Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 214 The Enemy Meets

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Luo Yushu leaned over his head and asked Jing Lanzhou softly: "Brother Jing, will you meet Mr. Su in the future?" Wan Zhuan had to invite the owner of Luoxinglou to come out of the mountain to take care of Lin Yuetai's safety. Seeing that Jing Lanzhou had invited him to Suzhou, he felt very happy and said, "Brother Lao Jing is running around."

Everyone was drinking, chatting and laughing, when they suddenly heard the commotion in the downtown area downstairs, they held up the window panels and saw a group of foreign monks in red monk robes coming from the south, passing through the market, there were fifteen or sixteen people in total. At first, the four monks wore yellow cockscomb hats, and then everyone did not wear the crowns, and they all held the prayer wheels and kept turning them. I saw that the dharma utensils were shining golden, and they seemed to be all made of gold. They chanted mantras loudly. It is very spectacular, attracting people from all over the street to watch.Jing Lanzhou was startled, and thought to himself: "These foreign monks are all masters of martial arts, and they suddenly appeared here. Could it be related to Senior Lin?"

Shao Yantang saw the group of foreign monks gradually walking away, and said with a smile: "I have lived in the south of the Yangtze River for a long time, and today is the first time I have seen a monk from the Tibetan border. It is quite different from the monks in the Central Plains." Gu Qingzhi said, "I don't know where these lamas are going. Go?" Shao Yantang pondered for a moment, summoned a servant from outside the hall, bowed his head and gave some instructions, and the man hurriedly took the order.Shao Yantang laughed and said: "I have sent people to watch out for the movements of these foreign monks. Although we don't need to be suspicious, it's better to be cautious at this juncture." Everyone saw that he was meticulous in his work, and he was indeed a veteran who has been famous for many years.

After several rounds of drinking, everyone tasted famous Suzhou dishes such as smoked fish in honey sauce, stir-fried shrimp, and tofu with crab powder.After the meal was finished, several people went out of the hall and went downstairs one by one. Jing Lanzhou passed the next room, and saw the door was ajar. There was a person in the room wearing a sky blue silk robe and sitting with his back to the door. He thought to himself: "This person The back looks so familiar, where have I seen it?" Suddenly a thought flashed in his mind, and he realized: "It's Shen Quan!" Without thinking about it, he jumped into the room and held out the "Ling He Finger" " Kung Fu, the middle and second fingers of the right hand quickly tap the Xiningtai acupoint on the man's back.The other party suddenly turned around, poked out the index finger of his left hand, and touched his two fingers, Jing Lanzhou felt a chill in his fingertips, and took two steps back.The man was also stimulated by Jing Lanzhou's finger force, the round stool he was sitting on moved back a few inches, his back hit the wooden table with a "slap", the jugs and wine glasses on the table were knocked to the ground and shattered , I saw that the other party had a plump and handsome face, with a three-point sly smile in his smile, it was Shen Quan, the owner of Qianxinzhai.

Luo Yushu and the others saw Jing Lanzhou suddenly hand in hand with someone in the restaurant, and followed them into the room out of curiosity, seeing Jing Lanzhou staring directly at each other, and said word by word: "Brother Shen, since the farewell to Nanjing, brother Taiwan Are you safe?" Shen Quan laughed, and said: "Brother Jing is thinking about it, and my business is still going well, I can't make much money, and I won't starve to death for a while." Luo Yushu was surprised when he heard this, and asked: "Brother Jing, this man Is it Shen Quan?" Jing Lanzhou nodded slowly.Seeing this, Xian Qingrang was shocked: "Master's words are not bad, Shen Quan has indeed arrived in Suzhou."

Shao Yantang went downstairs to arrange carriages and horses in advance before the banquet was over, and when he turned back, he saw the fragments of wine in the room, and said in a daze, "Brother Jing, what's wrong here? Who is this friend? " Jing Lanzhou said: "It's an old friend of mine." Shao Yantang saw that his expression was not good, and asked in a low voice: "Could it be my brother's enemy?" Jing Lanzhou nodded.

