Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 181

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Jing Lanzhou came from behind, and saw that there was no one under the pagoda, and said: "Since the Taoist priest is an old acquaintance in the palace, he probably went with the prince. Miss Xian, I dare to ask, is your religion involved with King Ning Zhu Quan? Xian Qingrang frowned and said, "Where did you hear these gossips?" Jing Lanzhou sighed, "King Ning is the only surviving son of the Taizu. He's gone all the way."

Xian Qingrang smiled and said: "You don't need to worry about this matter. Let me ask you, you came to Jiangxi to seek medical treatment, why did you say that Lin Yuetai is in Suzhou?" Jing Lanzhou thought: "So she didn't know Dr. Lin about it." I told her about the past grievances between the two masters, Guan Lin, and about Shi Hepu being captured by Guan Motong. Xian Qingrang was slightly taken aback, and sighed: "It turns out that there are so many disputes between Elder Guan and his senior brother. I really didn't know before. Since Shi Hepu is incapable of curing Luo Daxia's granddaughter, you can just go to Suzhou to find his master, why bother about the life and death of 'Holy Hand Rejuvenation'?"

Jing Lanzhou thought in his heart: "Your words are very similar to what Senior Su said." Shaking his head, he said, "Doctor Shi is talking about loyalty in the world, how can we disregard his safety?" Xian Qingrang snorted, and said: "Only You are heroes, and I am a villain who does not value loyalty. You said that when Guan Mei and the two were fighting under the tower, they both set off to chase the elders of Songzhu?" Jing Lanzhou nodded and said: "Yes, the elders showed up in Kaifeng that day , I heard that the Palace Master stayed in Henan to deploy defenses, how could he chase after Nanchang so quickly? Could it be that he received some rumors?"

Xian Qingrang nodded, and said slowly: "That day I deployed more than a hundred secret sentries in the four prefectures and thirty counties of Kaifeng Prefecture. Li and Li escaped. When the two elders showed up, Ben Jiaoxuan, You Erbu Miaoshi, Tongbai Erxian, and Elder Mei happened to be in Henan. Qian refused to be called to Kaifeng to discuss countermeasures, but both heard the wind and headed south. I pressed Baixian again and again, and he said that the two elders of Songzhu had leaked their travel and hidden, and they would go to Longhushan Tianshi Mansion to seek asylum in all likelihood. He tried his best to argue that Guan and Mei didn't come to Kaifeng because they wanted to rush to Jiangxi to hunt down the elders as soon as possible. It is not surprising that I have never been there to help me, and now I am even more unwilling to help me deal with them. Guan Elder has always been the leader of the teaching, and it is extremely rare to disobey orders this time. If these two people fall to the side of the elders, My position as the palace lord is at the end of the day, so I hurried to Jiangxi to see if the two elders Guan Mei really have the heart of apostasy." Jing Lanzhou nodded and said: "I see. Elder Guan is here for Lin Yuetai The "Medicine Cauldron Remains" in my hand came here, so there is no intention of rebellion."

When Xian Qingrang heard the words "Yao Ding Yi Pian", his eyes lit up suddenly, and he said, "Why did the landlord Su say that as long as I help you find Lin Yuetai, it will be one step closer to the "Zen of Qianlong Heart"? According to what the landlord said It is said that what Meishan Yiyin learned back then was the second book of Mind Chan. Although Ji Ruting lost his Mind Chan, the "Yao Ding Yi Pian" handed down before his death, could it be the remnant of "Qianlong Xin Chan"? Could it be that there is the lightness technique of 'Yan Xia Tan Yue Bu'?" Jing Lanzhou couldn't help but said: "Miss Xian, you also want to take action to snatch the "Yao Ding Yi Zhang"?" Xian Qing gave him a blank look, and said with a smile: "Why? I'm not from a decent family, so what's so strange about stealing jade and hooks? At present, there is no trace of "Qianlong Xinchan", and old man Lin's "Yaoding Legacy" is the only clue. If it really contains the essentials of 'Yanxia Danyuebu', I can use it as a supplementary study of Yuchan swordsmanship as the Lord Su said."

Jing Lanzhou smiled wryly and said: "These are the affairs of the bishop of the palace, and I have no intention of interfering. But the girl promised Jing in Henan to help Senior Sister Luo to treat her wounds, and now she finally found out that Senior Lin is in Suzhou. This is a must. I need to ask the young lady to help me." He said in his heart, "Although we have invited Master Su according to Elder Mei's order, this senior is behaving strangely and his whereabouts are uncertain, and he is unwilling to rescue Doctor Shi. Miss Xian's status as the leader has a deterrent effect on Guan Motong, but it is also a strategy."

Xian Qingrang said with a smile: "I promised you three things in Kaifeng that day. One is to send Wang Lin away for you. I ordered Elder Mei to do it for you. Now everyone in the house is safe and sound. Is this thing done?" Jing Lanzhou smiled. Said: "That's right, this matter is very much in favor of the girl." Xian Qing said: "You told me not to make things difficult for He Hancen, he was talking nonsense behind my back, I didn't bother with him, and I kindly sent him out of the beggars' gang. The sub-rudder was rescued, so did you follow your orders?" Jing Lanzhou was slightly startled, and said, "Miss rescued He Lao Si from the beggar gang?" Xian Qingrang smiled and said, "Dayong sub-rudder is full of stinky beggars. Wine bag and rice bag, can you still stop me?"

Jing Lanzhou couldn't feel his heart beating faster, and asked: "Could it be... Could it be that you killed Chen Jinfeng when you rescued someone?" Xian Qingrang shook his head and said, "I didn't kill it. I wanted to go there At that time, I noticed that the disciples of the Beggar Clan were in a mess like headless flies. I hid in the dark and listened for a while, only to find out that Chen Jinfeng was dead. I broke his shoulder bone the night before, so it was not a fatal injury. He died at the hands of others. The rudder master died for no reason, and those stinking beggars were as anxious as ants on a hot pot. I rescued He Hancen with ease, and no one noticed."

Jing Lanzhou heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and sighed: "Young girl's words are frank and frank, Jing can trust you. I met a respected teacher on the way here, and he also said that Chen Jinfeng was not killed by him. Given his status, he is also a Don't lie to me. This is strange, could it be that the 'Si Xiang Tong Hammer' had so many enemies and was killed by others?"

Xian Qing asked strangely: "Have you met my master?" Jing Lanzhou nodded and said, "That's right." He told about the masked stranger killing the disciples of the Beggar Sect in Changge County and blaming him, saying: "A few days ago, I met the head of the Beggar Gang in Jiujiang, and he believed that the five disciples of the Beggar Gang were killed by Jing. If Daoist Songyun hadn't helped me, I would have been captured by the Beggar Gang. Please come to Jiangxi to help me, I owe you a great debt." Xian Qingrang frowned slightly, and said: "I didn't expect my master to do it, and you were wronged by the gang of beggars, so you don't have to thank me. My master What happened afterwards?"

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