Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 142

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Seeing that the masked weirdo was none other than Zhu Yi, who was taken away by him earlier, Fan Mingsheng couldn't help wondering.He originally locked the latter in King Ning's study. There is a secret passage leading directly to the stone pavilion in the garden. There are copper bells tied at both ends of the secret passage, and once the mechanism is activated, it can sound a warning.When he heard the bell in the study room, he knew that something had happened in the garden, so he hurriedly got into the secret passage to fetch Zhu Quan, and learned that Xing Yiyan had poisoned the incense burner to harm everyone, and the antidote for the five toad and seven smoke powder was placed in King Ning's study, Zhu Quan Immediately take medicine to detoxify.Fan Mingsheng saw that Zhu Yi's body's key points were blocked, he couldn't move at all, and there was no way he could endanger King Ning, so he also took an antidote and rushed to the garden to rescue Yu Shizhao. Unexpectedly, Xing Yiyan secretly put other poisons in the incense burner, and Fan Mingsheng was not spared. Seeing that his opponent was about to succeed, somehow Zhu Chiefhui suddenly appeared in front of him.

Yu Shizhao saw that Zhu Chief had missed several hits, and he knew that Xing Yiyan's lightness kung fu was far superior to the opponent's. He only hated himself and Fan Mingsheng because they were poisoned and couldn't use their kung fu. Otherwise, how could the opponent get away with only one shot?He didn't know that the other party's "Centipede Lost Walk" was a first-class lightness skill in the world. Back then, Gu Dongguan was chasing after him, and he still had to use all his strength to not be thrown off. The unhealed spine and deformed waist and back are greatly reduced, but the feet are more flexible and light due to the short stature. A set of centipede footwork is really as agile as a snake, elusive and elusive.Zhu Chief shot like the wind and attacked several swords in a row. Not only did he not succeed, but he chased him farther and farther. He couldn't help sighing softly, stopped and closed his sword and said: "Senior Xing's Centipede Lost Walk is really unique in the world, and it is far inferior to me!" , you go."

Xing Yiyan was injured one after another by Yu and Fan's strong palms, and was severely injured by thunder and fire bullets. Although he was struggling to support himself with his superb lightness skills, he was almost at the end of his strength. Keeping his composure, he sneered and said: "Since that's the case, I won't accompany you any more." He ran out of the garden, only to feel that his eyes were darkened, and he almost fell to the ground, holding back a mouthful of blood from his throat, he raised his breath and jumped discharge wall.

Zhu Chief stepped forward to pick up the incense burner and poured all the remaining agarwood powder into the pond.Fan Mingsheng glared at him and said, "Who will relieve your acupoints?" Zhu Yi said with a smile, "Mr. Fan's hand of great compassion is unrivaled in the world. Who can resolve it easily? It's just because of a misfire when he practiced kung fu when he was young. The acupoints all over the body are a little bit out of the way of ordinary people, so Mr. failed to seal the lower acupoints; if so, it almost took half of Zhu's life." Everyone was skeptical after hearing this, and secretly said: "The meridian reversed when the practice went wrong, and it turned out Still not dead? I’ve never heard of such a miracle in the world.” However, Zhu Yi’s acupuncture points all over his body were all witnessed by Fan Mingsheng. Fan and Yu knew that Zhu Quan was not good at martial arts, so there was absolutely no way to help him out. I really can't figure out how the other party got out of trouble, let alone why Zhu Chief is not afraid of the poison of the "Blue Blood Dragon".

Zhu Chief guessed what everyone was thinking, and said with a smile: "You all look suspicious, you must be wondering why I am not poisoned; if I don't make it clear, I'm afraid you will suspect that Zhu is an accomplice of the 'Hundred Clawed Centipede'. Doctor Shi, have you ever heard of the miracle medicine 'Han'e Yu Kou'?" Shi Hepu changed his face and said, "Han'e Yu Kou is the holy medicine for detoxification recorded in ancient books. Back then, our ancestor Ji searched for it for half his life and found nothing. Could it be? Brother Zhu actually possesses this treasure?" Zhu Chief said with a smile: "Yes, this is what Zhu worked so hard to find in Yulong Mountain, Lijiang Prefecture, Yunnan Province. Just take one pill in your mouth, and it will be immune to all poisons. .”

