Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 201

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Jing Lanzhou often heard his master lamenting the early death of his eldest disciple Wen Kuiying. As for the rest of Wen Kuiying's life story, Gu Dongguan didn't say much. Now that he heard that his senior brother turned against his master because of this matter, he couldn't help but " Ah" exclaimed.Gu Dongguan sighed and said slowly: "Kill those who shouldn't be killed, and those who should be rescued can't be saved. In the end, even the disciples don't recognize me as a master. Hehe, what's the use of being the best in martial arts?"

Xian Qing asked him to see that his master and his disciples had gotten into such a fight over this. Although it cannot be said that it was the godmother's fault, if it hadn't been for saving people in the first place, there would have been no subsequent turmoil, and it was always because of that. I couldn't help feeling somewhat apologetic, and comforted me: "Senior is recognized as No. 1 in the Jianghu. Since Daxia Wen is the first apprentice of the senior, it is inevitable that he will be a bit high-spirited, but as long as he thinks about it later, he will be able to understand the painstaking efforts of the senior." Gu Dongguan said with a smile: "Thank you for the kindness of the palace master. Only the old man knows my apprentice's temper best. Even if he can figure out the reason behind it, he will never be ashamed to admit his mistake."

Jing Lanzhou said in astonishment: "Master has treated his disciples like close relatives for many years. Even if senior brother gets angry with your old man for a while, it is enough to make up for it afterwards, but you will not be blamed when you are old. What shame is there... You don’t even recognize your teacher?”

Gu Dongguan shook his head and said: "Lan Zhou, you are open-minded and don't like to argue with others. If you could not win the old palace master Tang, you would not take it to heart. Your senior brother has a good character. , is to be aloof and arrogant, and when encountering some unsatisfactory things, the thoughts and actions are often extreme. Alas, in fact, why is the master himself not? As a teacher, I have grown older all these years, and I have seen everything more openly, that's it, It is inevitable that there will be times when you will be self-willed and go your own way. Not long after I made a big mistake and went back to retirement, I was already depressed. Looking back now, I also failed to enlighten Kui Er, which caused the master and apprentice to fall out and become an old man The regret of a lifetime."

Jing Lanzhou said in a trembling voice: "The old palace master of the Tang Dynasty rebelled in the 18th year of Yongle, and senior brother Wen died of illness in the first year of Xuande, and there was a full six years between them. Could it be...Could it be that senior brother never came to admit his mistake to the master? reconcile?"

Gu Dongguan sighed and said: "Your senior brother left the villa in a fit of anger back then. With his martial arts at that time, he was already able to rule the martial arts world. It is not difficult to establish a sect. Unexpectedly, after several months, the teacher has not been in the arena. Hearing any news about your senior brother, I asked my friends in the world to inquire secretly, but no one knew the whereabouts of Kui Er. The days passed day by day, and in the second year, as a teacher, I was really worried, so I went to find your senior brother myself In the past two years, you have traveled all over the country, but your senior brother seems to have disappeared like a stone and disappeared like a yellow crane. I only know that he deliberately hid himself as a teacher, and returned to the villa in despair. He closed the door to thank guests all day long. In the autumn of [-], a man came to visit with Kui Er's handwritten letter, saying that he knew that he had owed the great kindness of his teacher and family. He was suffering from a serious illness, and his condition worsened in autumn, your senior brother knew he couldn’t afford it, so he wrote this last letter and handed it to the servant, and when the teacher saw this letter, Kui’er had already passed away for more than a month.” Said At this point, I couldn't help but sighed, the corners of my eyes were slightly moist.

Seeing this, Xian Qingrang felt sad, and thought to himself: "Mr. Si Guo is a character who can shake mountains in one breath, now it seems that every family has their own hard-to-recite scriptures, and they live a truly happy life without seeing it. Ganniang did some earth-shattering events back then, and later founded the Wuwei Palace, but she devoted herself to teaching affairs all day long, and she died before she was 50. Do I have to be like this all my life?"

Jing Lanzhou found out today that his master and senior brother had such an old affair with the old Palace Master Tang, he couldn't help being shocked, and was about to ask more details, when suddenly the hall door opened, and a boy servant pushed a car The wooden cart slowly entered, and there was a person sitting in the cart, about 50 to [-] years old, with brown hair and yellow beard, deep-set eyes, and a very thin face.

When Jing Lanzhou saw the man, he hurriedly got up and said, "Brother Gu, the younger brother didn't come to pay his respects first when he returned home, so he has to trouble the elder brother to move. There is no reason for that!" The man laughed and said, "The whole family said these things Wow!" Seeing Xian Qingrang, he was startled for a moment, then smiled and said, "Lan Zhou, I was relaxing in the back mountain just now, and when I got home, I heard that you were back, so I hurried to visit you, but I bumped into a distinguished guest. !"

Jing Lanzhou said: "What are you talking about! Miss Xian, let me introduce you. This brother Gu Shentang Gu is my master's only son; brother, this is Miss Xian, my friend who I met outside this time." Xian Qing asked After meeting Li with him, he thought to himself: "There are rumors in the Jianghu that Gu Dongguan's son was born with disabled legs, so that Mr. Si Guo has a unique martial arts but can't pass it down in his family. It really is true. Look at his appearance, he doesn't look like a native of the Central Plains." family?" She didn't know that Gu Dongguan was studying art in Kongtong Mountain and married a Qiang girl from Ningxia, so half of Gu Shentang's blood was from Dangxiang Xiqiang, and his biological mother died early when he was young.

Gu Dongguan frowned and said, "Shentang, have you gone to the back mountain again?" Gu Shentang replied, "Yes, father, the weather is very good today, let Qiao Fu push me out for a walk." Gu Dongguan nodded and said: "I'm tired of thinking about it after half a day. You should go back to your room and have a short rest. Later, you will have dinner with Lan Zhou and guests. Alas, the village has not been so lively for a long time. Qiao Fu, you ask Yu Yu to tidy up Miss Xian's guest room. Take a good rest tonight, and you two will not delay your trip to Suzhou tomorrow."

Gu Shentang was startled and said, "Lan Zhou, do you still want to continue on your way?" Jing Lanzhou nodded and told him about Luo Jiayan's injury.Gu Shentang was silent for a while, then sighed: "My niece has her own auspiciousness, so she must be fine." After a pause, he continued: "Half a month ago, the leader of the beggar gang visited the villa and said that you were outside colluding with demons to kill you. Disciples of the beggar gang, father and I don’t believe anything, it’s good that you come back safely now.” Jing Lanzhou’s heart warmed up, and said: “It’s always Lanzhou who has not been involved in the world deeply, and caused so many disasters after leaving the villa. I'm so tired that Master and Big Brother are worried."

Gu Dongguan raised his hand to stop him from talking and said: "It's useless to talk too much, you're tired from the journey, so I'll tell the kitchen to prepare dinner." Everyone went back to their room to take a rest, and after a while, the kitchen prepared all the dishes and vegetables. It is actually quite rich, such as stewed chicken with chestnuts, braised mandarin fish in brown sauce, steamed bacon with bamboo shoots, roasted turtle with ham, fried tofu, etc., are all famous Huizhou dishes. Eat praise again and again.During the dinner, Gu Dongguan only chatted with Jing Lanzhou about his family life after leaving the village, and never mentioned Xian Qingrang's identity in front of his son.

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