Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 226

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Shen Quan sneered and said: "Brother Jing, as a senior student of Mr. Si Guo, you shouldn't be so short-sighted. My younger brother admires your heart, but those who have achieved great things through the ages must know how to change from power to change. Like brother Tai If you stick to doing small good and giving small benefits, you will be empty of your extraordinary skills, and it will also violate the original wish of respecting your teacher to cultivate you." Jing Lanzhou shook his head and said: "If you sow melons, you will reap melons. If Jing is destined not to be a great hero, great Heroes, that is also the fate, but it is enough for me to do small good deeds in my life; as for the comments of my family teacher, I don’t need to worry about Brother Shen.”

Xian Qingrang was not in the mood to listen to the two tit-for-tat, and said to himself: "If such a major event really happened in our religion, the informant should have reached me long ago, why didn't I know about it? The most important thing right now is to check the authenticity of the news first, and the rest It's all the last part. With Lan Zhou's temper, he is determined not to go with someone surnamed Shen, so why should I make him feel cold? Besides, according to Shen Quan's temperament, it would be strange if he crossed the river and demolished the bridge afterward." Thinking: "If what Shen Quan said is true, who in the church will stand on my side? Guan Elder has not obeyed orders these days and has no news at all, so he is determined to compete with me for "The Last Chapter of the Medicine Cauldron" ", is already unreliable; although Liao Bibo has an upright nature and has always been loyal to me, but the five elders work together as one, and he sees that four of them have different ideas, so he may not be able to take care of himself alone; Among the twelve miraculous envoys, the four female envoys of the You tribe will not oppose me, but the other two are hard to say. Shen Quan said that the three friends of Suihan usurped rebellion in Nanchang, and the four envoys of the Yao tribe were in Jiangxi at that time. The most dangerous one is that the Youxuan Division [-] has been sent out, so maybe they can be called in for help."

Shen Quan saw that Xian Qing kept Ningsi silent, and said with a smile: "Palace Master Xian, now that Shen has come to see him, Uncle Huangqiao has found Shen for the Palace Master, and I hope that the Palace Master will give you the antidote and spare my uncle's life "Xian Qing calmed down and said: "The current situation is gloomy and unclear, there is no point in driving fish away from the Yuan." He took out three antidotes and handed them to Mr. Huangqiao, "Take one pill every three hours, and the poison in it will be completely eliminated." Yu Da was overjoyed, took the antidote and said, "Thank you, Palace Master, for your mercy!"

Xian Qing frowned, and asked, "Mr. Shen, why do you have the antidote for the seven-star needle?" Shen Quan laughed and said, "The five-horse-and-seven-star needle is a unique hidden weapon of your religion. Where did you get the antidote? The one just now is not good. It's just an ordinary pill for clearing away fire and resolving phlegm, if it wasn't for that, how would the palace master know that my uncle is loyal to you and has no other intentions?" Shen Yu was shocked when he heard the words, and his hands trembled slightly.

Shen Quan laughed and said: "Brother Jing, Shen was beaten half to death by your palm yesterday, and he still insisted on rushing to report to everyone, is he going to arrest me now?" With a look on her face, she knew that she had no intention of fighting Shen Quan again, and immediately said: "If what Brother Shen said is true, Jing sincerely thank you for coming to tell us, the grievances between you and me will not be mentioned today, it is just a joint plan Forgive me. Since your Excellency covets the "Yaoding Legacy", I am afraid that the two of us will still be enemies rather than friends when things come to an end."

Shen Quan laughed and said: "Miss Xian wants to read Laoer Lin's "The Last Chapter of the Medicine Cauldron", so you just agree, you are really a fair lady, and a gentleman is so good. Anyway, I came here to invite the Palace Master to discuss important matters "Brother Jing, it would be best if you are willing to help. Even if you don't want to, with the help of Palace Master and Shen, it may not be impossible. If Shen is currently living in the city's Xuanmiao Temple, Palace Master thinks it's still worthwhile to suggest it from below." The good thing is that I will wait for you at any time." After saying that, he bowed his hands to everyone, and the two servants turned the sedan chair and carried him straight out of the garden. Peng Yin and the four monks also left the courtyard together.

