Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 203

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Xian Qingrang said with a smile: "Brother Gu, why are you so familiar with the affairs of our sect?" Gu Shentang laughed and said: "Senior Meishan Yiyinji had a personal relationship with the family lord back then, so I know about his two apprentices." Lan Zhou said: "Brother also knows that his senior brother and his brother are at odds?" Gu Shentang said: "I have never heard of this. Lin Yuetai is obsessed with studying medicine, and it is true that his martial arts is not as good as his senior brother. Bin Hong has far-reaching plans. Back then He was the military adviser in the cottage when the incident happened, if he really intends to steal the martial arts secrets handed down by senior Ji as you said, you two should be careful when you go to Suzhou." Jing Lanzhou said: "Thank you, brother Reminder, this little brother understands."

Gu Shentang glanced at Xian Qingrang, seemingly hesitating to speak, and only sighed softly: "Like, really like." Xian Qingrang wondered: "Brother Gu, what did you say?" Gu Shentang said: "Although you are the righteousness of the old palace master Girl, but the eyebrows and eyes are quite similar to your godmother when she was young, this... this is a fateful opportunity."

Xian Qingrang smiled and said: "I've seen the portraits of Ganniang back then, and that's really graceful and heroic, much stronger than a weak girl like me." Gu Shentang sighed: "Soft but not guilty, she has her own strength. The girl will be successful in the future You may not be inferior to the leader of the Tang Dynasty, why should you be humble?" Looking up at the moonlight, he said: "It's getting late, you have to go tomorrow morning, go to rest early." After saying goodbye to the two, they pushed the cart back to the village. .

Xian Qing asked Gu Shentang to leave, and said to Jing Lanzhou: "It turns out that Guan Motong is the old servant of the godmother in Shandong, and I didn't even know about it." , but none of the leaders were captured, and the imperial court has visited them so far. This is an accusation of punishing the nine clans. Who dares to leak it easily? Your godmother didn’t mention this matter, I think it’s for your own good."

Xian Qingrang nodded, and said: "My godmother never mentioned the things Senior Gu talked about during the day. I only knew it after hearing from your master. Master said that he accidentally killed a man named Xiao Nian by mistake. What is the background of this person?" Jing Lanzhou said: "Miss Xian, although everyone in the world knows that the family teacher regretted and blamed himself for this incident, and just retired to his hometown, but very few people know the whole story. It's all right for you to listen, but you can't tell others." Xian Qingrang said with a smile: "How dare I have the guts to chew your master's tongue?"

The two sat on the rocks of the lake, and Jing Lanzhou said, "That happened in the 15th year of Yongle, and you and I were not even born yet. My family teacher received word from friends in the rivers and lakes that the imperial court had recently heard about Jianwen's former minister, the servant of the household department. There are still descendants of Zhuo Jing who are still alive, and they are dispatching all their strength to capture the orphan of the Zhuo family. Zhuo Jing is a well-known loyal minister. He was punished by Zhu Di for his integrity and unyielding after the Yan army captured Nanjing. , even Zhu Di cherished his talent, feeling that "the country has supported scholars for 30 years, but only one is respected." Xian Qing said: "Yes, this talent is famous far and wide, and his poems and articles are all outstanding. My mother once taught me to read him. poem."

Jing Lanzhou said: "It is said that Zhuo Jing has a young grandson, Zhuo Gu, who was rescued by a righteous man from the Ying Tian Mansion and raised in his hometown in Zhejiang. This matter was originally very secret, but unexpectedly it was reported by a treacherous villain more than ten years later, and Zhu Di was furious. Send Jinyiwei Commander Seha Zhi to lead the people to Zhejiang to take people."

Xian Qingrang's face changed slightly when he heard the words Sai Hazhi, and then he calmed down as usual, saying: "The leader of the Jinyiwei went out in person, it must be the emperor's death order." Jing Lanzhou nodded and said: "Since the teacher knows about this, How can he sit idly by? The old man immediately set off to rescue people in Ruian County, Wenzhou Prefecture, and ran into Xiao Nian on the way."

