miss Gu is different from men and women, please leave together, leaving only Luo Shaoxia here to help."

Hearing what he said, the three had no choice but to leave the room, although they all didn't want to stay and see the thaumaturgy.Lin Yuetai waited for the three of them to leave, and said: "Shaoxia Luo, Lin doesn't need help from others. The reason why you stay here is because the young hero wants to see this old man with this ability, not to deceive the world. I don't think your sister's injury will be worse than You Shenjun is even more serious, as long as the old man can cure You Tianwu, the young hero must feel more at ease." Luo Yushu was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said: "The old man is serious. The sage is already a famous doctor in the world, and he still says he is not as good as the senior. , how dare I doubt it?"

Lin Yuetai laughed, removed You Tianwu's clothes, washed the blood off him, wiped his body carefully with medicinal wine, put a copper basin under the bed to catch the blood, and gently cut open his abdomen with a knife.I saw that the blade was extremely sharp, and it was effortless to cut skin and muscles. Although Luo Yushu had lived in the army for a long time and was used to the cruelty of fighting on the battlefield, he still couldn't help but feel frightened and shivered all over his body.

Lin Yuetai cut open the wounded man's flesh and looked inside, and saw that You Tianwu's bones and tendons were broken and his spleen and lungs were damaged, so he immediately used the instruments in the cloth bag to carefully clean up the blood congestion and scrape away the bad rot for him, so that the muscles and bones were consolidated everywhere. It took more than half an hour; then the abdominal cavity was washed with medicinal soup, the wound was sutured finely with cotton thread, and a wooden box was taken out from the medicine box, and the caramel ointment inside was applied to the wound, and the outside was wrapped with linen layer by layer. All kinds of utensils have to be washed and put away, and the clothes all over the body have long been soaked in sweat.

Luo Yushu saw that You Tianwu's breathing was getting heavier, and some blood was faintly returning to his face, he couldn't help being ecstatic, and said: "If I didn't see it with my own eyes today, I really wouldn't believe that there is such a magical skill in the world! Senior has the ability to bring the dead back to life, it's worth it Bian Que and Hua Tuo are alive again!" Lin Yuetai shook his head and said, "The young hero is too famous. If this person didn't have the precious clothes to protect his body, he would have died on the spot, even if there were a hundred Lins, it would be useless."

Luo Yushu went out of the house and told the three of them that You Tianwu's injury was unharmed. Su Fenglou was greatly relieved and heaved a sigh of relief.Gu Qingzhi said: "Brother Luo, Senior Brother Jing hasn't come back yet, should we go find him?" Luo Yushu pondered for a while, and said: "Everyone, stay here for a while, let me go out and have a look."

Xian Qing gave way: "General Luo, I will go with you." Luo Yushu shook his head and said, "Right now there are strong enemies around, Guan and Dong will come to snatch the last chapter at any time, and Shen Quan must also be guarding in the dark to plot evil. Doctor Lin is currently weak, Please also ask the Palace Master and Mr. Su to stay in the temple to take care of it, it’s okay for Luo to go out and have a look." Su Fenglou said with a smile: "Young Xia Luo's words are very true, Palace Master should put the overall situation first."

Gu Qingzhi said: "Brother Luo, can't I go with you?" Luo Yushu said: "Sister Zhi, it's not a normal day, I feel more at ease when you are with Mr. Su and the others." Gu Qingzhi Sighed: "Okay, have to be careful yourself."

Luo Yushu nodded and said: "Don't worry, everyone, if you can't find Brother Jing, Luo will return when you are young." Immediately, he left Qixia Temple and walked west quickly, and not long after he arrived at Xianhe Mountain on the east side of Nanjing Waiguo, he suddenly heard rumors on the mountainside. The sound of fighting and shouting made my heart tremble, and I walked straight up, and arrived at a Taoist temple in the middle of the mountain. From a distance, I saw a young scholar in front of the temple, one against five, fighting endlessly, it was not Jing Lanzhou but who?

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