Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 243

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Suddenly hearing a flurry of footsteps outside the hall, Tong Wu hastily pushed the door open and said, "Master, something is wrong!" He looked very panicked.Dong Yangao frowned and said, "Jie'er, what's the fuss?" Seeing his father calling his name in front of others, Tong Wu couldn't help being slightly startled, and said, "A person suddenly broke into the West Wing and was in the courtyard with the Shaws and his wife. Move your hands, you go over and have a look."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and hurriedly followed Tong Wu to the west courtyard, only to see the three of them fighting fiercely in the dark.Among them, Sang Muhua uses a pair of crescent-browed steel thorns, and his movements are flying like butterflies, which is extremely agile; Shao Yantang has also sacrificed his famous weapon, dancing a bright silver iron spear more than ten feet long, with every move. Vigorous and thick, it is obvious that the foundation is quite solid, far from being weak like Shen Quan's one move that day.On the opposite side was a thin and thin person, who seemed to be able to fight the enemy empty-handed under the attack of the Shaw couple. Everyone looked at him, and it was the Tongxian Guan Motong in the "Tongbai Two Immortals".Luo Yushu and the others were startled when they saw this, and thought to themselves: "Elder Guan is a deep and careful person, how could he start a fight with someone without saying a word? What he is looking for is senior brother Lin Yuetai, why did he fight with Shao Yantang and his wife?"

When Lin Yuetai saw Guan Motong, he couldn't help shouting: "Junior Brother! How is Hepu Ta?" Guan Motong saw the senior brother at a glance, and said in surprise: "Brother Lin, you...why are you here?" Seeing that Su Fenglou and others were all around, he changed his mind and sighed: "Guan has fallen into the trap of that kid surnamed Zhu!"

Dong Yangao suddenly swayed, grabbed the middle of the three, and quickly extended several palms to Guan Motong.I saw that the palms he uses are very peculiar, they all attack the opponent with the back of the palm, the technique is soft and elegant, just like floating in water.Guan Motong said "Hey": "Five Dragon Bibo Palm!" He clapped several palms with him, stepped back two steps and said, "Is it Brother Dong?" Dong Yanggao laughed loudly and said, "It's the younger brother! I haven't seen you for many years, how is Big Brother Bin?"

Guan Motong looked each other up and down, and said happily, "Brother Dong, it's really you! We haven't seen each other for more than 20 years?" Dong Yangao smiled and said, "It's been 26 years. We two brothers can meet here today. It's all in the dark." Guan Motong looked around and said, "Could it be that my brother is the owner of the mansion here?" Dong Yangao said, "It's the humble house."

Guan Motong smiled slightly, and said: "My brother has made a lot of money! The Tang leader tried to invite me out of the mountain several times, and wanted to show his strengths with you again, but my brother really complied with the phrase 'buy Tian Yangxian' and only cared about himself. Happy, but it’s a pain in the ass for us old brothers.” Dong Yangao looked a little embarrassed, and said with a smile: “Little brother, Ma Lianzhan, how can I compare with my brother’s talent! Your teaching has made such a great achievement in these years, it’s all because of Tang. The palace lord and elder brother are well-led."

Shao Yantang and his wife were stunned and said to themselves, "I don't think this person and Zhao Youde have been friends for decades, but now he broke into a den of thieves." , can not help but be very worried.

Lin Yuetai interrupted the conversation between the two of them and said: "Junior brother, don't bother talking about the old days. You have been looking for me for so many years, it is nothing more than a secret book passed down for your teacher. You first return Hepu to me, we can do anything discuss."

Guan Motong said: "Brother, at this age, you and I should let go of any grievances. "Yaoding Legacy" is the relic of the master. The teacher only had two disciples, you and me. Look, why not?" Lin Yuetai snorted and said, "Master left a will back then, not allowing me to pass on the essence of martial arts contained in the posthumous article to you. If you only want to learn the Qihuang technique in the book, How could I refuse?"

Guan Motong sneered and said: "Everyone is his old man's apprentice, Master is so unbiased! My martial arts are obviously far better than yours, why don't you let Guan practice the superior kung fu of my school?" Lin Yuetai shook his head and said: "Master said you The desire to strive for power is too strong, if you advance but never retreat, and you don’t know how to hold back, learning these advanced martial arts will be harmful instead of beneficial." Guan Motong said: "It is beneficial or not, you have to read it to know. Please read the posthumous chapter, brother. , I'll let Martial Nephew Shi go, and I'll guarantee that he won't be harmed at all." Lin Yuetai fell silent when he heard the words, feeling quite embarrassed in his heart.

Shao Yantang suddenly asked: "Excuse me, is this Elder Guan who taught Wuwei?" Guan Motong said: "It's the old man. The virtuous couple are superb in martial arts, and they are well-known, and they really deserve their reputation." Shao Yantang said: "With this little effort, Didn't stain the eyes of the elders. Just now when the venerable mentioned the 'surname Zhu', he was talking about Chief Zhu?" Guan Motong's complexion changed, and he said with a livid face: "Could it be that Shao Daxia also knows this person?"


On the same day, Guan Motong used a plan to rob Shihepu in the cave of Gexian Peak. The latter really refused to tell Lin Yuetai's whereabouts. I couldn't help being startled, and said to myself: "Songzhu Erlao made such a commotion in the Shengjin Pagoda. The palace master has already arrived in Nanchang, why don't you stay in Jiangxi to deal with the two of them, and go to Suzhou with the boy surnamed Jing?" They sent people out to inquire, and learned that Gu Luo and the two had also gone straight to the south earlier, and thought: "Young Master Luo only wants to save his sister, so Brother Lin is actually in Suzhou?" Then he suddenly thought: "Ah, Not good! Martial Nephew Shi told them about the "Yaoding Legacy", the idiot surnamed Jing must have told Palace Mistress Xian, and Palace Mistress also paid attention to the secret book in Shige's hand, so she went with him. " Immediately, without thinking too much, I followed to Suzhou, seeing that the senior brother hadn't shown up yet, he just hid in the dark to monitor everyone's whereabouts.

Yesterday he saw that Su Fenglou led Luo Yushu and his party into Taihu Lake by boat, he wanted to hire a boat to follow behind, but he was afraid that the lake surface would be uncovered, and he would be discovered in a blink of an eye; They punted back to Mudu Ferry, questioned him for a while, and found out that Su Fenglou and his party had gone to Xishan Island, so they also rushed to the island, saw the secret notes left by Xian Qingrang along the way, and then chased all the way to Yixing .

Guan Motong found the Zhao family's mansion along the secret notes, and was thinking about how to avoid the eyes and ears of everyone to find his senior brother, when he suddenly saw Luo Kun jumping into the courtyard wall of Zhao's mansion not far away at night.He knew that Xian Qingrang left the code all the way for the purpose of contacting Luo Kun, and it was not surprising that the latter came after him. Just as he was about to go inside to find out, he saw a dark shadow flashing at the corner of the alley ahead, and another person jumped over the wall and entered the hospital. Under the moonlight, it was clear that it was Zhu Yi who was injured by herself a few days ago. She couldn't help being shocked, and said to herself: "Lao Mei said that the surname Zhu is also interested in "Yao Ding Yi Pian". It is true." Qinggong quietly followed Zhu Chief into Zhao's mansion, seeing that the latter was familiar with the road, he made three turns and two turns to the west courtyard wing, and went straight to the rightmost guest room.

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