Xian Qing asked Shen Quan and others to leave, and said with a frown: "Brother Luo, you should immediately send the local congregants to investigate the news, and you must verify the truth of what Shen Quan just said as soon as possible. The location of the Suzhou branch has been leaked. Don't leave anyone behind, you and Mr. Huangqiao will arrange the rudder department elsewhere tonight." Luo Kun said: "Palace master, don't worry, the subordinates will do it right away." Shen Yuwei hesitated for a while, and said: "Palace master, the old man will also go together Go and inquire about it." Xian Qingrang nodded, and the two took orders to leave the garden quickly.

Xian Qingrang was silent for a moment, looked up at Jing Lanzhou, smiled wryly and said, "I don't want Zhenze Town's word to be a prophecy, my mouth is too smart." Jing Lanzhou comforted her and said, "Xian Girl, there is no conclusion on the matter right now, so you don't have to worry too much." Xian Qingrang shook his head and said, "I've been wondering for a few days that the outposts in various places of our sect are suddenly not functioning smoothly, and the delivery of news is becoming more and more untimely. There must have been a mistake, and now that Shen Quan said so, people have no choice but to doubt it."

Jing Lanzhou said: "Miss Xian, with your respected teacher and Daoist priest backing you, there is a turning point for big things. One person counts on the shortcoming, and the two count on the long. Why don't we go back to the residence first, and find Senior Brother Luo and them to discuss the countermeasures in detail. "Xian Qingrang shook his head and said: "Lan Zhou, I know that Shaoxia Luo and you are close friends, but you two have different temperaments, so he won't get involved in this matter." Jing Lanzhou pondered slightly, and said: "Senior Brother Luo In the officialdom, if he is really inconvenient to help, I will risk my life to help you, we can't really turn to Shen Quan for help?" Xian Qingrang said with a smile: "When it comes to these intrigues and intrigues, Shen Quan and others may not be sure It is much more useful than you gentlemen. Well, I know you don't like to mention him, let's go back and talk about it first."

The two immediately returned to their residences, and told Gu Luo and Gu Luo about their experiences in the Suzhou branch, and Luo Yushu thought to himself: "Wuwei Sect doesn't care about these conflicts, but Brother Luo has always been loyal to Palace Master Xian. However, if the five elders are really rebellious in Junjie, the eldest brother is in a very dangerous situation, and we must try to keep him safe." Gu Qingzhi also had a general thought when he heard the words.Luo Yushu said: "Palace master, don't worry, the most urgent thing is to find out whether the matter is true or not. Even if the news is true, you are with us right now, you can be safe for a while, it is better than being provoked on the spot and trapped Dangerous situation." Xian Qingrang nodded and said, "What General Luo said is absolutely true."

Jing Lanzhou said: "Miss Xian, I don't know when Brother Luo and the others will be able to investigate this matter?" Xian Qing said: "Usually, it only takes a day and a half, but I don't know if the sentries everywhere in our sect are still effective at the moment." Jing Lanzhou Said: "In that case, I might as well go to Jinchang Pavilion to meet with Mr. Su tomorrow, and then we can discuss it later. This senior seems to be quite familiar with your godmother, and has a lot of connection with Wuwei Gongding, so there must be a relationship." A way to help." Xian Qingrang's heart moved, and he thought to himself, "Why did I forget this person? If this Lord Su is willing to help, plus Master and Daoist, what fear is there even if the five elders rebel together?" Thinking of this I can't help but feel at ease.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, the four of them had a hasty dinner and went back to their rooms to rest.Xian Qingrang was so preoccupied that he couldn't sleep, Jing Lanzhou and the others were both worried that Wuwei Gong would come to their door, and they were also wary of Shen Quan's conspiracy and tricks, they tossed and turned all night.

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