Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 179

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Su Fenglou nodded and said: "This Yuchan swordsmanship is almost as good as your martial arts just because you have mastered the Liangyi sword array. Your godmother hired twelve people to practice, don't you think it is too much?" Xian Qingrang pondered and said: "Ganniang once said that the Twelve Wonderful Envoys are people with outstanding aptitude that she painstakingly screened out. They have practiced swords since childhood, and now they have all mastered the Liangyi swordsmanship in Yuchan's sword manual. It's just that before Ganniang's death, she said that among the 12 people, there was no one with extraordinary talent. It's hard to say whether four of them can stand out and practice the Sixiang sword formation in the future; Going further, it is even more difficult. Presumably it is for this reason that the godmother needs to find more people to practice."

Su Fenglou caressed his beard and said with a smile: "The Twelve Wonderful Envoys have excellent swordsmanship, if they are dissatisfied in the future and want to turn against you together, how will you deal with it?" They are all far better than me, even if I want to take care of this, I can't do the Twelve Wonderful Envoys." Su Fenglou sighed: "That's true, your godmother can still keep these elders under control in Japan. Naturally, they are not convinced by your martial arts qualifications. In fact, the old palace master Tang arranged twelve wonderful envoys to practice this jade toad sword technique, but it has a different meaning." Xian Qingrang said movedly: "Oh? This junior would like to hear the details."

Su Fenglou coughed lightly, and said: "Has your godmother never told you about "The Zen of Qianlong Heart"?" Xian Qingrang shook his head, his eyes full of doubts.Su Fenglou said: ""Qianlong Xinchan" is a wonderful book that collects the top martial arts achievements of the Tang and Song dynasties. It is hard to test who wrote the book, and most of them were people in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. This book covers the 600 years of the Tang and Song Dynasties in the Central Plains All kinds of unique skills in martial arts are the superior martial arts of Liao people and Jin people, and there are quite a few references in the book, and the 'Jade Chan Sword Technique' is just a unique skill recorded in the mind meditation." Xian Qing was shocked when he heard this, and his heart was broken. Said: "The Yuchan sword manual is already a treasure of our religion. According to this, it is just a drop in the ocean compared to "Qianlong Xinchan"?"

Su Fenglou went on to say: "The Liangyi sword formation in this Yuchan swordsmanship is not difficult to learn, but it takes two gifted and enlightened people to practice since they were children, so that they can achieve mutual understanding and harmony. Zhulian; if you practice after you are an adult, you will not be as innocent as a child, and it will be difficult to achieve a perfect level of coordination with each other's sword moves. But no matter how talented a swordsman is, it will always be the end of the Liangyi swordsmanship In the years of Zhixue and Ji, the state of mind is not as pure as that of Meng Tong, and it is even more difficult to practice the Sixiang Sword Formation. What's more, the footwork and direction of the Sixiang Sword Formation are ten times more complicated than the Liangyi Sword Formation. The sword formation is practiced extremely proficiently, but the moves are dead after all, but the people are alive. If the enemy is also a top master, it only needs to force one person in the sword formation to have slightly different footsteps and moves, and the other three must immediately follow suit. Responsibility, if anyone makes a slight mistake, the sword array will be broken immediately. This is much more difficult than the Liangyi swordsmanship with only two people working together. Back then, Quanzhen Nanzong Haiqiong created this set of swordsmanship. It is rare in the world, but if no one in the world is able to practice the Sixiang and Bagua sword arrays, it will inevitably be suspected of talking on paper."

Jing Lanzhou frowned and said: "Bai Zhenren has been through the past and present, did he not think of this festival?" Su Fenglou smiled and said: "Manpower is sometimes poor, and Patriarch Haiqiong can devote all his efforts to create this jade toad sword manual, which is difficult in ancient and modern times The great wisdom that we seek, how can ordinary people like us make more demands? However, there are mountains beyond the mountains, and the martial arts senior who edited "Qianlong Xinchan" found another way, and discovered that the power of the "Jade Chan Sword" can be brought into full play. The ultimate big secret." Xian Qingrang and Jing Lanzhou asked at the same time: "What secret?"

Su Fenglou paused for a moment, and said slowly: "When that master of martial arts compiled "Qianlong Xinchan", he would try out the martial arts collected in the book, although the myriad phenomena contained in the "Xinlongxinchan" are bound to be unable to fully grasp it. Mathematics is good, but this senior is a rare martial arts prodigy, and he has learned far more than ordinary masters in his life. In addition, he carefully corrected the words when compiling the book. Even if he can't practice it himself, he can understand the principles It was also a coincidence that when he practiced Kung Fu, he accidentally discovered that he only needs to use a set of light kung fu and footwork in the Yuchan Sword Art and Tongxin Zen, even if he performs it alone, he can also produce the miraculous effect of the Liangyi and Sixiang sword formations. There is also a mental method of inner strength in the mind meditation, which is a match made in heaven with this set of swordsmanship and footwork. After practice, the mind can move freely without being dull, and it may not be impossible for one person to sacrifice the eight trigrams sword array. The ages of the people who created these three kung fu were hundreds of years apart, and their respective schools of kung fu are quite different, but these three kung fu combined together have such a miraculous effect, it is like a gift from heaven, it shows that the way of martial arts has been practiced to the extreme , that is all inclusive and integrated.”

Jing Lanzhou was fascinated by what he heard, and asked: "Senior Su, what is the origin of that footwork and internal strength?" Su Fenglou said: "That footwork is called 'Yanxiadanyuestep', and it was a master in the Tang Dynasty. Created by an expert, although the name is chic, it contains the ultimate principle of Heluo Bagua, which is recorded in the second volume of Xinchan; the internal energy is called "Qiu Chan Gong", which is not a very great skill at all, but it is used to Practicing the technique of ventriloquism, the reason why the senior who compiled the mind meditation entered this internal skill was originally because of the uniqueness of the luck method, and he did not want this skill to be lost; Danyuebu can actually make the whole body's true energy suddenly penetrate, retreating like a god within three to five feet, as if having several clones, combined with the magical sword moves of the Yuchan Sword Manual, it is enough to achieve martial arts that no one dared to peek at before. Realm. Your godmother hired twelve smart girls to practice Yuchan swordsmanship. She originally wanted to verify whether the sword manual is as magical as the legend. If it is really powerful after practice, she will try to find the other two martial arts. For you to practice. The reason why you are not allowed to practice first is that if there is no supplementary internal strength and footwork, the Yuchan swordsmanship is useless to practice alone; if you find another person to practice with you, you must have the same age and talent as you It is not good to take over the position of palace lord."

Xian Qing made the hearing words ponder for a while, and thought to himself: "It turns out that the godmother has worked so hard to achieve this." He frowned and said, "What the seniors said certainly made the juniors see the heavens, but the young girl has never heard of "The Chan of Qianlong Xin" since she walked the rivers and lakes. The title of a book, if there is such a mysterious martial arts secret book in the world, shouldn’t everyone know about it? Why has the godmother never mentioned it?” Su Fenglou laughed and said, “Your godmother doesn’t know, It's just that I didn't tell you. If the news spreads and the five elders know that there is this wonderful book, whoever takes the first step to get there first, will they still give this secret book to you?" Xian Qing let the words go silent.

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