Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 234 Ambush

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Shao Yantang gave some instructions to his followers, and the subordinates turned from the cave to the back mountain first.He lit a torch and led six people off their horses to enter the cave. At first the terrain was very narrow and narrow, but after a while they came to an extremely flat cave hall, which could accommodate more than a thousand people.Luo Yushu saw the stalactites hanging high and stalagmites everywhere in the cave, which was very majestic and splendid, but it was no different from the view of the cave in Jiangxi that day. He thought to himself: "Mr. Shi himself doesn't know that his teacher lives in seclusion in Shuiyue Temple. Guan Motong must not grab it We found Dr. Lin ahead of us, unless he was keeping a close eye on him; however, last night we all traveled by water, and we didn't see any other ships following us, and we went directly to Yixing County from Dongting West Mountain. Doctor Shi is imprisoned in this cave? This matter is totally unreasonable, and there must be something strange in it."

Jing Lanzhou said: "Old hero Shao, this cave is deep and wide, I don't know where is the supernatural doctor?" Shao Yantang said: "It's hard to say for a while. But don't worry, the old man has just ordered his men to guard the front and rear entrances of the cave, run away You can't run away." Su Er raised his eyebrows, stretched out his hand and pointed to the front left: "There is someone over there!" Everyone looked in the direction he pointed, but seeing the strange stone standing upright, how could there be half a person?Luo Yushu knew something was wrong, and when he turned his head to look at Shao Yantang again, he saw a blue shadow flickering, and the latter had disappeared into the stone forest, and the fire was also extinguished, and it was pitch black all around.

Luo Yushu said in a deep voice: "It's a trick, I'll get out of this cave as soon as possible!" Just as he was about to reach into his bosom to dig out the fire pleats, he suddenly heard a sharp whistle from the cave, and countless torches all around were lit up, lighting up the empty cave hall. It was shining like daylight, but there were hundreds of people in black clothes standing on the dangerous terrain, and they all pointed down at the six people, and the arrows were faintly illuminated by the firelight. It emits a green light, which is obviously poisonous.

Luo Yushu's heart was shocked, and he thought to himself: "What a powerful strategy! Although the cave is spacious, there are many bows and arrows shooting down from all directions, but it is not easy to dodge, let alone the arrows are poisonous." He said loudly: "Old hero Shao, please Come out and speak." The voice echoed in the cave.

After a while, they only heard a little movement in front of them. The six people saw a natural high platform built by several protruding rocks on the stone wall not far away, and a person walked slowly out of it. It was "Iron Yan Silver Spear" Shao Yantang.Luo Yushu frowned and said, "Hero Shao, you are a well-known figure in Jiangnan martial arts, famous in Jianghu, why did you set up such a poisonous plan to frame us today?"

The expression on Shao Yantang's face was uncertain under the firelight, and he said in a deep voice: "Young Xia Luo, Shao has lived a long time, this time he was accidentally taken advantage of by a villain, and his reputation is ruined today, as fate should be. Senior Lin, please Hand over the "Medicine Cauldron Legacy" to Shao, and I will immediately let everyone leave safely, and I will never break my promise."

Lin Yuetai sneered, and said, "It's surprising that Lin's "Yao Ding Legacy" can drag you Shao Daxia into the water. Looking at the current situation, if the old man refuses to hand over the legacy, the six of us will die in a blink of an eye You're going to be buried in this cave, aren't you?"

Shao Yantang shook his head and sighed: "These are all well-established people in the martial arts. Shao can't afford to hurt anyone's body. It's just that the situation is critical now. If I can't get Dr. Lin's "The Legacy of the Medicine Cauldron Chapter ", Zhuo Jing was about to die in Huangquan when he saw it, and Shao had no way out, so he made this bad plan just now."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, Luo Yushu said: "Where did you start? Please tell the old hero clearly." Shao Yantang sighed: "My wife's martial arts and character are ten times better than Shao's. The two of us have been in love as husband and wife for many years. How could this old man just let her die? I only blame Shao for being useless and unable to save my wife."

Jing Lanzhou said: "Hero Shao, could it be that someone hijacked Lingzheng and forced you to use "Yao Ding Yi Pian" in exchange for her life?" Shao Yantang's face turned pale, and said: "This is just a crime, so there is no need for young heroes to say more. Senior Lin, Shao really has no intention of hurting others, please take out the things."

Seeing the expression on his face, Jing Lanzhou knew that he must have guessed the truth just now, and said to himself: "How powerful is the Songjiang Shao Mansion in the south of the Yangtze River, and Sang Muhua himself is a master of the Emei Sect. Who has such a great ability? Can you blackmail Shao Yantang with this? Could it be Zhu Chief?" Then he thought again: "Shao Yantang in Guangji Temple had already agreed to help him find Dr. Lin that night, so Zhu Chief should not be so forceful. Guan Motong already has a miracle doctor in his hand. As a hostage, there is no need to provoke the 'Tieyan Silver Spear'." Suddenly recalled the scene of Shao Yantang being restrained by Shen Quan in Wujiang Restaurant, and asked: "Shao Daxia, may I ask that Madam is in the hands of Shen Quan?" ?” Shao Yantang’s body was shaken, and his face was ashen ashes: “ know everything?”

When everyone heard the words, their hearts became brighter, and they thought to themselves: "It turns out that he was coerced by Shen Quan and was forced to use "The Posthumous Chapter" in exchange for his wife's life. The Shao family and his wife have a deep love, which is well known in the martial arts. No wonder Shao Yantang tried every means to obtain this Things, but it’s justifiable, it’s not a big treachery or a big evil.”

Jing Lanzhou said: "Hero Shao, the virtuous couple are famous all over the world, who is disrespectful in the Jianghu? Now let us here, everyone will work together to rescue the respected wife, why should the old hero be at the mercy of the villain?" Shao Yantang said in a trembling voice: "Young hero is kind and I appreciate it,'s useless."

Suddenly, a deep sigh was heard in the dark, and a middle-aged beautiful woman came out from behind the stone forest, it was "Jade Guanyin" Sang Muhua.The six people were very surprised when they saw this, and thought to themselves: "Why is Sang Muhua not taken away by Shen Quan, but here instead? Could it be that Shao Yantang deliberately deceived each other?"

Shao Yantang's complexion changed, and he said, "You...why are you here?" Sang Muhua sighed, "Yantang, a person has a life and a life, so you can't force it. You and I have been in love for decades, even if we are You are a hero admired by everyone in the martial arts world, so why give up your fame for me?" Shao Yantang said with tears in his eyes, "This...I..." He couldn't continue for a while .

Sang Muhua sighed, and said to Jing Lanzhou: "Jing Shaoxia, do you remember that night in Zhenze Town, I fought two hands with the surname Zhu in the alley, and you persuaded me to leave?" Jing Lan Seeing that she took the initiative to talk about it, Zhou nodded and said: "Yes, there is indeed such a thing." Sang Muhua sighed: "I was attacked by someone on the way back to the house that night and tapped the acupoints. Tang secretly keeps an eye on your every move, looking for an opportunity to take the "Yaoding Legacy Chapter"."

Jing Lanzhou suddenly realized, and said to himself: "It turned out that Mrs. Shao was taken away that night, no wonder she was nowhere to be seen the next morning. Shao Yantang's beloved wife was captured, and there was no difference in her speech and demeanor along the way. The concentration is really extraordinary. " Asked Sang Muhua: "Could it be Shen Quan who made the surprise attack that day?" Sang Muhua nodded and said: "Shen Quan has followed you and Yan Tang all the way since Zhenze Town. Surprisingly, I recognized him in Wujiang County."

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