Yu Shizhao frowned and said: "Why do you hold the prince's sword? Where is the prince now?" Zhu Yi said: "Mr. Yu can rest assured, how dare I disrespect the prince's body of gold? I saw it Mr. Fan left in a hurry, expecting something bad for him, 'Hundred-clawed centipede' is so cunning, how could he just put five toads and seven smoke powder in the incense burner, which is a common poison in the palace? There must be another conspiracy." Fan Mingsheng Hearing the words, he remained silent.

Zhu Yi smiled and said: "The two old gentlemen don't know the details of Xing Yiyan, so it's hard to guard against his poisonous plan. Although Zhu could leave at that time, but I have already promised to help Brother Luo and Brother Jing to invite Doctor Shi to come out of the mountain , How can you give up halfway? So I made a deal with the prince." Yu Shizhao wondered: "What deal?" Zhu Yi said: "I told the prince that Mr. Fan's going will be bad luck, and I wish you to act for the prince. Sending away the 'Hundred Clawed Centipede', I just ask the prince to allow Dr. Shi to leave the palace temporarily and go to treat the wounded."

Yu Shizhao snorted and said, "My lord agreed to your terms?" This sentence was more or less knowingly asked.Zhu Yi smiled and said: "My lord saw that what Zhu said was not unreasonable, so I immediately agreed to my request. But Xing Yiyan has been rampant in the world for decades, and Zhu can't guarantee that he is his opponent, so I ask the lord to take it with me." The Qingfeng Sword I was wearing was temporarily lent to me. With this magical weapon in my hand, I would not be afraid of his centipede double hooks. The prince did not hesitate at all when he heard the words, and immediately gave the sword generously. This kind of wisdom and bravery is beyond human reach."

A person behind him suddenly said: "Brother Zhu, you have praised me enough." Everyone turned their heads and saw Zhu Quan standing at the gate of the garden with a smile.Fan and Yu bowed in panic and said: "We two are not effective in protecting the prince, it is really a death penalty." Zhu Quan said: "Why do you and I talk about this? Brother Zhu, you should detoxify them first."

Zhu Yi took out a two-inch square thin mulberry paper from his bosom and said, "This is a medicinal powder made from 'Han'e Yukou'. You just need to pick a little and put it on the back of your hand, and you will be fine if you inhale it. The poison has been cured for the prince." Everyone followed the words, and felt a sense of coolness penetrate into their brains, and in a blink of an eye, they felt that their internal energy was concentrated in the dantian, and there was no hindrance in their movement.Zhu Yi came to Zhu Quan, knelt down and held the Qingfeng sword in both hands, saying: "Thank you, my lord, for bestowing the sword to slay demons and demons. At this moment, it will return to its original owner."

King Ning took the sword and sighed: "This king's neglect of employing people has caused you to be in danger. Zhu Quan is here to thank you. The man keeps his word. Doctor Shi, you can go with them." Turning to Luo Yushu, he said: "Please pay homage to the ancestor Luo Gong, and say that I, Zhu, miss my face so much that I miss you so much that I look forward to seeing you again someday to reminisce about the old friendship."

Luo Yushu hesitated for a moment, then cupped his hands and said, "In honor of the lord's memory, the younger generation will pay tribute to this generation." Zhu Quan said, "I condescended to drive here in vain, and I should have stayed a few more days, but saving people is like putting out a fire, and I dare not keep any more of you. This kind of incident happened again in the mansion, so Zhu had to expend energy to clean up the house, so he had to wait for Dr. Shi to recover from his illness and then hold a banquet to celebrate the success of several people."

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