Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 125

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Luo Yushu sighed, thinking of Yue Weisu's generosity and righteousness, but he was going to deceive her with Zhu Chief, and felt quite uneasy.Zhu Yi saw the worries in his heart and said: "I know that both of you are upright and upright gentlemen. This time, because of a private request to wish someone to do something against their will, it is really difficult for others. For the safety of our sect, I have no choice but to come out. With this bad strategy, I will ask Miss Yue later, and all the responsibilities will be borne by me next time."

Jing Lanzhou saw that Zhu Yi devoted himself to making suggestions for the Wuwei Palace, and he was secretly helping Xian Qingrang, so he didn't say anything for a while, only thinking about his trip to the village, first of all, he had unknowingly got inextricably linked with the Wuwei Sect Relationship, and now we have to rely on the power of Wang Zhenyi's daughter to find Shi Hepu, which is really a big violation of the teacher's usual teachings; the world is unpredictable, and it is so unpredictable. Thinking of the master's jealousy and hatred, I can't help but feel a little sad.The three of them had their own concerns, and sat in the room until the east was white, and several gleams of light came in through the gaps in the shed.Luo Yushu sighed, opened his eyes and said, "Let's go." He took a big silver ingot from his pocket and put it on the table.

The three of them left the lake and turned westward to Zhuxi Town. As soon as they entered the town, they saw Gu Qingzhi and Yue Su walking towards the outside.Gu Qingzhi saw the three of them at a glance, and said: "You three haven't seen anyone all night, what are you doing? Sister Yue and I are going to find you."

Luo Yushu pondered slightly, and said: "Miss Yue, last night we met your two brothers-in-arms and the leader of the Jinyiwei Horse Party by the lake. I don't know what happened when the three adults gathered in Jiangxi?" Yue Su was stunned and said: "Jin Yiwei has nothing to do with me, everyone goes their own way. But Big Brother Ma seldom goes out of Beijing, did he even come? This is very rare." Luo Yushu saw that she was insincere, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Everyone went back to the inn to eat breakfast, and was about to set off on their way, when they heard the sound of hooves of a horse, and a horse galloped towards them from a distance.When the horse arrived at the door of the inn, the man on the saddle reined in the rein, without lifting his legs, he jumped off the horse's back lightly, with agility.Seeing that this man is not weak in martial arts, Jing Lanzhou wondered if it was Ma Shun's subordinate, so he couldn't help but look at him more.

The man raised his head to see Jing Lanzhou, looked up and down carefully twice, stepped forward and clasped his fists and said, "Excuse me, is this Mr. Jing Lanzhou?" Jing Lanzhou hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "Exactly, I don't know what to do with your honor How do you recognize me by name?" The man said happily, "I finally found it! I'm Zhao Yang, the subordinate of the head of Zhang Lei Hall at Tongliao Racecourse. The day before yesterday, brother Zhang and his lord were driving in Yingtian. He heard from Lord Lei that the young hero was going to Ning Wang's mansion to ask for a divine doctor to treat his illness. He was worried that the young hero might encounter obstacles in his trip, so he wanted to come to Jiangxi in person, but because his injuries were not healed, he ordered the villain to come. Let's help each other out."

Jing Lanzhou wondered: "Brother Zhang specially sent his brother to trek here from Nanjing. Could it be that the Tongliao Racecourse and the Wangfu also have friendship?" At that time, the owner of Qi Laochang was the favorite general of King Liao, and his troops fought dozens of battles with the Tartars, and several times he fought side by side with the three guards cavalry under King Ning. King Ning treated us The old field owner always respected him, and often lamented that it was rare for him to see such a general." Hearing this, several people suddenly realized that the two feudal lords of Liaoning guarded the northern border of the country together, but it is not surprising that Zhu Quan recognized Qi Yunchi.

Yue Su smiled and said: "There are decades of friendship between Master Qi and the prince here, it seems that you don't need me on this trip." Luo Yushu pondered: "That may not be the case. King Ning has walked on thin ice for decades. , I am extremely afraid of the imperial court's suspicion, and the old owner of Qi is an old department outside the Liao King's Pass, so this matter is a bit embarrassing. Brother Zhao, it is not that I am disrespectful to the old owner, I think the prince may not be willing to sell this face." Zhao Yang said: "Zhang Tang The Lord only ordered Zhao to come and have a try, success or failure is unpredictable, I dare not boast in front of several people." Gu Qingzhi said: "Sister Yue, you should go with us." Yue Su smiled nodded.

Seeing Zhang Chunlei's loyalty, everyone immediately thanked Zhao Yang, and a group of six walked together along the west bank of Poyang Lake.Jing Lanzhou secretly thought that the two elders and the three eagles were all around, so he couldn't help but feel a little bit worried, but seeing that there are also many good fighters on his side, thinking that he can always beat the enemy, he feels a little relieved.

All the people passed Wucheng to the south, and there were thousands of lakes and lakes all the way, and the grass grew and warblers flew, but there was no trace of the two elders.Jing Lanzhou thought to himself: "Poyang Lake is vast and deep, and it seems that it is not easy to bump into Jin Yiwei and his party." The six rented a large boat and sailed south along the Zhangjiang River through Changyi. At night, the east wind suddenly blew, and the wind on the river The water was rushing, the sailor dared not go any further, so he moored the boat in a river bay, several men slept in the front cabin, and the two women rested freely in the back cabin.In the middle of the night, a crescent moon lifted the top of a distant mountain, but hearing the sound of the waves lapping on the shore, it seemed particularly quiet around.

Gu Qingzhi chatted with Yue Su in the cabin for a while, and couldn't help asking her: "Sister Yue, you are so nice, why do you want to be Wang Zhen's goddaughter?" Yue Su lowered his head and smiled, but didn't answer.Gu Qingzhi said anxiously: "Sister Yue, if I rashly say something wrong, don't be angry."

Yue Su gently tugged at the hem of his clothes, and sighed: "I was picked up by my adoptive father when I was a baby. I probably didn't have a choice. My adoptive father has a bad reputation in the government and the public, I know that, but he has always been good to me. Having said that, everyone in the world blames the righteous fathers in the name of powerful ministers, but they don't know that the most indispensable thing in this world is the villain. The righteous father has been favored by the emperor, and it is not his fault alone that he has come to this point .”

Gu Qingzhi nodded and said: "That's right, then the Wang brothers are out-and-out villains." Yue Su frowned and said, "If you don't mention them, you might as well tell me about your Brother Luo." Yihong said: "Sister Yue, you are making fun of me again." Yue Su said with a smile: "I know Mu Shaoai, it's human nature, why am I laughing at you?"

Suddenly, a sharp sound pierced the night sky not far away. The two women looked out and saw a flame rising into the sky one or two miles away from the northeast, dragging a long red shadow in the dark night.Gu Qingzhi was acquainted with each other in the Thunderbolt Hall, and knew that it was a firework signal for communication, so she thought to herself: "The setting off of red fireworks means that the situation is critical. I don't know what happened over there?" There was a rush of chaotic footsteps, and it seemed that many people were running back and forth in pursuit.

Yue Su blew out the oil lamp in the cabin, and said in a low voice: "Don't make a sound, take a look first." The two of them peeked out, and saw two women rushing towards the bank, and Gu Qingzhi recognized at a glance that they were in Jiujiang The second envoy Huaping I met.Seeing that the two girls' faces were flushed and they were gasping for breath, she thought to herself, "Ah! They are all injured. Who is chasing them?"

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