Xian Qing asked strangely: "Who is this Xiao Nian?" Jing Lanzhou said: "He and his family teacher met by chance in Huzhou territory. The family teacher's purpose of this trip is to save people, so in order to avoid publicity, he used a pseudonym along the way. Two After chatting with people, it was quite speculative. After Xiao Nian claimed to be a Khitan nobleman, his ancestors flowed into the Central Plains after the defeat of the Liao Kingdom. It has been more than ten generations since the Liao Kingdom was defeated. His family teacher heard that he was going to Rui'an too, and saw other His martial arts are not weak, so he couldn't help being careful, so he casually inquired about the opponent's martial arts sect, Xiao Nian bluntly said that he is a lay disciple of the Jiuhua Sect, and he has an urgent matter to go to Rui'an, but he refused to say it clearly; the teacher suspected this Or it may be related to the descendants of the Zhuo family, and immediately find an excuse to go with him, but the other party is not suspicious.

"The two arrived in Jinhua on this day, Xiao Nian said that he would go out to meet some friends, and his family teacher followed him secretly, but he met several captains of Jinyiwei in the ruined temple in the outskirts, and they discussed the matter of arresting Zhuogu The family teacher was furious, appeared and stunned several Jinyiwei, and angrily accused Xiao Nian of defecting to the imperial court and harming Zhongliang. This trip was just on an errand. The teacher saw his demeanor and conversation all the way, so he couldn't bear to kill him for a while, so he revealed his name and advised him to turn around as soon as possible, and not to help the tyrant. Xiao Nian couldn't help being surprised and happy when he heard the name of his teacher. Cai confessed that although he worked for the imperial court, he also respected Lord Zhuo's Qingming, and had already secretly contacted his fellow martial artists to arrange a rescue plan. The reason why he rushed ahead of the officers and soldiers was to spy on the chief, but in fact he helped Zhuo Gu deploy first. The way to get away is because I didn't know the identity of my family teacher before, so I didn't dare to reveal the truth."

Xian Qingrang shook his head and said: "How does your master know whether Xiao Nian's words are true or not? Maybe he saw his life was in danger, so he told a casual lie to deceive Master." Jing Lanzhou said: "At that time, my master also refused to believe what he said. Seeing this, Xiao Nian took out a piece of letterhead from his bosom and presented it, but it was a letter written by Suzhen Master of the Jiuhua School. The words in the letter are still remembered:

"'Xiao Nian Wutu Qinglan: I saw the handwriting yesterday, and I know that although you are in the temple, you can practice righteousness, benevolence, compassion and loyalty, and I am very relieved to be a teacher. However, I have heard that Zhuo Weigong is taboo today, and I know that his heir If you want to save, you must get what you want. Although you are courageous and have a lot of people, you can't do it alone. You should gather the strength of two friends and work together to see the opportunity for success. In the past, the Buddha cut his flesh to feed the eagle and sacrificed his life to feed the tiger. Seeking the Buddha's thoughts; just this kind of righteous deed, looking at the origin and the end, can you not be chased by false names? It is important to know that doing good is as good as boarding, and it is more valuable than motivation. The heart is fine, and it is not appropriate to stick to the distinction between Hu and Han. The book is short and long, and the words are endless, but I have to observe it carefully, take care, take care. Master Su really speaks clearly.'”

Xian Qing asked Master Suzhen to know that Master Suzhen was the first teacher of Master Jingci, the head of the Jiuhua School, and was a well-known Taoist Gao Ni in the martial arts back then. The second half of the letter is unclear, what does that mean?" Jing Lanzhou sighed, "Although Xiao Nian is a hereditary military officer, regardless of his martial arts character, he can be called a first-class talent in the Jianghu. As a Liao native, he was not tolerated by the martial arts of the Central Plains, not entirely because he was in the imperial court, so he often hated it, and always wanted to do some earth-shattering good deeds, so as to teach people in the Central Plains I know that there are some great heroes among the Hu people."

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