Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 252 Tragedy

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You Tianwu thought for a while and said: "This man is of medium build, with a white face and short beard. If there is no scar on his face, he would be somewhat refined." Jing Lanzhou said: "When the gods fought with him, what martial arts did the other party use? You Tianwu shook his head and said: "This man's martial arts are very weird, I can't tell, but he is very powerful." Jing Lanzhou felt his heart agitated, and secretly said: "This villain is indeed not dead. Since his martial arts are so strong, most of them are not good now. In the human world, Jing must kill this thief in his lifetime, so as to untie the master's knot of decades."

Su Fenglou said slowly: "Let's discuss such important matters later, You Jun, are you still determined to seek revenge from Doctor Lin?" You Tianwu glanced at Lin Yuetai, pondered for a long time, and sighed: "You These years, I have always held grudges in my heart, and I vowed to send Laoer Lin to the west. Apart from avenging myself for falling off the cliff, I also wanted to express my gratitude for my benefactor; , I realized that I had been instigated by others and had fallen into a demon. Now that the culprit has been punished, I have avenged my vengeance, why should I hold on to others? Not to mention that my benefactor has friendship with Lao Er Lin. I don't need to mention this from now on. "

Lin Yuetai laughed, and said: "I want to teach the gods to know that Lin has lived in seclusion these years, not all to avoid you. But since the gods are willing to raise your hand, I still thank you very much." Guan Motong heard the words from the side Embarrassed smile, expression is quite stiff.

You Tianwu nodded slowly, and said to Su Fenglou: "Seniors sacrificed their lives to save each other, but they didn't even tell their names. Today, I beg to let you know." Master Xinglou. The humble house is not far in front, why don’t You Jun go together, and talk about the feelings of parting?” You Tianwu said happily: “If this is the case, respect is worse than obedience, and you will disturb your benefactor!”

Su Fenglou nodded slightly, then turned to Zhu Yi and said: "Brother Zhu, Su Mou asked you to help deal with Shen Quan earlier, why did you still follow us?" Although I accidentally found out that Lord Youshen had set up a snake formation here, he did not follow you all secretly. How can you dare to forget that I bear the trust of my master?" Su Fenglou mused, "What do you mean by your words, but Shen Quan is also nearby? Zhu Yi laughed and said, "Mr., don't forget that Nanjing is certainly the residence of Mr. Shen Quan, and it is also Shen Quan's lair."

Su Fenglou was silent for a moment, and sighed: "Your Majesty's words are reasonable. Fortunately, your Excellency came out of the siege today, and you are really talented. Su sighs that it is not as good as it is. Yesterday, you still have to rely on your hard work." Zhu Chief said with a smile : "Sir, you are serious. I wish you the best, and you will be flattered. I will explore the way forward a little bit, and you all should be careful along the way." She bowed her hands to the crowd, turned around and drifted away without saying a word.

Seeing this, Jing Lanzhou thought to himself: "This man is unparalleled in wisdom. Since we met in Lushan, he has helped me more than once, and several times saved everyone's life; it's just that he comes and goes without a trace, is mysterious, It seems that no one has figured out his details, and it is really unknown whether he is an enemy or a friend?" Looking at Luo Yushu, the latter also had the same thought in his heart, and they couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Downstream Tianwu followed the group to the north through Chunhua Town, and arrived at the foot of Qixia Mountain in the evening.Jing Lanzhou looked at the small building of falling stars by the river, and recalled that day he and Master Xian Qing came here to ask for help. Although it was only a month ago, he has encountered many adventures recently, and feels a sense of being separated from the world.

Everyone galloped a little closer, and saw the door of the small building open, Jing Lanzhou couldn't help but feel strange.Su Fenglou frowned slightly, and before riding on the whip, he was more than ten feet away from the small building. With his feet lightly placed in the stirrups, his body took advantage of the momentum and rushed straight forward.Seeing his miraculous lightness kung fu, everyone was amazed in their hearts, when they suddenly heard Su Fenglou roaring up to the sky, the howling sound was mournful and mournful, obviously filled with uncontrollable grief, they couldn't help being startled, and hurriedly rode forward Going there, I saw Su Fenglou embracing an old man outside the door. The old man's white robe was stained bright red with blood, his face was stiff and bluish, it was obvious that he had died long ago.

Among the crowd, only Jing Lanzhou recognized the old man as Wu Huoting, the old servant of Luoxinglou. On the day he sent Xian Qing to let his master come here, it happened that Su Fenglou had something to go out. poison.This old servant was kind and simple, even though Jing Lanzhou had only met him once, he respected him quite a bit, seeing that he was brutally murdered at this moment, he felt sentimental in his heart and shed a few tears.Everyone only heard Su Fenglou's shrill and shrill howling, tearing up the night sky, like a ghost crying and an owl crying, which was completely different from his usual gentle and refined appearance.

Jing Lanzhou knew that he was heartbroken by the death of the old servant, so he asked: "Senior Su, who... who did this?" "I don't know. Huo Ting has served Su Mou all his life, and he is no different from a close relative. If he does not avenge this revenge, Su Mou vows not to be a human being."

Luo Yushu looked from back to front, slightly shocked in his heart, and said: "Senior Su, this old gentleman's wound is a bit strange, can you allow this junior to take a closer look?" Su Fenglou's expression was dull, and he said slowly: "Please go ahead, young man. " Luo Yushu knelt down and took a closer look, and saw that Wu Huoting was covered with knife wounds all over his body, the wounds were fine and dense, and none of them were very long, as if he had been wounded by a carpenter's saw.He pondered for a while, then turned his head and asked Jing Lanzhou, "Brother Jing, did you remember anything when you saw these wounds?" The silver flower saber wheel of the fan monk!" Luo Yushu nodded and said, "I think so too."

Su Fenglou said calmly: "Silver flower knife wheel? What is that?" Jing Lanzhou said: "Shen Quan's subordinates have recently recruited four Tibetan monks, and the weapons they use are iron shields with blades. It's called the silver flower knife wheel. The wound on Senior Wu's body looks a bit like being injured by that knife wheel, but it's just the guess of brother Luo and me, it may not be true."

Su Fenglou suddenly let out a strange laugh, and said coldly: "Good boy! I haven't gone to you yet, you have gone to the old man first, wonderful, wonderful!" Gu Qingzhi suddenly became incredulous when he saw him. The ground was gloomy and terrifying, and he couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart, and quietly hid behind Luo Yushu.

You Tianwu said movedly: "Enggong, where is the thief so bold that he dared to offend you? Although Engong's martial arts are a hundred times better than mine, I didn't need You to help me, but I only need you to say a word. You will guarantee that the other party’s family will not be spared, and if there is one living thing left, I will kill myself and apologize.”

Su Fenglou didn't answer, but murmured to himself: "Old friend Huoting, it's useless for Su to be so pretentious, he claims to be proficient in martial arts, and he can't even guard his house, and let people bully him to kill you." Damn, what do I still want to do as a landlord? Why do you want to keep it in the Fallen Star Tower?" He took out a fire from his arms and lit it, and threw it towards the roof. Everyone was shocked, but they couldn't stop it.The whole body of this small building is made of Chinese fir brushed with tung oil. Half of it was illuminated, and the sound of beams and columns burning and collapsing continued to be heard in the building.

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