Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 156 The Mysterious Old Monk

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The four of them had breakfast the next morning, Luo Yushu said: "Today is the fourth day of the lunar new year, and there are still a few days before the tenth day of the lunar new year. Instead of sitting here and waiting for Mr. Su to come, why don't you go to the cave at Ge Xianfeng, maybe you can find it?" A clue to the death of Master Xibi." Jing Lanzhou nodded and said, "Alright, I don't know if Jin Yiwei is still nearby, let's not work separately, lest we bump into Ma Shun and the others."

The four of them set off for the west mountain. They first came to the halfway up Gexian Peak, and saw that the huge boulder was still blocking the entrance of the cave, with blackened firewood piled up on both sides, and the smell of smoke had not yet dissipated.Gu Qingzhi said angrily: "This group of people are so vicious! Next time we meet them, we must not let them go lightly!" Several people followed the road to find the exit of the big rock cave on the hillside and sneak in. After a while, they walked to the place where Zhang Yuqing was buried. Seeing that the corpse had long since disappeared, it was probably sent by Songyun to take it away.

Jing Lanzhou saw that the place was spacious enough to accommodate 700 people. The top of the cave was full of strange rocks, and the clear river was flowing quietly. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to imagine that there is such a thing in the belly of Gexianfeng Mountain. Don't be fooled.When he was looking around, he suddenly saw several criss-cross sword marks on a stone wall a few feet away from where the skeleton was sitting upright. It turned out that it was already afternoon when everyone found the cave yesterday, and the sun was shining from the west. Entering, no one noticed that there was something strange on the backlit stone wall at the west end; it was not too late at this moment, and the light came in from the southeast, which just happened to lighten the stone wall slightly.Jing Lanzhou stepped forward and touched the sword marks carved on the stone wall, and said in shock, "Brother Luo, come and see!"

Luo Yushu lit the fire pleats, and inspected the stone wall carefully, only to see that although the sword marks on it were very thin, they seemed to be deeply carved into the stone wall.He pulled up a grass stalk from the ground and probed in, but felt that the tip hadn't reached the end, so his expression changed, he pulled out the long sword and inserted it into the gap, only to hear a sound of "clank", the blade went straight to the hilt, and four Everyone couldn't help but gasp.

Luo Yushu stared closely for a moment, and said: "The sword mark is narrow and flat, it is definitely not made by repeated chiseling, but a sword cut on the stone wall." He drew back his long sword and swung his arm to cut on the stone surface There was only a sound of "ding", sparks splashed everywhere, but only a shallow mark was left.

Jing Lanzhou shook his head and sighed: "Brother Luo's sword is already a rare sharp weapon, and it can't cut such a deep sword mark on this hard stone wall. There are people who can cut iron like mud and stone like rot in the world. Divine weapon?" Luo Yushu said: "If it is replaced by Zhu Chief's Longquan sword, or King Ning's Qingfeng sword, it may be able to cut into the stone wall by a few points, but it is definitely not what Luo wants to penetrate three feet like this. Can." Jing Lanzhou said: "If it is not relying on the sharp weapon of the magic weapon, then it is that the internal strength of the swordsman is extremely powerful, so that he can strike like a broken bamboo and destroy the dead." Luo Yushu pondered: "Slash with one sword. A few feet into the mountain rock, even the ancestors of the family may not have the ability, I wonder if the old man can do it?" Jing Lanzhou thought for a long time, shook his head and sighed: "I can't tell."

Gu Qingzhi wondered: "Could it be that the sword marks on these stones were made by Master Xibi? It's a pity that I didn't try how sharp his pine-patterned sword was yesterday." Luo Yushu said: "This is the relic of the previous generation of the Zhengyi Sect. How can it be moved lightly? I think that although the ancient sword with pine pattern is sharp, it may be better than the two swords of Longquan and Qingfeng." Gu Qingzhi said in surprise: "Could it be that Master Yuqing's skill is really so profound?"

Luo Yushu shook his head and said: "The ancestors once said that Qishan, Xibi, and Jiuyang's three celestial masters are all good at winning the field of martial arts. If you only consider the strength of internal strength, it seems that the waves behind push the waves ahead. Yang Zhenren is the strongest. Zhang Yuchu, the son of Qishan, has the highest talent, but he was already old when he realized the magical power, and he died soon; The Kongtong sects became the sects of Taoist martial arts. Their contributions are indispensable, but they also suffered the disadvantage of being too late in learning the superior martial arts. Only Daoist Songyun has been able to see the secrets of divine kung fu since he was a child. In terms of pure gong power, it is far better than his two uncles." Speaking of this, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart, secretly said: "Grandfather and Master Jiuyang have never met in life, but in his words, he firmly believes that his internal strength is better than Qi Shan He and Xibi are two celestial masters, could it be that he guessed that the person who competed with him in Shaanxi back then was Zhang Maocheng?"

Jing Lanzhou's eyes flickered, and he said, "Since Master Xibi's skill may not be as strong as that of Taoist Songyun, the sword marks on the stone wall must not have been left by him." Luo Yushu sighed: "That's right, although Taoist Songyun's martial arts Shocking in the past and present, I think it has not yet reached such a state. Could it there really such a sharp sword in the world?" In the midst of their thoughts, they suddenly heard a soft sigh from behind, and the four of them trembled in their hearts, and shouted: "What? People?" Each of them looked back, only to see an old monk standing quietly two or three feet behind them with a smile on his face.

The surprise of the four of them is not trivial, one must know that Luo Jing and his two have deep inner strength and sharp eyes and ears, they didn't notice that someone came behind them quietly, which shows that the person who came here has a high level of lightness kung fu, which can be called elusive.I saw that this old monk was quite short, dressed in a white cotton robe that was spotless, with plain stockings and clogs on his feet, his two long eyebrows were completely white, but there was no beard growing on his chin; except for some wrinkles around his eyes, His complexion is ruddy and shiny, making it hard to know how old he is, he must be seven or eighty years old, and it would not be surprising if he is said to be over a hundred years old.

The old monk squinted his eyes at the four of them, and said with a smile, "The cave here is very secret, how did you guys find it here?" Luo Yushu hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward to salute and said, "We found it by accident. It is really presumptuous to disturb senior Qingxiu unintentionally in the cave. May I ask your senior name?" The old monk laughed and said, "I don't have a name. You guys came here yesterday, and you didn't break in today by mistake. , why didn't you tell the truth?" Luo Yushu blushed and said in his heart, "So he was nearby yesterday, and even Daoist Songyun and Songzhu didn't notice, who the hell is this?"

Gu Qingzhi suddenly asked: "Is this cave yours? Why can't we come in?" The old monk was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said: "This cave is born to last, of course it is not mine, it is the old monk who said something wrong. Yesterday There are three old men who went into the cave with you, these three are very good at martial arts, where did they go?" Luo Yushu said: "Those three seniors have other important matters and they are not with us."

The old monk nodded, showing a look of loneliness, looked up at Luo Jing and the two, and sighed: "It's a pity, it's a pity! It's too late, too late!" The two Luo Jing looked at each other, heartbroken. Very confused, Luo Yushu asked: "Senior, why is it too late?" The old monk didn't answer, but kept repeating: "It's too late! What a pity!" At the end, tears fell from the corners of his eyes .

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