Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 231 The Great Hero

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Lin Yuetai shook his head and said: "Jing Shaoxia, I think you are still young, just because you heard that this temptress did some food donations back then, you thought she had a heart to save the world and the people, but it was a big mistake I think the Taizu of my dynasty wiped out the barbarians, and the world was settled, and the Emperor Taizong's literary and martial arts were not inferior to the Han and Tang Dynasties; this temptress wanted to coerce the people into chaos when she was in her prime, how can she be called a "Xia"? In the history of later generations, I am afraid that it will be hard to get rid of the name of anti-corruption and rebellion. The old man, I have practiced medicine all my life, and I have saved eight hundred lives if not one thousand. All of these are petty benefits. Why is it so surprising? Only like Taizu Taizong expelled the Tartars and rescued the people from the fire and water, that is the real hero and hero who will go down in history!"

Hearing the words, Luo Yushu secretly said: "What Senior Lin said really appeals to me. No matter how high a person's martial arts is, he is no more than an enemy of a few. A man should follow the example of Wei and Huo in the world. He will send hundreds of thousands of people across the world to defeat the capture, Rewards and punishments are clear, and only then will I live up to my age."

Jing Lanzhou shook his head and said, "Senior Lin, how can all of the billions of people in the world be heroes? Some will live forever, some will be infamous forever, and most of them are just ordinary people who are unknown. The younger generation is lazy and dull, and there is no help The lofty aspirations of the world, but I feel that my actions are worthy of the conscience of the world, the upbringing and teaching of my mentor, and the friendship of my friends, and there is nothing wrong with being an ordinary person; There are still so few people who can remember the benefits of being here, so that they don't have nothing to say to each other, and they can hang around dead bluebottles, but they don't need famous books and bamboo silk." Lin Yuetai's face changed slightly when he heard this, and he bowed his head thoughtfully.

Jing Lanzhou went on to say: "There is a way to govern the country, and there is a way to cure the disease. Like the predecessors, like hanging a pot to help the world and bringing back life with wonderful hands, every life saved is to save the family. In the eyes of the parents and wives of the sick, why not treat it with The predecessors are great heroes, great heroes? What the predecessors did is not benevolence and righteousness? There are virtuous and foolish people, good and bad, and as long as they each perform their duties, they will not live this life in vain. Although Emperor Taizong can be regarded as a generation of wise emperors, but he moved the capital. Conscripts from all over the world made the common people unbearable, and the old palace master Tang led the people to revolt, and it was not for his own self-interest."

Su Fenglou stroked his beard and smiled and said: "Okay! You two don't have to talk about it here. The merits and demerits of the world are not just for the few of us to decide. Jing Shaoxia, do you know that Mr. Lin was a member of the palace in his early years?" The imperial doctor, who has always been loyal to the country, naturally dislikes the actions of the Tang Palace Master, which is only natural." Everyone was surprised: "Senior Lin used to be the imperial physician in the palace?" Su Fenglou laughed and said: "Why? With Lin Is the old skill not enough to treat the emperor Lao Tzu?"

Lin Yuetai squinted at Su Fenglou, and said, "Your Excellency, you really know everything. Lao Mei told you about this?" Su Fenglou smiled and said, "Why should others tell you about this! Mr. Lin, you're alive What's the point of fighting against a 20-year-old girl with age? It's more important to rush to save people. Have you packed your things? Xu Laomei told you after I died," Lin Yuetai patted the medicine box and said: "The old man only As long as you have this thing in your hand, you can travel all over the world."

Su Fenglou nodded and said: "I just said that there is something more important than healing, and that is your own safety, Mr. Lin. Right now, there are powerful enemies all around, all of whom are here for the "Legend of the Medicine Cauldron" in your hand, We are afraid that our journey will not be peaceful for a while. If you can’t even save your own life, what are you talking about saving people? Su is willing to make a three-legal agreement with you. If someone secretly poisons you along the way, we are all laymen. Rescue Mr. Lin; but if the enemy relies on martial arts to rob, Su Mou will take care of it. Your Excellency must not fight with others, will you agree?" Lin Yuetai pondered for a while, and said: "My martial arts are mediocre, don't you know yourself? I I promise you." Su Fenglou said with a smile: "It's wonderful, let's set off now."

Immediately, under the leadership of Su Fenglou, everyone left the temple and walked westward along another mountain road. After a while, they came to the lakeside, and saw a Yuwang Temple erected by the lakeside, with dozens of lanterns hanging under the eaves. Swaying in the night wind, it looks very eye-catching. The lake is full of snow-white reeds.Everyone saw a passenger boat moored on the shore of the lake at a glance, and thought to themselves: "Mr. Su really has a clever plan, everything has been prepared in advance."

When several people got on the boat, they saw that there were three cabins in total, front and rear, which was much more spacious than the small boat with awning.The boatman pulled his oars and sailed towards the northwest of Taihu Lake. After a while, the row of lanterns in front of the Temple of King Yu was already indistinguishable.Luo Yushu saw that the boat was not heading towards Suzhou, and asked, "Senior Su, are we not going back to Suzhou?"

Su Fenglou stared and said: "There are so many people in Suzhou City right now, what are you going back for? Now that Doctor Lin has been found, I rushed to Henan to save your sister as soon as no one noticed." Luo Yushu pondered and said: " This is of course the best, but my horses and luggage are all in Suzhou, but I haven't had time to get them." Su Fenglou waved his hand and said: "You don't need to pay attention to this, the old man has his own ideas."

Luo Yushu thought that both his and Gu Qingzhi's horses were hard-to-buy BMWs, and his horse was temporarily borrowed from Gu Tieshan. If he lost it, he would not be able to explain it to Shibo in the future; Thinking that the horses were left in the Yuyin Pavilion, Shao Yantang would send someone to look after them, and he really cared about the safety of his cousin, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Jing Lanzhou asked Luo Yushu in a low voice: "Brother Luo, we are leaving like this, should we inform Shao Daxia Branch?" Luo Yushu pondered for a while, and said: "It is not important to be careful, not to mention that Shao Yantang is quite involved with Chief Zhu. There is no guarantee that there will be no disturbances. Let's go to treat Yanmei's injuries first, and it will not be too late to go to the door to make amends afterwards." Jing Lanzhou nodded and said: "Brother's words are reasonable." Hear the sound of oars and running water.The six of them took a rest in the cabin, and the next day, when the sky was just getting bright, the boat docked.

Mr. Su made a boat payment with the boatman, and as soon as they landed, Luo Yushu saw his jade-topped yellowtail, Gu Qingzhi's silver-tailed green horse, and Jing Lanzhou's green mule tied to a short tree by the lake. , there were three other good horses tied under the nearby tree, and I couldn't help but look overjoyed, and said to Su Fenglou: "Senior is unpredictable, but this junior is really enthralled." He was really surprised: "How could Mr. Su know where we live in Suzhou?" Su Feng Lou stroked his beard and said with a smile: "These two thousand-mile horses are not ordinary things. If they are lost, the old man may not be able to compensate, so I have to bring them to you."

Everyone stepped forward to untie the reins, and suddenly they smelled a faint fragrance from somewhere.Luo Yushu was shocked: "Could it be that the enemy is secretly poisoning?" He quickly looked around, seeing that there was no one else in the distance, and there was no sign of poisoning in his body, Fang felt at ease.

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