Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 239

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Suddenly a person outside the stone hall said loudly: "Are the guests from the village inside?" Another person replied: "I heard from the townspeople that the distinguished guests have come to Shanjuan Cave." But the voice approached , Two people came from outside.Shao Yantang's expression changed when he saw this, it turned out that he had arranged for his men to guard the front and rear entrances, although they were just ordinary martial artists, but these two were able to go straight in, they were not ordinary people.

Those two people raised the fire and entered the stone hall. They saw Luo Yushu and others inside, and one of them said happily, "Master, it's them." Then they got a little closer, and they took a look by the light of the fire, and the person leading the way was Tong Tong. Fifth, the other person is tall, about 50 years old, wearing an agarwood-colored cocoon silk straight gown, a Dongpo scarf on his head, a thick beard around his black face with Chinese characters, and his eyes are like copper bells.

When the man dressed as a squire saw all the people in the cave, he said happily: "You are here! I, Zhao Youde, is the owner of Lanshan Zhaozhuang. Just now when I returned to the villa, Tong Wu said that there were distinguished guests in the village. I have been visiting, but left in a hurry because of business, and I didn’t even meet the last time, what kind of hospitality is this? So I hurriedly took him to Zhangzhu Town, but the townspeople said that some people were coming here I am lucky to have met you here. If everyone agrees, we don’t need to go back to the villa, so we will go to Zhao’s house in the county seat and sit down for a while, so that I can be a host and do my best.”

Jing Lanzhou and others couldn't help being surprised when they saw that this person was Zhao Yuanwai mentioned by Tong Wukou.Tong Wu said earlier that his master loves exotic flowers and herbs the most. Everyone guessed that the other party was probably good-looking and an elegant scholar like Su Fenglou. Unexpectedly, he was such a rough-looking man with " The name "virtuous" is also quite vulgar.

Luo Yushu was determined to rush to heal his cousin's injury, but just as he was about to politely refuse her, Su Fenglou suddenly stroked his beard and said with a smile: "I invite you out of kindness, but it's not respectful, so I went to the house to bother you for a cup of tea." Zhao Youde said happily: "Everyone Coming from a long way, receiving the light, it is truly magnificent. After getting off the carriage, the horses stopped outside the cave, please go ahead." Seeing that the owner of Su had agreed, the rest of the people stopped talking and exchanged names.Sang Muhua said: "Yantang, let's go and sit together." Shao Yantang hesitated and said: "Your body..." Sang Muhua said: "Jing Shaoxia is right, the fastest way to find Zhu Chief now , just follow Mr. Lin and his party."

Shao Yantang sighed: "Madam is right." He sniffed out the breath of his subordinates, but fortunately they were not injured internally, he immediately rescued the two leaders and ordered them to clean up the mess in the cave, the two of them followed Zhao Youde out of the cave, and saw The guards at the entrance of the cave have all disappeared, and I am secretly curious: "The name of the Zhao family in Yixing, I have heard of it occasionally in these years, but it is just an ordinary wealthy family, are these two people also members of the family?"


That Yixing County is not far to the northeast of Zhangzhu Town, everyone entered the county seat in the afternoon, and Zhao Youde led them to his mansion in the north of the city, and saw that it was also a very grand mansion.Zhao Yuanwai invited everyone to sit in the front hall, and after a while, people brought tea, but the tea was fragrant and fragrant, and it was better than the tea that the six people tasted in Xianglan Mountain.Member Zhao said with a smile: "Everyone came at the right time. These are the freshly picked purple bamboo shoots before the rain. They are paired with Wuxi Huishan spring water from the 'Second Spring in the World'. Even the emperor and his elders will not be able to drink it." to such a good tea."

Luo Yushu saw that the earthen clay teapot had a maroon color and was indescribably ancient and lovely, and said with a smile, "This teapot is so unique." Zhao Youde said, "This clay teapot was made by the monks of the Jinsha Temple in this county with local purple clay, and it was used for brewing tea. The tea is even more sweet and fragrant. You are guests from afar, and you are fellow travelers who know and love flowers, so why don't you stay in the humble house for a few days, and Zhao will ask for advice from time to time."

Su Fenglou said with a smile: "It's too disturbing for us to have such a large group of people rushing here. It's a pity that among the few of us, only this girl and my brother are lovers, and the rest are all in her favor. "Zhao Youde said with a smile: "My brother is so polite! My house is quite spacious, what's the trouble? I can see that you are not ordinary people, but I just met each other late." He ordered the kitchen to tidy up the dinner, and served Everyone admired the flowers and plants he planted, although there are some rare treasures among them, but they don't see the rare treasures like the purple and white orchids in the villa.

After everyone had finished admiring the flowers, they had dinner in the back hall. Member Zhao decided to stay a group of people here for the night, and Su Fenglou agreed with a few polite words.Everyone sat around and had a conversation, Shao Yantang was full of worries, and took Sang Muhua back to the guest room early to rest.Zhao Youde is extremely talkative, he chatted with the six of them until nearly two o'clock, talking about the methods of cultivating and irrigating flowers and trees, except for Gu Qingzhi who talked with him with great interest, Lin Yuetai was a half-expert because he was proficient in the medicinal properties of plants and trees, and occasionally got along After a few words, the rest of the people were all confused.After half a stick of incense, Zhao Yuanwai apologized: "Zhao has such a temper. When he talked about flowers and plants, he couldn't stop talking. It disturbed everyone's rest. I will teach you tomorrow." He said immediately. Go to bed and order the servants to take everyone back to their rooms.

At this moment, when the night fell, Luo Yushu was sitting alone in the room stroking the long sword. Seeing the lights flickering on the table, his heart skipped a beat. He got up and went outside Su Feng's building. He was about to knock on the door when he saw Jing Lanzhou coming from the door. Walking to the side, he said with a smile: "Brother Luo is also looking for Mr. Su?" Luo Yushu smiled slightly, and said, "I don't want to see the same thing as brother." Suddenly the door of the room opened, and Su Fenglou stood at the door and smiled. Said: "The two are talking inside."

The three of them sat inside, Luo Yushu said: "It's very frightening to disturb Mr. late at night." Su Fenglou smiled and said: "I know the two young heroes will definitely come to find Su, so you are not in bed yet, so you are welcome." Luo Jing and the two looked at each other, both of them were surprised.Su Fenglou said with a smile: "The two of you must think that this member Zhao is a bit weird, and they came here to discuss this because they were afraid that Dr. Lin would be wrong. Is the old man's guess right?"

Luo Yushu sighed and said: "Senior has no plan left. Since the meeting at Jinchang Pavilion yesterday, he invited Dr. Lin to go out of the mountain that night. The journey is magical and mysterious. It's like Zhuge reincarnated. The two of us admire it very much. This junior is indeed a little unclear. Well, that Tong Wu is not an ordinary gardener, Mr. must know the candle, but why did he bring us to visit Lanzhuang, and agreed to visit Zhao's mansion, I don't know what is the meaning? I can't believe Mr.'s plan, I'm afraid I If you don't know what to do, you will ruin the deployment of the seniors."

Su Fenglou nodded and said with a smile: "According to the two of you, who is this Zhao Youde?" Luo Yushu said: "Shao Yantang set up an ambush in the Shanjuan Cave during the day, how could the entrance of the cave be unguarded? These two people just can Walking into the cave swaggeringly, most of them have high martial arts skills and are definitely not ordinary people." Su Fenglou said with a smile: "You two really have a clear mind. Jing Shaoxia, if you really want to help Master Xian restore his teaching, this Zhao Yuanwai It is a key chess piece."

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