Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 118

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Zhu Yi smiled and said: "Brother Luo, since you have treated me with sincerity, I am not lying to you. Elder Mei is smart, but this time he guessed it all wrong. The next time he came to Jiangxi is not to track down the Songzhu elders. "Luo Yushu wondered: "Could it be that brother Zhu came here just for me?" Chief Zhu shook his head and said, "No, Zhu came here for Miss Yue."

Luo Yushu was startled when he heard the words, and asked: "Miss Yue?" Zhu Yi said: "Exactly. The reappearance of the Songzhu elders has shocked the hearts of the sect. Zhu Mou really intends to make a break with them, but he has not had time in the future. Deployment. A person like the second elder, how can I deal with it hastily alone?"

Luo Yushu frowned and said, "But what is your intention to get close to Wang Zhenyi's daughter?" Zhu Yi said: "About a month ago, Wang Zhen's nephew Wang Lin led a team to the chief helm of the Thunderbolt Hall in Wuchang Prefecture. Maybe you know." Luo Yushu nodded and said, "That's true. What does this have to do with Miss Yue?"

Zhu Yi said: "The Commander of the Jin Yiwei, Ma Shun, has been planning to destroy the Wuwei Palace for a long time in order to seek fame. Then Wang Lin was entrusted by Ma Shun, and originally planned to buy a batch of gunpowder from the Thunderbolt Hall to deal with the sect. Compared with Shenjiying, it is a felony to own firearms privately, so it is inconvenient for Ma Shun to speak to the government-run military bureaus, and he can't trust those crude private workshops, so he thought of Thunder Martial Hall; Persevering in refusing to sell Lei Huo Dan to Wang Lin saved the Ben sect from a catastrophe. On the surface, Miss Yue went to Nanchang under the order of Wang Zhen to thank King Ning for his legacy, but secretly there was another secret order to It is not good for our sect to rely on the masters in Prince Ning's mansion. I heard that the 'Three Eagles in Brocade' have gathered in Jiangxi at this moment, and the two sides are about to start a fight."

Jing Lanzhou thought to himself: "No wonder Wang Shan and Jian Sheng both came to Jiujiang, and they also set their sights on Huaping's second envoy. Jin Yiwei was far less skilled than Wuwei Palace, but the latter's discord and internal strife are serious. If Jin Yiwei wins It’s not that there is no chance of success with King Ning’s help. It’s just that the main force of the Wuwei Sect is searching for the Songzhu elders in Henan, and who will Jin Yiwei go to Jiangxi to deal with? Zhu Chief’s words are a bit untrue.”

Zhu Yi went on to say: "Zhu found out earlier that Miss Yue went to Nanchang in the past two days, so she waited on the road she must pass along the way, hoping to get some information from Jinyiwei from her, so that our church can take precautions early. It is best to be able to Disturbing their joint action with King Ning, Sanying alone is not a concern; as for meeting the three of them, it was a coincidence. Brother Luo's outstanding achievements in Liaodong have long been known to Zhu Mou, although Brother Jing has never been famous , Judging from his skills, he is also a first-class talent in the martial arts. I don’t know where the famous masters are from?" Jing Lanzhou said with a smile: "The trivial skills are not worth talking about, so I have to laugh at the Fang family."

Seeing that he refused to reveal his sect, Chief Zhu didn't question him any more, but said: "Just now, the two elders of Songzhu suddenly appeared by the lake. Thinking that the two of them didn't recognize Zhu Mou, they didn't panic too much. Unexpectedly, Elder Mei really had the ability to follow me all the way, but Zhu Mou didn't realize it at all until he revealed what happened back then. Knowing that the other party has already seen through my identity. It's ridiculous that Mei Qian is suspicious of a dark ghost, thinking that Zhu is here for the two elders, so I follow the trend and set up an empty plan to scare the three friends away." Jing Lanzhou laughed: "Once I was caught by a snake Bite, he has been afraid of well ropes for ten years, since he believes that brother Taiwan is all about dealing with the elders, it is inevitable that he will be suspicious. In this way, the old anecdotes that Elder Mei told about your sect are all true?"

Chief Zhu nodded and said, "That's right, there is a mixed bag of fish and dragons in this religion, and there are countless talented people from the three mountains and five mountains. Among them, there are many who are ambitious and unwilling to live under others for a long time. If others rebel and rebel, the five bosses of Junjie can suppress them, but If the five elders have their own dissent, who can control it? The old palace master thought of this, so he ordered Zhu to secretly take up the post of Qinglian Dharma Protector, and was solely responsible for monitoring the leaders of the various sects. Zhu is not incompetent, she has done a little bit of work for her after giving birth. In the past two years, Elder Mei has been wandering outside, so he was planning to deal with Zhu. If the two of you happened to be by today, I was able to cast doubts. At this moment Already died at the hands of Sui Han's three friends, you two have really done me a great favor."

Luo Yushu was silent when he heard the words, and only nodded slowly, lamenting in his heart that if the three friends hadn't been suspicious of each other, Zhu Chief's plan would not have worked; How wise, it really is true.

Zhu Yi said again: "I wish you a lot of questions. I don't know why Brother Jing and the two elders have formed a relationship?" I had some feud with Chen and Li in Henan, and it was not a big deal, just now I was afraid that there would be more troubles, so I hid in Ludang for a while."

Zhu Yi smiled slightly, obviously not convinced, and cupped his hands to the two of them: "Now that you two know Zhu's details, I have a merciless request: Zhu's trip is only to deal with Jin Yiwei's group, I hope you two can come together For the time being, cover up your identity in front of Miss Yue. Miss Yue is heroic and heroic. I was grateful to you for helping me on Lushan Mountain, and I will never do anything against her. Brother Luo is going to find a genius doctor to treat your sister's injuries. Wishing you the best of luck.”

Luo Yushu shook his head and said: "Ms. Yue is helping me sincerely. It is too unfair to her to deceive each other so deliberately." Zhu Yi said with a smile: "Brother Luo is a hero and courageous, I admire him very much. But this matter does not harm Miss Yue herself. , Brother, don’t you want to find Dr. Shi and his master as soon as possible?”

Luo Yushu felt quite embarrassed when he heard the words, he was hesitating when he suddenly saw two figures walking up the path, he took a closer look and found that they were the second envoy Huaping that Bai had met in Jiujiang.Wo Ping saw Jing Lanzhou at a glance, and said happily, "Young Master Zhou, we meet again."

The Drunken Flower Envoy stepped forward to give Luo Yushu a slap and said, "It's fortunate that Your Excellency has helped you during the day, and we were able to get out of trouble. I'm really grateful." With the sealed acupuncture points, the two girls have sharp eyesight, so they naturally know that the other party is helping each other in secret.

Seeing that the two envoys really did not recognize Zhu Chief, Luo Yushu thought to himself: "It seems that the people in the Wuwei Palace Sect really don't know about Zhu Chief's status as Venerable Qinglian." He replied: "It's a mere effort, the two priests are welcome. "Jing Lanzhou asked: "The two of you traveled all night, could it be that you can't find a place to stay in the town?" Wo Ping envoy said: "Isn't it! The inns in the town are full, we think of the Lutan in front Let's see if there is any resting place in the village."

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