Shao Yantang glanced at Shen Quan, took a step forward and asked loudly: "I don't know what the name of this brother is?" Respectful face, greatly comforting my longing and admiration." Shao Yantang coughed lightly, and said, "Since you know my name, you are also a member of the Jianghu. This Jing Shaoxia is Shao's guest, no matter how close you two are in the past, When it’s a holiday, please respectfully sell this old man to save face, and don’t make trouble here.”

Shen Quan laughed and said: "I'm just sitting here and drinking for myself. Brother Jing came in to say hello to Shen, how can you call it a disturbance?" Glancing at the people behind Shao Yantang, he sighed and said: "Every time When I saw Brother Jing back, both brothers and sisters have noble people to help, and this time you brought too many helpers. Right now, Shen is here alone, what will you do with me?" Jing Lanzhou pondered for a while, Said: "Your plan is big. If you let it go, it will be a disaster. I don't think the ordinary government will keep you locked up. You must be sent to Nanji heavy prison for careful interrogation."

Shao Yantang's complexion changed, and he asked: "Jing Shaoxia, what did this person do?" Jing Lanzhou said: "This person is plotting to disrupt the temple, and I and the rest of the world can't deal with it. He should be handed over to the governor. Hearing this, Shao Yantang's face turned livid, and he said in a deep voice: "Is there such a thing? Don't worry, young man, Shao has a good relationship with the magistrate, and he also met Zhou Futai in the past, so the old man arrested him. Hand it over to the Shangguan." As he spoke, he leaned forward, stretched his ape's arms lightly, and stretched out his hand to grab Shen Quan's shoulder, Jing Lanzhou was about to open his mouth to remind him, but he couldn't stop him.

Shen Quan sneered, leaned his body slightly, and wiped his palm on Shao Yantang's arm. The latter staggered forward. Shen Quan's left hand had already clasped the pulse gate of his right wrist like lightning, and his right hand grabbed Shao Yantang's throat, and said with a smile: "Shao Daxia, I am in danger at this moment, so I have to wrong you to help Shen Mou get out of his birth. Please forgive me for your impoliteness."

Seeing that Shao Yantang was restrained by Shen Quan with one move, everyone couldn't help but turn pale with shock.Luo Yushu said: "Hero Shao is a famous martial artist in Jiangnan. Brother, don't accidentally hurt a good person. Everything is easy to discuss." Shen Quan said: "I don't know the name of Gao?" It turns out to be the virtuous grandson of Heshuo hero, disrespect, disrespect! Both of them are top talents in martial arts, and Shen knows that he is no match, so he has no choice but to offend Shao hero." Grabbing Shao Yantang, he jumped back and stood firmly from the window on the second floor. Fall to the middle of the street.There were quite a few servants of the Shao family guarding the entrance of the restaurant. Seeing the host being kidnapped, they all panicked. A few people with a little skill in martial arts stepped forward to rescue them, but they were kicked to the ground by Shen Quan one by one.

Jing Lanzhou and the other four jumped out of the window and surrounded Shen Quan in the middle of the street.Jing Lanzhou said: "Brother Shen, it's hard for you to fly with wings today, and we're not here to hurt your life, please let Shao Daxia go!" Shen Quan laughed and said: "Shen's life is not worth anything, it's just I dare not donate my life just because the important matter is not yet finished." With a flick of his sleeves, a burst of white powder was spilled, fluttering around, everyone felt a strange fragrance penetrated into their noses, and immediately felt dizzy and weak, several stood a little closer Some of the servants of the Shao Mansion couldn't stand upright and fell to the ground one after another.Shen Quan laughed and said: "Jing Shaoxia, that mantuo powder in Lanxi Xiaozhu didn't fascinate you before, so this time it's not my way?"

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