Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 211 Tenderness

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Xian Qingrang's face was livid under the night, and he said coldly: "Master Qinglian, how dare you use poison to assassinate me?" Zhu Yi said with a smile: "Palace Master, please be at ease, I wish the old Palace Master a favor, How dare you be disrespectful to you? This thing is the incense 'Moon Toad Su' that Elder Guan used arbitrarily. Except for half an hour, it will not harm others. Brother Jing has already learned about it in Jiangxi."

Jing Lanzhou was shocked and said: "Brother Zhu, why do you have Guan Motong's 'Moon Toad Crisp'?" Zhu Chief laughed and said: "Back then, Elder Guan mixed this thing with candles to fascinate everyone. Secretly put away the remaining half of the candle, ground it into powder and mixed it into the fire pleated paper core, the medicinal properties are no longer as strong as before, the two of you can walk without hindrance now, but you can't do anything with Zhu."

Xian Qing let his eyes flicker, and said: "Master Qinglian, the two of us are doing well, why did you come to fight with you?" Zhu Yi laughed, and said: "Although this subordinate has not been able to serve in the past two years, but I have also heard of some methods of the palace master. Zhu is not the old confidant of the palace master, nor has he been personally promoted. Lord, I hope that you still need to keep this useful body, so that you can make a grass ring; if you bump into it, you will be punished in the future." After speaking, his figure flickered, and he had jumped over the narrow alley wall and disappeared.

Xian Qingrang and Jing Lanzhou used their true energy secretly, and they really couldn't get up at all, and couldn't catch up. Fortunately, their hands and feet were still able to move freely, so they had to walk back to the Zen room of Guangji Temple.Xian Qingrang said softly: "Little girl has a few words that I want to say to you, but I would like to talk about it." Jing Lanzhou had no choice but to follow her to the guest room and asked, "Miss Xian, what do you want from me?"

Xian Qingrang bowed his head in silence, after a while, a tear fell from the corner of his eye.Jing Lanzhou couldn't help panicking, and said: "Palace Master, why is this? If there is any offense in the late life, please tell the girl clearly." Xian Qing said: "You saw it just now, Zhu Yi believes that he is the old servant of the godmother, and he doesn't care at all. Put me in your eyes. At present, I teach people to lose their minds, and the disaster of disintegration is only in front of them." Jing Lanzhou was surprised: "How do you say that?"

Xian Qing made Wei Yi hesitate, and said slowly: "The five elders in Junjie were originally the pillars of our sect, but unfortunately Chen and Li defected, and Guan Mei and the two elders worked independently, leaving only Bai Xian to support him. Venerable Honglian is already Surrendered to the imperial court, Venerable Qinglian has ghosts in his heart, exists in name only, and there are only two masters of the Jiuyao Altar. Right now, I can only rely on the Twelve Mystic Envoys in the sect. What should I do, I really don't know how to respond; moreover, Jin Yiwei has always been eyeing the Palace of Wuwei, and wants to get rid of it quickly, so it can be said that this sect has reached a critical moment of survival."

Jing Lanzhou sighed deeply when he heard the words, and thought to himself: "Miss Xian's words are indeed not bad. After all, Wuwei Palace is a heretic sect, and the people in the sect have their own ideas, and they are unwilling to teach wholeheartedly. Compared with the famous schools in the martial arts that have been passed down for a hundred years and are united as one, it is absolutely inferior." Immediately comforting her with gentle words: "Your religion is deeply rooted, with a large number of people, and the position of palace master is not good. Yes. In Xia Yehe Xianyun, I dare not stick to the views of the family. I have always only regarded the girl as a close friend. No matter how high or low you are in Danshui, if the girl has any unhappy things, you can tell me. Although Jing may not be able to help I'm busy, but I'm willing to listen."

Xian Qingrang sighed softly, and said: "As the leader of a sect, I have only temporarily lost my kung fu, and I dare not be alone in the room, so I ask you to stay in my room for a while." Jing Lanzhou smiled and said: "Jing I was poisoned like a girl, and if a powerful enemy suddenly came at this moment, I'm afraid I would be helpless." Xian Qingrang said with a slight smile, "I know. But with you here, I always feel more at ease." Said walking two steps closer, right Cheek lightly pressed against his shoulder.

Jing Lanzhou didn't expect that the other party would make such an intimate act, and he felt a big shock all over his body.Although he and Xian Qingrang have only known each other for more than a month, but the two of them had a chance encounter and experienced life-and-death junctures together. Xian Qingrang, regardless of etiquette, poured out his feelings to him face to face.Although Jing Lanzhou kept his teacher's orders in mind and never dared to go beyond the rules, how could he not forget the other party's charming figure in his mind when he walked all the way day and night for more than ten days?Now that Xian Qingrang was leaning against him, Jing Lanzhou could only feel the soft jade in his bosom and the fragrance of soft jade, exhaling like orchids, he couldn't help being slightly drunk, and sighed: "Miss Xian, although you are the mighty leader of Wuwei, you are only a young man. Girl, it is really difficult for you to shoulder this heavy burden alone."

Xian Qingrang said softly: "Since I am a godmother and righteous daughter, I can't help these things, so I don't need to mention them. Lan Zhou, I sometimes think, if I am not the master of Wuwei Palace, you are not the disciple of Mr. Miss, The two of us are looking for a place with beautiful mountains and green waters, where no one knows, to live quietly for the rest of our lives, and I am willing to give anything in exchange."

When Jing Lanzhou heard her confiding in her intention to stay together with him, he couldn't help but tremble again, and said: "Miss Xian, I..." Xian Qing pressed his mouth with slender fingers, "You don't need to say more. I am very sad today, so I told you these thoughts, not to ask you to promise something. Usually, when I am upset, I never find anyone to talk to. Now I can chat with you, which is far better than before. gone."

Jing Lanzhou hesitated for a long time, and finally plucked up the courage to raise his hand to caress her black and smooth hair, and said, "Miss Xian, your martial arts and character are all second to none, Jing... I'm afraid that I am not worthy of it." Up to you." Xian Qingrang said in a low voice: "We are not officials and officials, what is worthy or not? As long as you like it in your heart, that's it." After speaking, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed, but saw the candle shadows flickering in the room , a heart has long been melted in tenderness and sweetness.

Suddenly there was a sneer coming from outside the window, the two of them felt cold immediately, and hurriedly parted to look outside, only to see a masked man in black standing on the opposite roof, his eyes shone coldly in the night, and said proudly: "You two are It's really disappointing that you still have the mood to fight against each other here!"

Xian Qingrang was startled and said: "Master! Why did you come here?" Jing Lanzhou also heard the voice of the masked strange guest, he was slightly relieved, and secretly said: "Finally, it is not the enemy who came. This masked senior Although he treats me badly, he won't treat Miss Xian badly."

The masked man's figure flickered, his legs barely moved, he had already jumped in from the window, he stood upright in the room, and said coldly: "Qing'er, do you like this kid?" Xian Qing blushed and said: "Master, what nonsense you old man said, can this matter be joked?"

The masked man snorted and said: "If you like it, you like it. Why are you kidding? Now that your godmother has died of illness, I am the only master left, and I am your parents' life. What do you have in mind? Hiding it from me?" Xian Qingrang couldn't help blushing when he heard him talking about getting married, and said: "Master, you keep talking more and more seriously!"

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