Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 199

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Seeing the apprehension of his apprentice, Gu Dongguan smiled and said, "Are you afraid that you will be blamed for being a teacher? Lan Zhou, what does Master teach you the most on weekdays?" It is upholding righteousness and righteousness, acting worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth, and the level of martial arts is just the bottom line."

Gu Dongguan sighed: "That's right, thanks to my friends in martial arts, who have given me a lot of high hats over the years. It's hard to live up to the reputation. I have been a teacher since I was 20 years old, and it has been a long time. There were more than a hundred people killed under his command, except for the one time when he believed in people's words and accidentally killed Xiao Nian, the rest of them were all innocent and innocent people; but killing this person by mistake will be the lifelong stain of your master. One day does not suffer from the torment of conscience."

Jing Lanzhou fell to his knees with a thud, and said: "Master has acted with integrity and justice throughout his life, and he is worthy of it. Although he was deceived by a villain for a while, there is no need to blame himself for it." Gu Dongguan shook his head and said: "Lan Zhou , you remember, it is easy for a person to do thousands of good deeds, but it is very difficult to make up for one wrong thing. You have a pure nature, and as a teacher, I don't worry that you will go astray, but I am afraid that you will be like a master. Such careless handling of things, resulting in a wrong step, regrets for the rest of my life. Get up and speak." Jing Lanzhou slowly got up after hearing the words.

Xian Qing calmed down and said: "It is said in the Jianghu that Mr. Si Guo lived in seclusion behind closed doors because he killed a wrong person, but he didn't know who it was. It turned out that his name was Xiao Nian, so who is this? But he had never heard of this name. In the middle of his thoughts, Gu Dongguan suddenly smiled at her and said: "The palace lord is here, and the humble house is full of luxuriant plants. There is no hospitality in a hurry, so please come in and have a cup of tea. Don't feel neglected."

Xian Qingrang was originally intimidated by Gu Dongguan's prestige, so he was determined not to meet him face to face, just now he saw through the hiding place behind the tree, his heart was so frightened that it rose to his throat, now seeing the other party's words are quite easy-going, secretly said: "Think Mr. Guo doesn't seem to be as upright and harsh as the rumors, could it be that I am worrying too much?" Immediately smiled and said: "In that case, the junior is bothering you."

Gu Dongguan led her back to the gate from the outside of the villa, and invited her to sit in the front hall. Xian Qing asked her to see that the furnishings in the room were very simple, and there was a nanmu table against the wall. A clump of hollyhocks, and several calligraphy and paintings on the wall were all made by people of the time, and there are no famous artists.Not long after, people brought tea, Gu Dongguan said with a smile: "The old man has always been eating and drinking, and he is used to suffering, but this Huangshan Yunwu is a good tea, the palace master may as well try it."

Seeing that the tea leaves have not yet been imported, Xian Qing has already felt the fragrance like orchid, which shows the sweetness, and said with a smile: "It really is a good tea. The younger generation came to visit abruptly, and received the money with obscenity, so I was extremely panicked." Jing Lanzhou was worried that the master would see Xian Qingrang He couldn't help being furious, and at this moment, he was surprised to see that his expression was normal and his speech and smile were composed.

After taking a sip of tea, Gu Dongguan said slowly: "Lan Zhou, you have been away for less than two months, and there are rumors in the Jianghu that you are befriending evil men and harming the righteous way of martial arts. Are you talking about Master Xian?" Jing Lanzhou asked anxiously. : "Master, Miss Xian has helped my disciples a lot along the way. Although Lan Zhou has no ability to understand people, I would like to guarantee with my life that she is not a treacherous person."

Gu Dongguan shook his head, and said: "How big is the matter, is it worth using your life as a guarantee?" To Xian Qing, he asked: "The master of the Haojiao learned that although the old man and the palace master met for the first time, he was with the old palace master Tang of the expensive religion earlier. But they are quite friendly. Although your sect has had a bad reputation in the Jianghu these years, I know very well that the old palace master Tang is a man, and I also believe that the Wuwei sect inherits the Bailian lineage and is not an evil sect that does all kinds of evil."

Xian Qingrang was amazed when he heard the words, and said: "Senior Gu, know my godmother?" Gu Dongguan sighed: "It's not just that I recognize you, it can be said that it is a friend who has forgotten the age. Confidential, this old man shouldn't talk about it casually, but Lan Zhou is my direct disciple, and sooner or later he must know the origin of your teaching. There are no outsiders here, so I will tell him the whole story of Wuwei Teaching, I don't know Can the Lord allow it?" Xian Qing asked: "The junior has low qualifications in the teaching, and is about to respectfully listen to the senior's advice."

Gu Dongguan got up and closed the door of the hall, returned to his seat and said to the two: "The White Lotus Sect was created by Mao Ziyuan, a monk in the Southern Song Dynasty, and Hui Yuan, an eminent monk of the Pure Land Sect, was respected as the first ancestor. The East and West pools are full of white lotus, so the world called it the White Lotus Society, and the Pure Land Sect was also named "Lianzong". Later Mao Ziyuan followed Mu Huiyuan's legacy and founded the White Lotus Repentance Hall in Dianshan Lake. This is the origin of the White Lotus Sect. The teachings of the White Lotus Sect are simple and simple, and it is not restricted by monks and laymen, and men and women can practice together. In just a few years, it has been widely taught by poor people, and there are many believers. In the Yuan Dynasty, due to the unclear court decree, the White Lotus Sect was sometimes encouraged, sometimes suppressed and banned. A mysterious sect that disperses and gathers people to cause trouble, and among the various rebel armies at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, there were also many members of the White Lotus Sect."

Xian Qingrang nodded and said: "That's right, this religion is a branch of the White Lotus in Huangzhou at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. It is said that the ancestor of the religion is Zou Pusheng, a general under Tianwan Emperor Xu Shouhui." It doesn't matter what the situation is. When the Taizu of this dynasty founded the country, the White Lotus Sect was even labeled as a cult, and all followers were severely punished. There is an outstanding figure in the sect in Shandong province, and that is the old palace master Tang."

Jing Lanzhou frowned and said, "Shandong? Master, could it be that the old Palace Master Tang is..." Gu Dongguan nodded and said, "Yes, Tang Palace Master is the famous Bailian goddaughter who moved the world in Xiishizhai, Qingzhou Prefecture. Master Tang Saier."

Jing Lanzhou said in surprise: "Master, is the old palace master of Tang the famous 'Mother of the White Lotus Buddha'? I heard that she led the White Lotus Sect uprising in Shandong and captured Qing and Lai in a short period of time. In several prefectures and counties, warehouses were opened to help the common people, and corrupt officials, local tyrants and evil gentry were severely punished, which greatly won the hearts of the local people, and the defenders everywhere were on the verge of collapse, until Emperor Taizong sent general Anyuan Hou Liusheng to lead troops to encircle and suppress them, and then they calmed down."

Gu Dongguan said slowly: "That's right, that was the 18th year of Yongle, and almost 30 years have passed in a blink of an eye. Although the Tang Laogong's rebel army was suppressed by the court, she herself relied on her outstanding martial arts to break through the encirclement and escape safely. Afterwards, in order to avoid being arrested by the government, she became a nun and became a Taoist nun. As a result, countless generals and schools in a county and county in Shandong Province were punished for the loss of bandits. He was extremely clever. He expected that the old palace master might pretend to be a monk and hide and escape. He had issued an order to arrest and torture all the nuns and nuns in Shandong and Zhili. The world is raging, but in the end it returns in vain.”

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