Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 223 Conspiracy

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Luo Yushu pondered and said: "Brother, we met a wonderful envoy from the Yao tribe in Jiangxi a few days ago. The four of them claimed to have done an important matter in Zhejiang earlier. Could it be for this reason?" He's very well-informed." Luo Yushu was silent for a moment, then sighed: "For the sake of Lin Yuetai's martial arts secret book, Master Xian put aside even such important matters, it seems that he is determined to obtain this thing."

Luo Kunqi asked, "What martial arts secret book?" Luo Yushu roughly explained the grievances and grievances between Guan Lin and his teacher in the past, and said, "Now Elder Guan is not the only one who covets the "Yao Ding Yi Pian". Going to Dr. Lin to treat my sister's illness, I'm afraid the road ahead will be difficult." Luo Kun was silent for a while, then said: "I quite know that Elder Guan is a man, if the secret book falls into his hands, the palace master will not be able to sit securely. "

Jing Lanzhou said: "Brother Luo, I have one more thing to tell you. Miss Xian's adoptive mother and the late old palace master of Wuwei Palace is Tang Sai'er, the female leader of the White Lotus Sect who started an incident in Shandong. Teacher and she are also old acquaintances." Talking about Tang Sai'er's past with Shimen to the three of them, Gu Luo and the two couldn't help being amazed, but Luo Kun's face changed slightly, and he hesitated to speak.Jing Lanzhou noticed his expression, and said: "Brother Luo doesn't like to talk about the identity of the old palace master? I just think that here are good friends who have everything to say, so I talk fast for a while. It is indeed my younger brother's oversight, but I never Didn't mention it to anyone else."

Luo Kun waved his hand and said, "You don't have to be like this, my respected master said this in front of Palace Master Xian, so I have nothing to hide from my virtuous brothers and sisters. Back then, when the old master of the Tang Dynasty rebelled in the village, Luo Mou, despite his age, I was still young and participated in it. Our rebel army set up an ambush to kill Gao Feng, the commander of the Qingzhou Guard who came to suppress the first battle, and the momentum was huge. Later, the imperial court sent Anyuanhou Liu Sheng to lead a heavy army to encircle and suppress the cottage. Liu Sheng was a veteran of many battles He committed the problem of underestimating the enemy and fighting arrogantly. The old palace lord succeeded in breaking through the siege in one fell swoop. Even the commander of Shandong Province made Liu Zhong and other senior officials die in the rebellion. middle."

Luo Yushu said: "That day, the old palace master of the Tang Dynasty broke out of the encirclement under the guard of Wen Daxia, did the eldest brother escape with him?" The army suppressed the border, and immediately sent out all the old, weak, women and children in the village, and Luo's grandfather and grandson were also sent to neighboring counties for resettlement. After more than a month, I heard that the village was breached by officers and soldiers, so I decided to repay the old palace master with my body Great kindness, so I settled down with my grandmother, and took refuge in a ranger led by the rebel army commander Bin Hong."

Jing Lanzhou interjected: "This Binhong is the elder Guan of your teaching?" Luo Kun was slightly startled, and said: "My brother even knows this." Luo Yushu's heart was shocked, and he said to himself: "So Guan Motong is It was Bin Hong, the leader of Bailian who started the uprising in Qingzhou back then, it seems that even Monk Jian Sheng didn't know about it."

Luo Kun went on to say: "Master Bin received news of the fall of the Shanzhai outside, and immediately mobilized more than [-] troops from Juzhou and Jimo to besiege Anqiu County in the east of the mansion. Seeing that the city was about to be broken, Wei Qing, who was then Shandong Beiwa, led more than a thousand cavalry to rush to the city day and night. Although our rebel army was large in number, after all, the people gathered together for a while. Army division Bin broke through the siege by relying on his high martial arts skills. Luo was only a boy in his early ten years old at the time, and perhaps the officers and soldiers had no time to take care of him, so he also escaped with his life in the chaos.

"I immediately fled back to my grandmother's residence secretly, and I was always in fear. At that time, people in Shandong were raging, and the government hunted down the remnants of the rebel army. At last, no one suspected us, the old man, and the old palace lord left us enough I don’t have to worry about the daily necessities, but I don’t know the old palace lord’s safety, my grandfather and grandson really worry about it. After more than half a year like this, one day the old palace lord suddenly came to the door again, Luo was overjoyed, Since then, he has been following him to do business, and it was not until the Xuande period that the old palace master started to set up the religion. On that day, Brother Yu first met a good brother and sister outside De'an City, and he boasted that he was very qualified in the religion, but he was not bragging. " said Finished laughing.

Luo Yushu frowned and said, "Brother, where did you get the news that Emperor Jianwen is still alive?" Luo Kun shook his head and said, "I've never heard of this, but the Palace Master of the early Tang Dynasty in Xuande had already found out about it." The old palace lord has always regarded me as a confidant, and never deliberately concealed it. He even sent Luo to find out about the whereabouts of Emperor Jianwen. But the sky is vast, and the sea of ​​people is vast, so it is not easy to find someone? The old palace lord also knows this fact. Difficult, Fang came up with the idea of ​​establishing a sect, thinking that by gathering the strength of the congregation, it might be possible to accomplish things quickly." Luo Jing and the two were secretly shocked when they heard the words: "It turns out that Tang Sai'er founded the Wuwei Sect by himself back then, and the original intention was In order to find the missing Emperor Jianwen, she has worked so hard with good intentions, she must be planning something small."

Luo Yushu pondered and said: "Yesterday we were able to capture Shen Quan, how could someone secretly use the firearms of the Thunderbolt Hall to help him escape? Sister Zhi, do you have any idea about this?" Gu Qingzhi said: "Daddy and Uncle Lei both It is to open the door to do business, not to mention that Uncle Lei has known Shen Quan for a long time, so it must be the gunpowder smoke sand that this kid bought from the Thunderbolt Hall, which is not surprising." Luo Yushu nodded and said: "Although Shen Quan was seriously injured, but The few foreign monks around him have evil martial arts, everyone should be careful."

Luo Kun glanced at the sky outside, and said: "It's getting late, since the Palace Master and Mr. Huangqiao will meet in three hours, Luo will also rush to Suzhou to take a look, and say goodbye to you today." Luo Yushu said: "Brother, if Mr. Huang Qiao really finds Shen Quan, this man is full of tricks, you have to be careful." Luo Kun said: "My dear brother, don't worry, the palace master told me to lead Jing Shaoxia with him when he left. Going to the sub-helm, there is brother Jing on the scene to help, I think it will not be a big problem; besides, whether Mr. Huangqiao can find Shen Quan is another matter."

Jing Lanzhou was startled when he heard the words, and said: "The place where the rudder in Suzhou is located is considered to be the secret of your education. If Jing Mou goes there rashly, I'm afraid it's against the rules of the world." Luo Kun laughed and said: "This is the invitation of the palace lord. You don’t have to worry too much, young man. My virtuous brother and virtuous sister have even visited the main altar of our sect, and a mere Suzhou sub-helm is such a big deal?” Gu Luo and the two couldn’t help smiling when they heard this.Luo Kun said: "Your brother and sister may as well take a short break here, if something embarrassing happens, Brother Yu will send someone to tell you." Luo Yushu sighed: "I'm bothering Brother Jing to waste his time and energy, so the two of us will sit here and enjoy the success. " Gu Qingzhi said with a smile: "Brother Jing, you and elder brother should go well, don't be in a hurry to come back."

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